Can I wash my hair every day? How should I wash my hair?

Hair has always been the most important decoration and pride of every girl and woman. In the folklore of different nations, flowing tresses has been given special attention. Recall, for example, Rapunzel, whose Xhosa prince allowed to climb to the top of the tower.

Can I wash my hair every day? How should I wash my hair?

Unfortunately, a great little hair who goes by nature. That is why it is important to know some basic rules, which would not only spoil the hair, but also to make them more beautiful.

Malicious factors

Of course, to start talking about hair care should be a transfer of activities and events that have a negative effect on their condition. First of all, it is, of course, the use of various smoothing frizz appliances and hair dryers. Exposure to hot temperatures affect the hair negatively, but also helps to hide some flaws visually.

If we are talking about packing, we should not forget about all kinds of styling tools that are slaughtered between the plates of curls, making them dull and dry.

Can I wash my hair every day? How should I wash my hair?

Of course, no less harm can cause an elementary wrong combing. To begin this process, it is imperative to the tips, gradually rising to the roots. Better still use oil light texture that will not only facilitate the unraveling, but will nourish the hair.

There is another no less dangerous factor that we almost do not pay attention. This wash. Do you know how to wash your hair, the hair always remained healthy and well-groomed?

Daily care

No one likes to walk around with a dirty head. The desire to always look great pushes of the fair sex in the action quite detrimental.

In most cases the answer to the question of whether you can wash your hair every day, will be negative. First of all, this can not be done because the hair desiccate, become dull and brittle, and it's not just too hard water, which suffers from the modern world.

Can I wash my hair every day? How should I wash my hair?

But this is not the only problem. From physics we know that the power of action is always an equal and opposite force. With regard to hair, this fact is undeniable. Can I wash my hair every day? No, because every action shampoo cleanses the skin sebum produced - a thin layer of fat that protects our hair from drying and other negative factors. Receiving such a jolt, the body tries to compensate spent property and protect the vulnerable portion. Accordingly, in extreme conditions, the skin produces more sebum, which leads to the need to wash your hair more. Thus, the more we wash the head, the faster the hair is dirty.

The ideal interval

So, now you know that if you can wash your hair every day. Now let's talk about the ideal time interval to be observed between such procedures. In fact, there is no strict rules - all based on personal need, but the important thing is to wash occur no more frequently than once every 2 days.

Sebum - the process is so individual that the general recommendations are not always correct. From the fact that the daily shampooing is harmful, we should not conclude that it is necessary to do so, say, once a week. Listen to your body - it is not necessary to go with a dirty head, because the excess sebum clogs the pores and prevents the renewal of hair. As soon as the need arises, you can safely go into the shower and direct beauty.

What if the next day the head dirty

As mentioned earlier, you need to wash your hair no more often than once every two days. However, some of them already on the second morning discover that the head is not quite in the condition in which the accepted go out. What to do in such a situation?

The answer is very simple - use a dry shampoo. Means removes excess sebum and hair lead in the procedure. By the way, an analog of such new-fangled inventions still used by our grandmothers. They are used for these purposes, the most common starch.

A few words about shampoos

And what shampoo to wash your hair? It's simple - the more natural it is, the better. Parabens and sulfates very spoiled hair, and sometimes even lead to allergies. Shampoo does not aggressively act on the hair. Its main function - gentle cleansing without harm.

Can I wash my hair every day? How should I wash my hair?

Surely every girl heard from my mother or grandmother that you can wash your hair with soap and water. This version is indeed possible - many trichologists even recommend soap as a cleaning agent, but it is better to find a good shampoo - and apply it more convenient and easier to pick up.


After reading this article, you will no longer think about whether you can wash your hair every day. The answer, as has been said, is simple: it is impossible! However, often there are situations when a dry shampoo on hand is not provided, and the hair looks no better. In this case, of course, it is better to wash my hair, but then be sure to apply conditioner. In this case, it should be more nutritious than usual, to the mineral and fluid balance was maintained. The presence of silicone (dimethicone, cyclomethicone, and t.) Will save you from the problem of hair electrifying and substantially facilitate stacking. For regular use of a conditioner, of course, it is not suitable, however, for cases of emergency have handy. In general, preference should be given more harmless media, the composition of which appears in the maximum amount of organic components.

A few rules

Can I wash my hair every day? How should I wash my hair?

Seeing that harmful to wash my hair every day, tell you about one particular. Do not wash the hair itself, as paradoxical as it may sound. Any cleanser should only contact with the scalp without affecting hair underneath. All, except the root zone must be cleaned flowing foam. This will not overdry hair.