Unusual trees by evolution

• Unusual trees by the evolution of

Nature adapt himself to adapt to the changing conditions around. Trees - is no exception. For hundreds of millions of years of evolution, some of went downhill in a completely unexpected development paths. Some were larger, while others prefer to grow for thousands of years. However, there were instances that refuse to change hundreds of millions of years they have survived even dinosaurs.

The prison tree

In fact, it's just a huge baobab tree that grows in the village of Derby in Western Australia. The diameter of the stem of this unusual baobab as much as 14 meters in the beginning of XX century the local police in the hollowed trunk of the camera, which contained the criminals.

Unusual trees by evolution

Dracaena Cinnabari

An old Indian legend says that once lived on the island of Socotra dragon, elephant drank blood. One big and strong bellwether defeated the dragon, from which all the blood poured out - at this point and grew strange trees, nicknamed dratsenu. Dratsenu found only on Socotra, nowhere else shoots for some reason do not take root.

Unusual trees by evolution


In the tropics, this plant is cultivated as a family myrtle fruitful. Jabuticaba fruits grow directly on the trunk! It's funny that in Brazil, local craftsmen made from fruits jabuticaba very good red wine.

Unusual trees by evolution

Pennales Bayliss

Otago University Professor Jeff Bailey found the sole representative of this species caught in Ginnecsa Book of Records as the most rare plant in the world. Pennales Bayliss grows in New Zealand and is under police protection.

Unusual trees by evolution

Agathis australis

This kind of tree has seen (and survived!) Dinosaur. Paleontologists believe that Agatis first appeared another 150 million years ago. Evergreen tree typically grows to 50 meters in height.

Unusual trees by evolution

Crooked Forest

Perhaps one of the most unusual in the world's forests is growing Polish town Gryfeno. Pines somehow bent toward the north, and then again begin to grow straight. Why is it no one understands.

Unusual trees by evolution

Rainbow Eucalyptus

This species has a unique multi-colored bark. Meet the rainbow eucalyptus is possible only in the Northern Hemisphere. The height of the tree up to 75 m and trunk diameter - 2, 5 meters. Interestingly, the coloring tree bark constantly changing with age.

Unusual trees by evolution

Oak Chapel

Old oak in the whole of France in 1932 was granted the status of historical monument. In the XV century, a huge hollow of this oak monks adapted the chapel and chapel.

Unusual trees by evolution

Crete Olive Tree

The oldest olive tree in the world bears fruit today. For four thousand years, it has remained virtually unchanged and is now the subject of attention of scientists of the University of Crete.

Unusual trees by evolution

Angel Oak

This is a very unusual oak grows in the territory of a small national park in South Carolina, USA. Twenty meters high, three meters in trunk and crown area of ​​160 square meters! Age Angel Oak - one and a half thousand years.

Unusual trees by evolution