Ripple - curling iron to create unique hairstyles. Pros and cons of the device

Thick and voluminous hair - the dream of every woman. Unfortunately, not all nature has endowed a lush and obedient hair, so the rescue of the girls always comes ripple - curling irons, with which you can make curls curvy shapes and natural appearance.


Curling-ribbed for basal volume received by the people funny nickname is often called its "waffle iron". All because of a similar technology "cooking": the strands are placed inside the unit and tightly clamped, like dough for confectionery products. The result is a beautiful wavy hair, from which you can build a variety of unique hairstyles. Special nozzles included in the kit will be your helpers to create shapes on the hair, flowers and butterflies: the impression that the drawings "knocked" on the strands. In addition, you can make all the hair wavy or to the individual strands, making them exclusive and unusual for a total head of hair.

Ripple - curling iron to create unique hairstyles. Pros and cons of the device

Curling ripple volume was very popular in the 90s of the last century. However, then the ladies went to the salon to the master, to build a hairstyle for a holiday or everyday day. Today it is possible to cope on their own. This will require very curling, cap it, as well as styling agents having thermal protection properties.

How to make laying?

This assignment is simple enough, the main thing to buy in your local store ripple. Curling will be your helper, substitute master in the barber shop. The first thing you have to remember that before the creation of hairstyles hair should be washed and dried thoroughly. After necessarily their comb. And only having made the above procedures, you can safely proceed to the creation of a masterpiece:

  • Divide the locks on the usual parting.
  • Separate the upper locks and handle their thermal protector spray.
  • The strands are alternately placed between the plates of the device, acting on every 15-20 seconds.
  • Starting from the roots, gradually moving towards the end of the curl.
Ripple - curling iron to create unique hairstyles. Pros and cons of the device

If you want to make your hair voluminous only at the roots, do not use the entire length of the corrugation: curling fine will raise only the top part of the hair. By the way, it has several temperature modes for different types of hair: 120º - for curly and hard, 180º - for thin and weak. After the end of hair styling should be to bring down the hands and fix the paint form.


Despite all the positive side, the unit has significant drawbacks. Curling-ribbed Radical is not recommended for frequent use for women with damaged and dry hair. Even healthy hair after a month of daily use it can turn into a lifeless loofah. Because if no device you do not represent their existence, do not forget to regularly use a hydrating mask to help protect hair from the adverse effects of the device.

Ripple - curling iron to create unique hairstyles. Pros and cons of the device

In addition, the negative impact on the condition of hair affects the material from which made the corrugation (curling). Be sure you purchase this fact special attention: an ideal option is to choose a device with ceramic plates, having an effect of ionization - it makes the temperature more gentle impact. If you need to make your hair voluminous only at the roots, buy pliers with narrow sides: it will speed up the process of laying and bring the desired result.


In most cases, they are positive. Women who can not boast a beautiful lush head of hair, say that curling, corrugation for basal volume is actually saved them. After a morning marafeta locks hold the desired shape throughout the day. But, despite this, some users were dissatisfied with: girl with a sad experience, it is advised to throw the device into the trash. Like, thanks to him, they turned their shining locks in dull and unruly straw.

Ripple - curling iron to create unique hairstyles. Pros and cons of the device

As professionals, they are also advised not to get involved in curling. Once a week - that a compromise that will protect you from the acquisition tow and at the same time will make a beauty, when you go to visit on weekends or celebrate another birthday. In addition, the master, in addition to masks, conditioners and rinses, advise women to regularly use hair cream, special medicated lotions, as well as visit the salon once a quarter with the aim of passing curls recovery procedures. In this case, to refuse the use of curling irons, you will not have ripple.