What we did not know about trees

• What do not we know about trees

Today we have a reason to think about trees. Do you think it's boring? Soon you will change your mind.

At Columbia University created the synthetic tree that absorbs carbon dioxide is 1,000 times more effective than the living.

What we did not know about trees

In California grows the oldest trees in the world. Some of them more than 5000 years!

What we did not know about trees

So that people do not damage the oldest trees in the world, their whereabouts secret.

What we did not know about trees

Leonardo da Vinci the first to notice that the thickness of the tree trunk is equal to the thickness of its branches. Modern science is trying to understand why this is so (in most cases).

What we did not know about trees

In the 1930s, the Nazis have planted trees in the shape of a swastika. I found it only in 1992 during the aerial photography. The swastika is forbidden in Germany, so residents quickly cut down plantations.

What we did not know about trees

The people have cut down nearly 96% redwood trees, which are among the oldest and tallest trees on Earth.

What we did not know about trees

Any tree is 99% consists of non-living tissue. The remaining 1% live cells - a leaf, root tips and the thin layer called phloem, located beneath the bark and delivering power from the leaves to the roots.

What we did not know about trees

Venice is built on wooden stilts, the oldest of which more than 1000 years. Immersed in water piles not rotted, and vice versa, soaked minerals from sea water and petrified.

What we did not know about trees

In Indonesia, in the area of ​​Tana Toraja, dead baby residents are placed in a hollow carved in a tree trunk. Over time, the body is enveloped in a tree, leaving the inside of the barrel.

What we did not know about trees

The tree called gur covered with poisonous spines and can throw off a few hundred meters!

What we did not know about trees

While serving in the army American actor Mr. T as a punishment was ordered to cut down the trees. After 4 hours when the surprised officers asked him to stop, he managed to cut more than 70 trees. In 1987 the same Mr. T has angered his neighbors, killing more than 100 trees on his plot in the town of Lake Forest. This episode became known as "Chainsaw Massacre in Lake Forest."

What we did not know about trees

"hotel on a tree" - is a hotel in Sweden, the numbers of which are located just where you thought - on the trees!

What we did not know about trees

In 1980, China passed a law under which every citizen over 11 years old is obliged each year to plant at least three trees.

What we did not know about trees

Justin Timberlake once hired a company to calculate the amount of carbon dioxide emitted at his concerts, and since then plants trees where performed.

What we did not know about trees

In Georgia, there is a tree that belongs to himself. In the 1800s his boss, Professor Jackson has transferred the ownership of the tree itself, as well as land within a radius of 2, 5 meters from the trunk.

What we did not know about trees

The tree named The Senator was the fifth of the oldest trees on Earth, its age, there are about 3,500 years old. Once methamphetamine addict climbed inside and burned it to the ground.

What we did not know about trees

In Pennsylvania, there is a natural burial Penn Forest Park. This "green cemetery" looks like a park - no fences, no monuments, only the grass and trees.

What we did not know about trees

In 1976, North Korean soldiers killed two US soldiers, minced tree in the demilitarized zone. US and South Korea in response to sent more than 800 people, 30 helicopters and a nuclear bomber. A tree smashed to pieces.

What we did not know about trees

In Hawaii grow eucalyptus trees, the bark of which all colors of the rainbow!

What we did not know about trees

Growing in Florida tree mantsinella often considered the most dangerous tree in the world. Its fruit is deadly poisonous, and if you stand under this tree in the rain, you can get terrible blisters.

What we did not know about trees

On the orange miniature bonsai trees grow oranges!

What we did not know about trees