And you know why women and men button on clothes from different sides?

• Did you know why women and men button on clothes from different sides?

And you know why women and men button on clothes from different sides?

Many pieces of clothing emerged a century or even thousands of years ago, when the whole way of life and customs were quite different than they are now. This also applies to buttons and their location on the clothes. The very first accessories that resemble modern buttons have been found by archaeologists in the valley of the Indus River. Their age is 4, 5-5 thousand years.

Scientists theorize that the first button is not used for fastening clothes, and there were something like amulets against evil spirits. In Russia, buttons, charms have been popular for a long time. Only XIIIveke Germans realized that with these simple clothes gizmos can be more convenient, and its cut - perfect. Then some buttons, buckles, and have been used in many countries around the world.

buttons as a talisman and a symbol of wealth

The buttons for a long time were a luxury item. And their very production was quite expensive, and the materials used in this process is expensive. For nobility buttons made of horn, ivory, gold and silver, pearls, precious stones. The number and sophistication of buttons on a suit eloquently pointed to the wealth and position in society of their owner.

Coats of noble cavaliers and ladies dresses of high society are almost always kept this important accessory. commoners suits long time only supplied all sorts of strings; in the best case - a very simple, wooden buttons.

The difference between clothes ladies and gentlemen

The difference lies not only in the richness and intricacy of clothing, but also in the way of putting it. The ladies of high society has always clothed maid. It began in the era of corsets that are needed to tighten on the back of a woman that could be done only servants. The lady herself was absolutely helpless when it came to putting on a corset and dress.

This tradition until use buttons as fasteners. When the dresses were aristocratic buttons, they quite naturally began to sew on the left side only. So the maid, standing in front of his mistress was convenient to fasten her clothes. On the men's robes, buttons sewn on the right, because even the noble Lady jackets buttoned on itself and generally dress themselves.

Since most people in the world still right-handed (about 85%), and the way to use the buttons "customized" to their needs. Described customs existed for so long that gradually turned into a stable tradition. Until now, the buttons on women's clothes are sewn on the left and on the male - on the right.