Zone "deep bikini" shugaring: reviews and results

In recent years, shugaring occupies a leading position among other hair removal methods. It not only allows you to effectively get rid of unwanted vegetation, but also provides gentle skin care. This makes the method ideal for the depilation of the zone, as deep bikini. Shugaring, reviews of which are filled with enthusiastic commentary sets women - is not only a salon treatment. It can be used as an excellent alternative to home hair removal.


Overview of Shugaring

According to some sources, he was known shugaring very Cleopatra. Now, this is not the secret recipe of the Egyptian queen and popular cosmetic procedure. Shugaring is a method of removing unwanted hair, based on the use of special sugar paste. The procedure itself is somewhat similar to waxing. On the skin surface to apply a small amount of sugar paste, after which the layer comes off together with hairs.

Shugaring deep bikini - a very popular procedure because it allows you to remove unwanted vegetation without damaging the epithelium. Sugar paste comes off strictly for hair growth, which reduces the risk of skin damage. This, in fact, is one of the main features shugaring, which distinguishes it from waxing. As a rule, after a session there is no irritation, and hair grows thinner and weaker.

Sugar hair removal intimate areas: the advantages of

For hair removal in the deep bikini shugaring it is perhaps the most appropriate technique. Its undeniable advantages include the fact that:

  • Sugar paste is completely hypoallergenic.
  • The procedure is much less pain than waxing deep bikini. Shugaring, moreover, is not conducive to the appearance of skin irritations and folliculitis.
  • The paste is quite easy to use, making it easy to carry out depilation yourself at home.
  • The effect after the procedure lasts at least two weeks.
  • The skin is absolutely not injured.

Who is contraindicated hair removal sugar

Among the positive aspects shugaring there is one significant drawback - to carry out such a procedure can not for everyone. Thus, the sugar hair removal has a number of contraindications, namely:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Diabetes.
  • The skin disease.
  • Individual intolerance of one or more components of the sugar paste.

In all other cases, you can safely make shugaring zone of deep bikini, without fear of consequences. The only thing worth remembering - immediately after depilation better protect themselves from bathing in swimming pools and ponds, as well as visits to the sauna.

Prepare your skin for the procedure

To the process of removing hairs it was quickly and efficiently, it is necessary to prepare for it. In addition, it will reduce the pain during the procedure. Make sugar hair removal help comfort a few tricks:

  • A couple of days before the session is recommended to make a peeling intimate areas soft scrub. This will help remove dead skin cells from the surface of the epithelium, thereby allowing the paste is less painful to perform shugaring.
  • At home deep bikini better handle sugar paste after taking a hot bath. Water procedures needed to steam the skin. Thus far, the expansion happens, the body will be fully ready for the cosmetic procedure.
  • It is not recommended to sunbathe or visit a solarium later than 2-3 days prior to hair removal. The skin may not have time to recover from the effects of UV rays, which will cause irritation.
  • It is necessary to protect itself from the use of creams, lotions and other cosmetics looking after. This nuance is very important for those who plan to spend shugaring at home. Deep bikini - a very sensitive area, so while it can respond depilation allergic reaction to the application of cosmetic products.

What is needed

Before you proceed with the hair removal, it is necessary to acquire the basic materials. The first thing you will need to perform shugaring - is sugar paste. It is possible to prepare your own or buy from specialist retailers. In any case, the result of the procedure will not change.

Basically, to perform classical shugaring technology it will need only the presence of sugar paste. Additionally, you can purchase a spatula for applying the composition to the skin, as well as the fabric strips to be easier to remove.


Hair removal - a painful process, anyway, especially if under the sight gets deep bikini. Shugaring, reviews of which are much more inspiring than a waxing, yet delivers the ladies some discomfort. Reduce discomfort to the minimum possible by using local anesthetics. Beauticians recommend to use for the zone bikini cream "Emla". It can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Some anesthetic effect is given funds intended for internal use. As such, suitable drugs "Analgin" and "Pentalgin". They should be taken approximately 40 minutes before the procedure. There is another method in which the possibility of depilation Shugaring less painful. Deep bikini, or rather the skin in this area should be wiped with a piece of ice. This slightly reduces the sensitivity of the areas of the body exposed to depilation. However it is necessary to clarify that the effectiveness of this method is low.


Following the rules: what is worth remembering

The quality of the result obtained from the hair removal paste, depending on how the procedure is performed correctly. Therefore, there are some points that are worth paying attention, doing shugaring deep bikini. Reviews of Women are as follows: if all the hair removal rules gives amazing results. If you plan to make deep bikini hair removal area of ​​sugar, you should remember a few nuances:

  • The hairs must be about 5 mm long. If necessary, they can be neatly trimmed with scissors. Too short hairs also undesirable - just do not paste their capture.
  • The composition should be applied to the body in small amounts. This is to ensure that it is easily removed from the skin. Too thick layer pastes difficult to disrupt, and wherein the pain worse.
  • A thorough disinfection - an important rule of sugar hair removal. Eliminating the unnecessary vegetation by "shugaring" deep bikini, before and after the procedure, the skin must be cleaned with alcohol or lotion for hair removal.
  • The sugar paste is strictly against the hair growth, and remove - in the direction of their growth.

It is desirable that the same area of ​​skin not treated with the composition shugaring several times. Even if not all hairs are retired, it is best to gently get rid of them with the help of tweezers.

Pasta shugaring: a review of market products

Many manufacturers offer a ready-made structure that is suitable for home and salon treatments. Therefore, quite a considerable number of women have resorted to the use of the purchase of pasta, depiliruya technique "shugaring" deep bikini at home. Reviews of the fair sex show that the purchase of finished composition at times facilitates the procedure itself. No need to spend time on the preparation of a paste the consistency required - the manufacturer has already done everything himself.

