Which is better - shugaring or waxing: a description of the procedures, comparison, reviews

All the women remembered the saying that beauty requires sacrifice. In pursuit of this most beautiful we go on a variety of procedures, which are sometimes quite painful. Modern girls pay more attention to hair removal. Especially this question is actual for those women who have a fairly lush vegetation on the body. In this article, we want to discuss two modern methods of removing superfluous hair, and figure out what's better: shugaring or waxing. To do this, you need to understand how to perform these procedures, and a result is given.

What shugaring?

If a waxing heard many, the equipment shugaring - it is relatively new in the cosmetic market. To be fair, the method itself has been known for a very long time. To us it came from the East. There's a woman for a long time used the method to remove unwanted hair. The people shugaring technique is also called "Persian epilation."

Which is better - shugaring or waxing: a description of the procedures, comparison, reviews

European Estheticians given this name is no accident procedure. It comes from the English word sugar, which translates as "sugar". shugaring technique is based on the use of sugar paste, with which the removed hairs.

How to shugaring?

Sense straightforward procedure is that the epilation is performed using a specially brewed very thick syrup. In its form of heat applied to the skin, and then the resultant film tear together with hairs. The principle itself is incredibly similar to waxing. But each of these methods has its advantages. To understand what is better - shugaring or waxing - you need to know about all the nuances of these procedures.

What are the components cooked pasta for the procedure?

Before you experience the new procedure, you must know all about it, because even the most harmless cosmetic intervention can have their contraindications. How do shugaring?

Which is better - shugaring or waxing: a description of the procedures, comparison, reviews

For the procedure using sugar paste composed exclusively of natural ingredients. This point is very important for those who are prone to allergies. The main advantage of shugaring is more gentle on the skin. The paste is prepared for the procedure on the basis of sugar, water and lemon juice. In the salons often to this mixture was added various essential oils.

Applying for hair removal solution

It is difficult to answer the question that worries many women: "What is better - shugaring or waxing?" After all, every cosmetic procedure has its supporters and opponents.

In general effect of wax and the paste is approximately equal. The result of both procedures is the removal of hair from the root. Yet there are differences between them. For hair removal method shugaring use warm sugar mass, which is applied to the body. The solution is room temperature never leave on your body no burns.

What hurt more - shugaring or waxing? Here the answer is clear, "Sugar" method is much more delicate. This is due to the fact that after curing paste tear off in the direction of hair growth. When using wax for hair removal it is removed against the direction of hair growth. Therefore, the wax method may be mentioned more painful.

If you have a negative attitude to pain during the procedures, you should prefer shugaring. In addition, it is necessary to understand that the sugar paste is very delicate effect on the skin. When tearing off the film removed only dead skin layers. Wax also has the ability to more closely adhere to the tissues, so inexperienced master and can damage living cells. Hence the pain in time and after the procedure.

The main advantages shugaring

To understand what to choose - or shugaring waxing, let's single out the main advantages of "sugar" method.

Which is better - shugaring or waxing: a description of the procedures, comparison, reviews

Among the advantages of the method:

  1. naturally. Sugar paste is prepared exclusively from natural ingredients, which means that it is absolutely safe. It consists entirely absent chemistry, which is important for allergy sufferers.
  2. The procedure is painless. Shugaring - a very gentle method of exposure. When using sugar paste is no pain. Of course, there is some discomfort when ripping the masses, but it is so insignificant that we can recommend this type of hair removal for people with high sensitivity threshold. Even in the bikini area sugar solution affects very sensitively.
  3. After shugaring virtually eliminated the process of occurrence of ingrown hairs. This is due to the fact that the paste is applied against the direction of hair growth, and tear - for growth. Because of this the hairs are removed by the roots and will not grow.
  4. After shugaring skin remains smooth for about a month.
  5. Sugar mass gently on the skin, without leaving burns and injuries.
  6. Shugaring - inexpensive procedure that can afford to every woman. Especially because a lot of you can prepare yourself at home. For this issue we will return later in this article.

shugaring Disadvantages

Discussing the question of what is better - shugaring or waxing, it is worth remembering and about shortcomings "sugar" method. In general, it has only advantages. A minus is only that at home first sugar mass can not be obtained, but with the experience of the process of its preparation will no longer cause difficulties. In addition, shugaring takes longer than waxing. In this case, it does not matter, you do it at home or in the salon.


What is different from shugaring waxing? Differences between the two methods are many. To see them, let us consider in more detail the procedure to using wax.

Which is better - shugaring or waxing: a description of the procedures, comparison, reviews

It should be noted that waxing until recently was the most popular method of getting rid of hair. But with the advent shugaring situation has changed dramatically.

For waxing use, as you know, the wax. It is applied in the direction of growth of hairs. On top of it impose a strong paper or a piece of cloth and tightly pressed against the body. The further procedure depends on the experience and qualifications of the master, because you need to rapidly and correctly to tear the fabric of the surface of the skin, and it is done against the hair growth. That is why the procedure is very painful, especially in the underarms and bikini area. remnants of wax is removed with the help of special tools. As you can see, the procedure is not the most pleasant.

