Grasping for basal volume: customer reviews

Every woman wants to be the owner of the thick and voluminous hair. However, not all nature has bestowed such wealth. It is therefore necessary to resort to various methods of creating hairstyles of your dreams. In this article you will learn what a forceps-ribbed for basal volume and how to use them properly. A real user reviews will help you not to be mistaken with a choice of models.

What is curling basal volume?

Curling-ribbed familiar to many since the 90s, when the lush hairstyles were popular among fashionistas. But over time, this device became forgotten as standards of beauty have changed in favor of a natural appearance. But modern stylists came up with a very interesting use of forceps, offering special technology add extra volume to hair. In this case, you can create a unique hairstyle, even at home.

Grasping for basal volume: customer reviews

The distinctive feature of curling, corrugation is the shape of its plates. They are made on the type of wave that allows to give curls unusual appearance. Thus it is possible to regulate the volume and corrugation length by replacement of nozzles.

a new generation of tongs are equipped with special ceramic plates. As shown by numerous studies, ceramics is not so much injure the hair, such as metal. That is why the world's manufacturers of pliers laying switched to this natural material and gentle.

The benefits of the additional volume with the curling-ripple

The installation with the help of forceps with the special plate has a number of advantages that should be noted:

  • visual volume, which can even be set up on thin and sparse hair;
  • stowage resistant until the next wash;
  • an opportunity to correct facial imperfections using the volume in different parts of the head;
  • the simplicity and accessibility of the procedure, even in the home;
  • In addition to creating the volume, you can completely treat hair curling, corrugation, which give the image of an extravagant and bold look.
Grasping for basal volume: customer reviews

The disadvantages of using curling irons, ripple

According to some users, this method of laying, there are some disadvantages:

  • painstaking procedure (the whole head may need from 20 to 40 minutes), the tongs require a certain volume of basal skill in use;
  • the need for additional styling products (mousses, sprays, lacquers resistant);
  • thermal hair treatment, which greatly injures the structure.

This last point suggests that it is not recommended to use pliers for basal volume regularly. Otherwise, the hair become dry and brittle. Therefore, such a stacking is suitable only for special occasions. Nevertheless, curling basal volume, which reviews are extremely positive, can transform the appearance of any woman. The main thing - to learn to use them correctly.

Grasping for basal volume: customer reviews

How to style your hair using a curling iron?

In order to give your hair extra volume using the forceps-ribbed, you must do the following:

  • to wash your hair with shampoo and use your favorite hair conditioner that will help protect your hair from excessive heat exposure;
  • dry head hair dryer or natural way;
  • heat-corrugation forceps for basal volume to a maximum temperature;
  • to divide the strand into equal parts and secure with bobby pins;
  • to place a lock between the plates and lock pliers for 10-15 seconds (long-term exposure is not recommended, as it can severely injure the hair);
  • to repeat the procedure with the remaining strands and fix the result resistant varnish or spray; if you want to process in this way all the locks.
Grasping for basal volume: customer reviews

Tongs ripple for basal volume: real user reviews

Judge the effectiveness of this procedure exclusively on responses of women. Grasping for basal volume of hair is really capable to change the hairstyle. As noted by users, high-quality instrument, not only does not harm the hair, but also gives them an extra shine. Most women give their preference to firms such as Philips and Rowenta. These manufacturers use ceramic plates that have very gentle on hair effects. While metal curling strongly injure structure curls. Grasping for basal volume, which reviews prove their effectiveness, really are an indispensable tool for home use. After all, they can be used to allocate the individual strands, giving the image of uniqueness and mystique. You do not need to spend money on a trip to the beauty salon.

Grasping for basal volume: customer reviews

How else can give your hair extra volume?

If your hair is severely traumatized and curling basal volume do not suit you, you can use other means, for example, to make bouffant. Such stacking women for hundreds of years used to their hair appear more dense and lush. In this case, simply sprinkle lacquer head - and hairstyle will last all day.

Additionally, give volume by using a conventional dryer. When drying the hair after washing it enough to lower his head down, direct the air flow directly to the roots. You'd be surprised how to transform your hairstyle. However, this result does not hold on the hair all day, so also need to use additional styling products.