Compositions shugaring sold in a variety of packaging. You can find both big pots of pasta, weighing 800 g or more, and a small tube volume of 100 g In this case, the price of each manufacturer sets its own, but as a rule, it remains within acceptable limits. Thus, 100 g of sugar paste in cartridges will cost you no more than 150 rubles. The product is packed in a jar, can cost a bit more expensive, but not essential. For those who only knows all the secrets of how to make shugaring deep bikini, produced and large amounts of pasta - packs of 300 and 500 A for a kilogram of composition shugaring manufacturers ask for a little more than 1000 rubles. It's worth noting that the paste is consumed rather sparingly, so it is advisable to buy such volumes unless masters of beauty salons. For home procedures will be enough small 100-300-gram jars.


The choice of sugar paste

Depending on the consistency of paste shugaring is of four types:

  • Soft.
  • Average.
  • solid.
  • It is very hard.

The higher the density of the sugar mass, the more coarse hair can be removed with it. For example, a soft paste, as a rule, treated with hands and feet, the solid formulation is perfect for an area such as deep bikini. Shugaring, reviews of which do not cease to inspire the many beauties around the world, it can be carried out and composition of medium hardness, however, this option is best reserved for experienced craftsmen. At home depilation intimate areas is recommended to perform high-density paste - it is perfectly in contact with sensitive skin, as well as unconditionally copes with thick hairs. Returning again to talk about the average for the stiffness of the mass, it is necessary to clarify that it can be purchased as a universal material. This option is ideal if you plan to perform hair removal sugar in different parts of the body. Pasta cope with the hairs on your arms, legs, and even in the armpits. In addition, gain experience, you can use it to depilate method "shugaring" deep bikini. Photos of works of masters, using a medium-density composition, proving that the proper technique is quite possible to achieve a perfectly smooth skin all over the body.

The preparation of pasta at home: a recipe

Despite the large range of finished sugar paste, some ladies still prefer to cook their own composition shugaring. Reasons to make the product their own production, as at least two. Firstly, it will cost much cheaper than purchased goods. But, secondly, so you'll know exactly what to paste all the ingredients are natural and there is nothing superfluous. It is very important to be confident in the safety of the product, before depilate method "shugaring" deep bikini. Reviews at home ready to fall women's positive, albeit slight warning - the composition can not get right the first time so it should.

shugaring mixture cooking process itself is simple: it is necessary to mix with 1 kg of sugar juice of half a lemon and 1/3 cup water. After that, the composition must be heated over high heat. It is important not to forget to stir it constantly. Then you need to turn down the fire and leave the mixture to boil under the lid for 10 minutes. The finished paste should be liquid, and slightly viscous. If you have reached this result, then the mixture should be a little bit more cooks, but with the lid open. The product thus prepared can be stored for long time at room temperature.


How do shugaring deep bikini: manual technique

This method of hair removal is considered a classic sugar. Technique of the session, as the name implies, it does not include additional materials (fabric strips, spatula, etc...) - the entire procedure is performed entirely with fingertips. Work by manual means can be any sugar paste, depending on how you will be more convenient.

If preferred composition shugaring soft or medium density, it is advisable to warm it slightly (up to 30-40 ° C). Paste, ready to use, should be similar to the consistency of honey. The composition is applied strictly against the hair growth - this is the most important rule to remember, starting depilate method "shugaring" deep bikini. Equipment manual of procedures implies that the paste is distributed to the skin slightly pressing movements of fingers. Thus the hair straightened and harder captured sugar mass. A few seconds later the frozen strip abruptly breaks with skin. Paste should be removed parallel body surfaces clearly in the direction of hair growth.

With a solid mass work a little easier. It is no longer necessary to heat - just mash in the hands of a piece of pasta, so she turned it into a ball. After the composition is slightly brighten and acquire a yellowish caramel shade, you can begin shugaring. Deep bikini (photos with step by step instructions to the process and training videos to help you do it right) carefully processed paste, zone by zone. The ball is rolled over the skin, and then breaks down on hair growth.


Manual technique with application of

In principle, this kind of manual method of performing hair removal sugar little different from the classical technique. The paste also is applied to the finger pads and the skin surface is removed in the same manner. The only difference - for the procedure is used very dense mass of sugar. For it is much easier to get used to, although such a structure and a tightly applied to the skin. Appliances with application under force, even for beginners, yet not quite mastered how to do shugaring. Deep bikini recommended rid of hairs by this method, since it is perfect for waxing wet areas.

The essence of the technique is that the surface of the skin is applied to several balls of paste, alternately in the different zones. After a few minutes the strips are removed.

Waxing deep bikini sugar: banding technique

If the previously described methods relied on the work of his hands only, the banding technique is based on the use of fabric strips. Such an embodiment is very similar to shugaring conventional waxing, sugar is used only in the mass as a consumable material. Typically, when working with the bandage art soft paste. It is necessary to warm up, before starting depilate method "shugaring" deep bikini. Reviews, photos which prove the high efficiency technology, preferring instead to use the trowel roller cassettes for applying the paste. So will distribute the weight of the skin as much as possible uniform and thin layer. Immediately after application of sugar paste on it glued paper strip, lightly pressed and then comes off together with hairs.

Ease bandage technique is that it allows you to easily process large areas of the body, as well as hard to reach area. In addition, in this way good to remove long hairs that manual technique is simply not captured. The best way you can get rid of unwanted vegetation, deep bikini - shugaring. Reviews about him most positive and enthusiastic. Sugar hair removal gives a feeling of smoothness of the skin for a long time, without leaving any side effects. So why not treat yourself to this procedure?