Deodorant for feet: an overview, features and selection recommendations

feet hyperhidrosis - a serious problem, not overlooking the women or men. Unfortunately, the number suffering from excessive sweating of the feet so far inexorably rising. Why is this and is it possible to somehow deal with unpleasant affliction?

Deodorant for feet: an overview, features and selection recommendations

The causes of odor

Hyperhidrosis occurs due to activation of the sebaceous glands that produce excessive amounts of sweat. Catching the secret is a favorable environment for active growth of bacteria and microorganisms - the main causes of odors.

Because of what happens to a malfunction of the sebaceous glands? This may be due to:

  • Carry a defective Shine - buying boots, shoes or shoe is necessary, first of all, to select those that are made from natural material (leather, cotton and so forth.). The same principle also applies to socks and tights: synthetic fabrics do not allow the skin of the feet to "breathe", which directly leads to the development of hyperhidrosis.
  • Carry a uncomfortable or too tight shoes.
  • Failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene - for correct, adequate functioning of all organs and body systems, including the sebaceous glands, it is necessary to take a shower and do not forget to wash clothes every day. This rule helps to avoid not only hyperhidrosis, but also of many skin diseases.
  • An active lifestyle, large loads on their feet throughout the day - at constant peak loads on the body can not be avoided, and sweating.
  • being in a state of stress.
  • Heredity.
  • presence of diseases of the nervous system.
  • Cutaneous manifestations of fungus.
  • Endocrine diseases.
  • internal infection.

Whatever the cause of hyperhidrosis and odor, it is not necessary to try to cope with it. Adequate treatment can make only a qualified doctor.

Methods of dealing with sweating feet

Pharmacological market represents a huge wide variety of drugs to combat hyperhidrosis: all kinds of ointments, creams, drops. If the root unpleasant disease is any systemic disease, it is necessary to refer to the profile doctor for treatment. In addition, widespread and surgery, the purpose is to reduce sweat production. One of the latest trends is the treatment of hyperhidrosis with Botox injections in the cosmetologist's office.

Deodorant for feet: an overview, features and selection recommendations

Do Cope deodorant for feet with excessive sweating?

Unfortunately, this tool does not solve the problem, but easily give a sense of cleanliness and comfort, it neutralizes odors and prevents bacterial growth.

Deodorant for the power of the legs:

  • Mask smells - at the expense of contained in the composition of perfumes none of the others do not feel the constant "companion" hyperhidrosis.
  • Destroy microorganisms - at the expense of data deodorants for the feet are used not only for hyperhidrosis. Most fans of the public baths, swimming pool and use them as a means of preventing mold and other unpleasant diseases.
  • To reduce sweating - is provided by narrowing the pores.


The choice of agent depends on the degree of sweating. That is why the market today manufacturers presented a whole line of deodorants, for every taste and budget:

  • Antiperspirants - reduce the sweating and eliminate the odor.
  • Medical deodorants - prevent the proliferation of fungi and bacteria.
  • Masking - deodorants for the feet of the smell, do not have a therapeutic effect.
  • Spray deodorant - refresh and have a pleasant aroma. Perfect solution for moderate sweating.
  • Antiperspirant deodorants - are struggling with sweating, but their masking properties are small.
  • Deodorant talc - perfect for people with strong perspiration. Odor agent has.

Product form

The most common deodorants in the form of a spray, which is very convenient: a small bottle can easily carry around, and it is possible to easily spray the detergent directly on the stockings during the day.

There are also deodorants and creams, in the usual tubes and jars for us. Creams generally "supplemented" special spatula with which the required means to distribute on the surface of the legs.

Deodorant for feet: an overview, features and selection recommendations

The most popular brand of deodorants

There are a wide variety of means for the feet sweat and odor. Deodorants, the most popular and best-selling:

  • Fresh Step by Scholl - prophylactic against fungus, the antiperspirant perfectly struggling with sweating and does not breed bacteria.
Deodorant for feet: an overview, features and selection recommendations
  • Deodorant Spray for legs from the company Oriflame - deodorizes, refreshes, has an antibacterial effect. The manufacturer recommends spraying the tool not only in the legs, but also to process them shoes. Many buyers say overly bright smell of deodorant data, not all of them to one's soul.
Deodorant for feet: an overview, features and selection recommendations
  • "DEO control" - enough budget product, manufactured Concern "Kalina". Despite the low cost, deodorant for "Deo" feet copes with its task. Available in several varieties means:

- "Deo-control sport" - protects against unpleasant odor, normalizes water-alkaline balance.

- "Deo-control" - a cream-deodorant for the feet, which is unparalleled. As part of its no alcohol, and the result is not long to wait: one application means for the night would be enough to forget about sweating and discomfort for up to a week.

- Deodorant Gel - moisturizes and refreshes the result lasts for 2 days. Sweating decreases, the unpleasant smell disappears.

- Soothing Cream "Deo-control" - antibacterial and antiseptic.

  • Cream Deodorant for feet "12:00" by Yves Rocher - is applied to the skin like a normal cream, however, it is a white film-like talc after its absorption. The product has a delicate aroma and a pleasure to use. The effect lasts about 5-6 hours.
Deodorant for feet: an overview, features and selection recommendations

Deodorant for feet: reviews

Any brand of a particular agent has both supporters and opponents. The taste and color, as they say. This occurs mainly due to the fact that every body is unique, and the same means people have different reactions may occur.

Those customers that are satisfied with the purchased selected deodorant for feet, say:

  • A significant reduction in sweating.
  • Reduction of discomfort feelings.
  • The lack of odor.
  • Sense skin fresh legs throughout the day.

Those who do not come, or did not like deodorants bought them in the first place to complain:

  • A strong smell of funds for the feet.
  • Allergic reactions to the individual components that make up the deodorants.
  • Change the top layer of the epidermis of the skin color on the legs - it acquires a yellowish tint.
  • Small effects of deodorants.

Folk remedies for Athlete's Foot

Any of the selected deodorant will be more effective if the "connect" and even recipes of traditional medicine, such as:

  • carnation flowers or lavender - neutralize the smell is enough to put a small amount in the shoes.
  • Herbal bath - antibacterial extracts of chamomile, calendula, sage can help to overcome the problem of sweating feet. Recommended as a rinse their feet and hold them for a while in the resulting solution. After - wet skin with a clean towel.
  • Essential oils-neutralized odor, have antibacterial properties.
  • A solution of baking soda - the discomfort will be, if you hold the foot in a bath for 20 minutes.
  • The fat sour cream - the perfect remedy for the fungus. It recommended daily lubricate her feet, hold for 15 minutes, then rinse with water and dry with a towel.
Deodorant for feet: an overview, features and selection recommendations

feet hyperhidrosis - a very common problem that brings a lot of inconvenience. However, fortunately, there are now many resources for its treatment. The use of purchased industrial tools combined with traditional recipes can bring discomfort to a minimum or at all and get rid of it. The main thing - do not ignore the disease and not to let it take its course.