Is everything OK with your vagina

Almost every girl knows in detail what is the male member, even if you have never met him, but did not really understand what it looks like a normal woman's vagina. What size should be small labia? Why intimate zone is not the same color as the skin on other parts of the body? As the time to understand that you are not all right, and not to wait for clear signs of any unpleasant sexual infection?

I advise you to sit and how to examine your vagina and all that is attached to it. The basic structure of the female sexual organ we have studied biology, but with regard to your specific appearance - everything is very individual. If you do not know your body, you will not notice that something has gone wrong. That is what features in the structure of his penis should pay attention.

The size of the labia

Is everything OK with your vagina

The first thing that offers the look of your gynecologist, - large labia. Their task is to protect the more sensitive parts of the body, which are located at the entrance to the vagina.

Between them there are small labia - two folds of mucous membrane. They have a lot of sebaceous glands, blood vessels, nerve endings, so this part of the body - a full member of your excitement.

According to the International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the study from 2005, the length of the female labia majora varies from 7 to 12 centimeters, and small - from 2 to 10 centimeters. When excited labia swell and increase in volume. Many girls are complex because of the fact that their labia are not willing to live up to its title and extend beyond the labia majora. Gynecologists claim that the vulva every woman is unique, and you should not suffer because of non-compliance standards.

If it's a hyper-volume or length, which bring serious discomfort, possible plastic labia minora or Labiaplasty. Experts recommend apply to such extreme measures only in special cases, as the procedure is painful and cause a lot of discomfort.

More good news - the size of the labia says nothing about the quantity, quality, age and other characteristics of sexual partners, and your past experience as a whole. Vulva - this is not the passport of the vehicle, and no information about the previous user does not contain.

The shape and color of

Is everything OK with your vagina

As my mom, my crooked braiding pigtails in school: "Absolute symmetry not found in nature." In our body, all differently - chest, legs, facial features. Labia also take a form of what they want. They are asymmetrical around the edges and may even have different sensitivities to the right and left sides.

color of the skin in the intimate area is usually different from other parts of the body. In fair-skinned women it may be brown or purple hue, at the swarthy opposite - lighter. Do not be surprised if the different parts of your body have their own color - labia, usually darker than the perineum. When excited, they may blush at the expense of blood flow, although it is unlikely at this moment you care about the color. If the labia redden and itch in his free time sex - maybe it's in the wrong clothes or linen close.


As you already understood, the labia are almost as unique as a fingerprint. To the touch, they can be different: smooth or rough around the edges. All this is also within the normal range, we need only worry about new moles or cysts, in which case it is better to consult a doctor.

In texture labia are similar to the skin inside of the cheek. They are constantly lubricated to protect the vagina from the harmful effects.

The smell of

Is everything OK with your vagina

The smell in the intimate zone varies depending on the cycle. He says that your "good" bacteria are functioning normally. During sex or sport odor may be more pronounced, but too harsh or unpleasant, he should not be.

There is a version that the foods we eat affect the taste and odor emissions. This belief is widespread in relation to the male sperm, but it is worth noting that it is true for female secretions. They say that the fruits can give a sweet flavor or aroma, and cabbage or other green vegetables - bitter. However, this information does not relate to health, just take note, in case your guy gourmet.

No strong odor and should not be, if with your body and hygiene, all right. It is enough to wash the vulva daily with warm water and in any case do not try to wash inside the vagina, or can disrupt the natural pH. Vagina has a wonderful feature of self-cleaning, so be calm - it's pretty clean. It displays all of the unwanted bacteria by isolating and additional services are not needed.

Age-related changes

Since the labia are made of leather, and with age it tends to change, do not add years to your genitals charms.

Obsessed with the pursuit of eternal youth, women resort to plastic surgery to tighten mercilessly aging vulva. It is worth noting that the practical function, this procedure can not be held, - the sensitivity of the clitoris and the labia over the years may decline slightly, but this will not help you, no surgery. Although, if you decide to star on the cover of Playboy in honor of the 50th anniversary, Labiaplasty is not superfluous.