Men's fashion of the 19th century. trends

Introduction to

Men's fashion of the 19th century. trends

The nineteenth century in Russia's history has been marked by the development of science, industry and culture. The Company does not stand still. People want to change the world and change themselves. Fashion of the 19th century could not be better demonstrates this fact. If style perception to classify a given period, it is possible to divide them so: Empire (up to 1825) and European suit (up to 1850 YG). Other changes have not been so significant in vogue until the end of the century. Russian dandy does not lag behind the Western brothers. They dressed in the fashion capitals, bought expensive fabrics and suits ordered in accordance with all the trends and trends. Popularity enjoyed materials such as cambric, taffeta, crepe, muslin, percale, muslin etc.

Pattern style of the 19th century

The external appearance of becoming a deliberately simple, but by no means poor. Women's dresses and men's suits have become more versatile and convenient. Fashion of the 19th century was designed to ensure that high society look expensive and stylish. Basically, all the fashion trends dictated by London and Vienna. Legislator style of the late 19th century was Edward VI (King of England). Outfits made on Austrian factories and exported around the world. Afford to buy a suit from Europe could only very rich people. Fashion-industry in Russia

Men's fashion of the 19th century. trends

Men's fashion of the 19th century in Russia is entirely dependent on Europe. In Russia, there was no qualified designers. All tailors were taught skills in European capitals, received certificates of completion of courses in the academies. In our country, it was possible to sew clothes for foreign craftsmen. A variety of coats, coats, tuxedos and small mods were Russian provinces. Men's fashion is no different variety, it was rather monotonous and adhered to the classical canons.

The colors and accents

Fashion of the 19th century became the basis for the creation of new images of the twentieth century. Men chose for himself suits in dark colors (black, Marengo, blue, brown, dark gray). The texture was preferably smooth. There were no decorations and prints. The exception is the vertical strip, and in some cases the cell.

The effect of the suit on the life of men

Men's fashion of the 19th century. trends

Even in the nineteenth century, educated and powerful young man had to establish itself in the community with the best hand, not only showing off their wealth, but a good taste. The first magazines that published the fashion of the 19th century, published in Poland. You could see all the latest trends, looking at that, boys and young men of high society could form their own style. The male costume of that time was quite unified. In fashion magazines talks about what should be the way, how many of buttons allowed on a coat, how to pick up shoes and so on. Some of the tips are not lost its relevance to this day. Fashion of the 19th century in Russia had an impact not only on the rich strata of society, but on the average. Merchants and traders sought to bring cheaper clothes from the East, made from synthetic materials, such a style of the originals. Just as now, a fake while it was difficult to distinguish from the original.