Beautiful blooming magnolia Crimean

• Excellent flowering magnolia Crimean

No, of course this is not a magnolia 100 years, but the first time the seedlings magnolia flowers Loebner appeared exactly one hundred years ago, in 1917. And did this miracle German Max Loebner in Dresden, in the early twentieth century, crossing two types of Japanese magnolia ...

Beautiful blooming magnolia Crimean

And he folded his two magnolia - Kobus and captive star. But by the time the 17th year the seedlings bloomed the first flowers, Max Loebner has lived in the United States and a plant named after him botanist Paul Cage.

Beautiful blooming magnolia Crimean

Magnolia Loebner received nothing but the best from their parents - from Magnolia stellata she got flowers multilobal captive star shape, and by Kobus magnolia - resistance to drought and frost, and flavor. Flavor, I'll tell you, stunning! Employees of the Nikitsky botanical name this magnolia "refined aristocrat."

Beautiful blooming magnolia Crimean

By the way, it is still there in bloom! So I recommend a weekend to spend in the garden. Especially since there now begins the parade of tulips.

Beautiful blooming magnolia Crimean

Total in nature, there are 240 different species of magnolia.

Beautiful blooming magnolia Crimean

In the beauty of the leaves, flowers and fruits of magnolia originality are highly ornamental trees and shrubs used singly, in groups and alleys.

Beautiful blooming magnolia Crimean

Because of the location of the main range of magnolias in the tropical and subtropical zones, and also because of the beauty of foliage and flowers, these plants are often used in works of art as symbols, recognizable attributes of the southern countries. Very often the magnolia as a symbol of the warm south can be found in Russian culture, because in the largest Russian cities of Sochi and Yalta magnolia is the basis of the exotic park of vegetation.

Beautiful blooming magnolia Crimean

In general, Magnolia - a poisonous plant. It can cause discomfort such as dizziness, nausea, headache, fatigue.

Beautiful blooming magnolia Crimean

But our magnolia Lebnera -. Tree with a rounded crown, reaching a height of 9 m the autumn it painted in yellow-brown color.

Beautiful blooming magnolia Crimean Beautiful blooming magnolia Crimean Beautiful blooming magnolia Crimean Beautiful blooming magnolia Crimean Beautiful blooming magnolia Crimean Beautiful blooming magnolia Crimean