Which is better - shugaring or waxing: a description of the procedures, comparison, reviews

In addition, there is a caveat. hair length for waxing must be at least four to five millimeters. Only under this condition, the procedure will be effective. Then the hair after waxing will only appear in a few weeks. About the duration of effect after the removal of any kind of hairy areas difficult to say. The fact that different people's hair grows at different rates, which means that someone they appear quickly after the procedure, and someone - later. On average, the effect of the wax is held from 14 to 42 days.

The disadvantages of waxing

Summarizing the above results, we can identify the main disadvantages of the method:

  1. The wax contains many synthetic ingredients that can cause allergic reactions.
  2. procedure is quite traumatic. Of course, much depends on the level of professional skill.
  3. Waxing - a painful process.
  4. When applying hot wax on the body can remain burns.
  5. Completely remove wax residues from the body is possible only with the help of special tools.
  6. When waxing high risk of ingrown hairs.

The benefits of using wax

Despite the impressive list of the disadvantages of the method, there are advantages of using it:

  1. Wax quickly and efficiently removes hair.
  2. lasting effect.
  3. correctly carried out the procedure makes the skin smooth and silky, as wax removes dead skin particles.

Contraindications wax

It would seem that may be harmless cosmetic procedures? But even for their use has limitations. For example, waxing is contraindicated in the following cases:

Which is better - shugaring or waxing: a description of the procedures, comparison, reviews
  1. If a person is taking drugs, where there is Retin A or tetracycline.
  2. The presence of scars, age less than three years.
  3. After all peeling procedures.
  4. When the disease diabetes.
  5. When thrombophlebitis.
  6. When varicose veins.
  7. If you have a fungal, viral or bacterial infection.
  8. The lack of sensitivity on the site of hair removal.
  9. In the presence of skin lesions, or other damage.
  10. During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  11. If you have an allergy.

All of these contraindications always warn dermatologists, faced with the problems after the procedure. Unfortunately, in the salons of the wizard, as a rule, do not specify such nuances with its customers.

Similarities methods

Earlier, we'll discuss the difference between shugaring from waxing. But it is worth mentioning that both methods are the similarities:

  1. None of them does not remove all the vegetation, so after a while you need to repeat the procedure.
  2. In both cases, the hair must be a certain length, so that they can adhere well to the wax or paste.
  3. sugar mass and wax it is possible to use at home.
  4. With proper and regular hair removal hair thinning and thinning.
  5. The speed of removal.
  6. The effect is immediate and lasts for up to three weeks.

treatments Price

Preparation of sugar paste costs salons in mere penny. But the cost of wax - considerable. But while there is such a trend: the price shugaring in beauty salons slightly higher than waxing. Apparently the cost affects the fact that "sugar" procedure takes more time than wax.

Reviews Shugaring and waxing

Summing up the results of the conversation, I want to draw attention to the reviews about Shugaring and waxing. Before the advent of the new procedure, many women gave preference to the wax. But with the arrival of our lives shugaring most beautiful women to choose this method, which is largely due to the lower minor injuries and pain. Many salons clients it attracts a natural part of the sugar mass, because now people are prone to allergic reactions.

Which is better - shugaring or waxing: a description of the procedures, comparison, reviews

Women are very pleased Shugaring, despite the fact that the hair after it grow a little faster than after the wax. And therefore give preference to "sugar" procedure.


Experts say that if any means of hair removal is very important to properly care for your skin not only before the procedure, but also after. Before epilating, you must thoroughly clean the desired area of ​​the body of impurities and makeup. The ideal option - a shower. After water procedures must be carefully wipe the skin and sprinkle it with talcum powder to remove unwanted moisture.

If you carry bad hair removal due to pain, it is worth an hour prior to the procedure applied to the skin anesthetic. This can be lidocaine or cream "Emla".

After hair removal wax residues are removed with special solutions. But the sugar paste is easily washed off with water, so this method is well-suited for home use. The treated area of ​​skin by dermatologists recommend lubricate the disinfecting agents. After that it is possible to apply a natural cream (better to use a soothing).

A few days after hair removal can be treated with skin soft scrub. In the future, the procedure should be repeated once a week, to certainly avoid occurrence of ingrown hairs.

Shugaring at home

Shugaring women are actively used in the home. To do this, you need to know how to cook sugar paste. The process was simple, if the first time you will not work, then eventually you will cope with the task.

For sugar mass we need: half a lemon, a tablespoon of plain water and ten tablespoons of sugar (canteens). The dishes need to mix all the ingredients, including freshly squeezed lemon juice, and send pan on low heat. stirring constantly, bring the syrup to boil. sugar will soon become transparent, and will start to appear air bubbles. Very quickly, the mass will take a golden brown color and will be the characteristic smell of caramel. The syrup should be boiled for another ten minutes, then remove from heat and leave to cool. As soon as the mass becomes slightly warm, you need to take a piece in his hand and roll into a ball. If you have this turned out, the sugar paste is cooked properly. You can begin to hair removal.

Instead of an epilogue

Hard to say what effectively - shugaring or waxing. Each of these methods has its supporters and opponents. Of course, high demand "Sweet" procedure. But every woman should choose the most effective method, because we are all unique.