Beautiful lips can have any girl

Think Angelina Jolie and her beautiful lips. But the fame it has achieved thanks to them.

Beautiful lips can have any girl

Now many girls pester offices of plastic surgeons in the hope of achieving the same effect as that of the famous actress. What attracts so this part of the face?

The ideal proportion of

Every era and every time, always had his own ideas and latest trends in the beauty that influenced the appearance of your own unique image.

Beautiful lips can have any girl

As of today, winning the physical perfection, beauty organic. Even Leonardo da Vinci said: "In a perfectly functioning beauty of a woman is reduced by too fanciful decorations." Today, it can be interpreted as a kind of allusion to the various proposals expensive plastic surgery, when the girls to blindly follow fashion, creating the identical itself as a template, beautiful big lips. Only need to think about, perhaps the words of another great man - "if you want to achieve a good effect, then do it all himself."

If you follow today's standards, the mouth about half must be wider than the nose.

Why does everyone want to increase the lips?

This theme is quite popular among today's youth. This is due to the fact that, according to Freudian theory, at the mouth of the face are the epitome of the labia, and hence their freshness, fullness, the brightness of the opposite sex instinctively recognize our sexuality. Make the most beautiful lips for himself - so to stand out among the other women, to be more attractive and visible in the eyes of men. By the way, this is the confirmation that many studies have shown that in the first place not to pay attention to men's eyes when they look at a woman's face, and on her lips. That is, first the mouth, and then everything else.

The increase in surgically

If you ask a plastic surgeon about what lips often asked to create the client, it will not hesitate to tell you that the most common "model" is Angelina Jolie. It is by today's standards beautiful lips, a photo which often bring surgeons. Incidentally, Jolie is not the first year remains in the top ten of the sexiest actresses of today.

Beautiful lips can have any girl

From her man is just crazy. How to be a woman whom nature has not bestowed such charms, but she also wants to attract men and be a little similar to the famed actress? This woman makes a costly operation Botox. But men are not stupid - not everyone is impressed by the fact that they are being deceived. Indeed, many recognize Botox considering such fashion victims a sexual object, not more. And most importantly - the slightest blot surgeon at the sensitive area is particularly noticeable, and there is no way to hide it. Even the "quality made" lip is usually stretched, the upper lip above the lower stands and swell from collagen corners. And sensitive skin simply can not take the drug, and this can lead to irreversible problems.

Exercises for the lips

If you are wondering about how to make yourself beautiful lips, the answer is simple - Practice.

1. Whistle.

This exercise is a warm-up for the oral muscles, sort of a warm-up before the main training. You can just 5 minutes to whistle any tune, the melody can change daily.

Beautiful lips can have any girl

2 shows tongue.

Open your mouth and pull the tongue as much as possible (5-10 seconds), almost the entire length. This exercise should be repeated at least 15 times.

3. Dandelions.

Inflate cheeks, imagine that you have to blow on a dandelion, begins to blow, but the lips should be relaxed at the same time. Repeat the exercise at least 5 times.

4. Fish.

Fold the sponge as the goldfish from the cartoon, and then pull them into a smile. I need to repeat 15 times.

5. The Bourne wolf.

Begin for 5 minutes howl like a wolf. Speak slowly the word "avuuuu" and "vuuuuu" pulling at the same time every letter.

Lip Massage

- Massage with scrub.

With the help of massage lip can get rid of dead skin areas, when such procedures lip gloss begins to better go to bed, beautiful lips will be seen in a mirror in a month. The recipe is absolutely simple - just mix the honey and sugar and daily at bedtime tooth brush Masire lips.

- Massage toothbrush.

Perhaps the most common type of massage. You will need a toothbrush, always soft, that would not injured the delicate skin of the lips. The brush must be wet, massage to make a circular motion.

- The use of ice cubes.

To do this, put a thin cloth ice cubes and start to drive on the lips. It starts the flow of blood from which improves circulation. His lips a little, increase in volume.

- Menthol wraps. We need to apply essential menthol oil on a cotton swab, attaching 5-10 minutes to his lips.

It is very important after all of these procedures use a gentle balm or eye cream.


Do saturated colors are much richer. Apply lipstick, blotting her. Then apply the lipstick again.

Moisten lips when the sense that lipstick dry, the shine apply a layer or balsam.

Beautiful lips can have any girl

If it is very dark lipstick, make it lighter. For this blot lipstick, and then to apply a lighter shade as the upper layer; can be applied wet and a layer of gloss or lip balm, lipstick will then look natural and moist. You can also use a bit of tone, mixing it with lip gloss, it will make a shade lighter.

Prepare for the application of lipstick - soften lips. For you to have soft, beautiful lips (photo shown) in the morning, at night, apply liberally lip balm, right before bedtime.