How to restore lashes after extension. Effective means to restore eyelashes at home

On long thick eyelashes dreams, perhaps every woman. And sometimes for the sake of beauty have to make many sacrifices. Women are increasing their lashes to look attractive and compelling.

How to restore lashes after extension. Effective means to restore eyelashes at home

But this procedure has its negative consequences. Therefore, before going to the beauty salon young damsels would be nice to find information about how to restore lashes after extension.

How do eyelash?

Seasoned fashionista knows that this represents a salon treatment. Master takes artificial eyelashes and pastes their special composition to the base of your own eyelashes client. Of course, there are many nuances. Capacity is done in different ways: a bundle or individually. It uses a variety of materials: artificial and natural components. The adhesive composition may also vary. What should I look for when solving eyelashes? This qualified professionals providing similar services, and the quality of materials used.

The consequences of the procedure

  1. Allergic reactions . The procedure is performed using various chemical substances (glue). This is especially true of those who have observed increased sensitivity to the rubber and artificial silk.
  2. Eye infections . With careful monitoring of hand hygiene and tools can not be afraid of infection. But otherwise, the easiest "bonus" from professional negligence - getting conjunctivitis. Failure to comply with the elementary rules of hygiene threatens this procedure and a severe eye infection. If this happens, there is already need to think about the problem is not how to restore lashes after building, and how to get rid of the disease, which is characterized by relapses.
  3. Pain in the eyes of . may occur in some clients.
  4. The weakening own eyelashes . This is one of the most frequently encountered complaints from women who had a salon procedure.

Let's start with proper nutrition

It is no secret that the state of our hair, nails, skin and, of course, depends on the eyelashes, in particular, depends on whether our body gets all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Therefore, when deciding how to restore eyelashes, attention should be paid to their diet. From the diet it is recommended to remove sweets, smoked, fried and salty. All this negatively affects not only our health but also the appearance. you can vary the menu of dishes made with fresh and stewed vegetables and fruits.

How to restore lashes after extension. Effective means to restore eyelashes at home

At each meal should include a fresh salad, seasoned with olive or linseed oil, rich in vitamin E and monounsaturated fats. It is also recommended to give up alcohol and tobacco use.

Herbal infusions of

Traditional medicine has always helped people cope with various health problems. Save it, and in a situation where we are concerned about the question: how to restore eyelashes? Calendula, cornflower flower, chamomile, sage, thyme ... All these herbs have anti-inflammatory and tonic effect. The procedure is performed as follows: brew a tablespoon of herbs or mixtures of herbs one cup of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain, moisten a cotton sponge and apply to the eyes. After the first use of herbal compresses changes in a positive direction can be expected. A full course of treatments is at least 1 month. But at the end of the period it is possible to determine the effectiveness of the method. Typically, loss of eyelashes stopped, they become soft and supple.

Castor oil - the best home remedy

This is one of the most proven ways to return your lashes former beauty. Castor oil - a real storehouse of vitamins A and E and fatty acids: oleic, linoleic, and that is especially important for hair growth, ricinoleic. This product is environmentally friendly. Even dermatologists advise to use it as a care cosmetic. And now about how to restore lashes after building castor oil. To do this, take a cotton pad or brush from under the old hulk, washed well with soap and water, apply to them a modicum of product applied to the eyes for 30 minutes, or "comb" the hair.

How to restore lashes after extension. Effective means to restore eyelashes at home

This should be done in the evening after removing make-up. Leave the oil on the eyelashes at night is not recommended, as it has a rather "heavy" texture, and then washed off badly. Full rate is not less than a month. Making such a mask you need every day.

Other oils

Castor oil is, without a doubt, is the best tool in the fight for the beautiful lush eyelashes. But he has and cons: poorly washed off and in some cases irritate the sensitive skin of the eyelids. Therefore, you should pay attention to other oils with a light texture: burdock, olive, almond, peach, wheat germ oil.

How to restore lashes after extension. Effective means to restore eyelashes at home

All of these products also contain many nutrients essential for normal hair growth. Learn how to restore lashes after the building with the help of this method. You can apply this oil using a cotton pad and brush from under the carcass, as is the case with castor oil. And you can make a warm compress for half an hour. To do this, heat the oil slightly, wetting there are two small strips of gauze and put on the eyes, one on top of the lashes on the eyelid, the second from the bottom.


  1. The activator eyelash growth Rapid Lash. American-made product. It has a lot of minerals and vitamins. Means of action in five areas: accelerating the growth of eyelashes, makes them shine, volume and bounce.
  2. Conditioner for lashes Perfect Lash. Means approved by ophthalmologists and dermatologists. Available in a convenient format: tube with applicator. The manufacturer claims that the result of the use of funds will surprise any woman: eyelashes longer and thicker by 2-3 times. Full course - about a month. Use recommended daily.
  3. Repairing Serum for eyelashes Lipocils gel Talika. The product is produced in France. It represents a highly gel. In the opinion of women, it is the most effective means by which to make the eyelashes 2 times longer, thicker and thicker. To understand why it gathers so many positive comments, just look at its ingredients: extract of nettle, apple, hazelnut, chestnut and St. John's wort. Suitable product, even for people with very sensitive skin. How to restore lashes after extension. Effective means to restore eyelashes at home
  4. means balm Elma. The product is based on oils: burdock, castor. And still in its composition is the following: hyaluronic acid, milk thistle extract and nettle and Vitamins A, E, PP, N. Advantages of the product: low cost in comparison with analogues and a high efficiency. In the opinion of women, the result of applying the balm can be observed within two weeks after the start of use. It is a good alternative to castor oil, because, unlike him, does not irritate the sensitive skin of the eye.
  5. The product Latisse by Allergan company. The history of its creation is very interesting. Initially, the manufacturer has released a remedy for glaucoma, in which the composition was lumigan component. Patients began to report that after treatment with this medication they began to actively grow eyelashes. Taking this into service soon Allergan company released a new product with the content of the same component. He intended to activate the growth of eyelashes. Reviews women about him, mostly positive. True, many of them pointed out that after the withdrawal of the drug, eyelashes return to their normal form. In order to keep them long and thick, it is necessary from time to time for their medication therapy data.

The use of all these tools help to answer the question of how to quickly restore eyelashes. However, the manufacturers of such cosmetics are warned that these products are very concentrated. Therefore, they need to be applied in very small doses and only in the lash line.

Helpful Hints

  1. If the weak, prone to loss of eyelashes is better to abandon the building. This requires their recovery. It is worth paying attention to your diet.
  2. Even with a good healthy lashes you should not often resort to building procedure. In the end, she still will weaken the hair. Restoring them will be long. How to restore lashes after extension. Effective means to restore eyelashes at home
  3. Contra capacity might be: conjunctivitis, tendency to allergy, oily skin age, increased lacrimation.
  4. To remove lashes better this way: put them on all night castor or any vegetable oil.
  5. have the procedure done at a beauty salon, it is necessary to follow all recommendations for care for the artificial hairs. It is very important. Then you do not need to puzzle over how to restore lashes after extension.

Alternative salon eyelash extension procedure

We list the main ones:

  • ink, allowing visually to make eyelashes longer and more dense;
  • cosmetics, allowing a month or two to achieve increase the length and thickness of eyelashes (described above);
  • procedure called LVL Lash, Novel Lash UP and so forth (lengthening eyelashes own technology);
  • false eyelashes.

Repairing Mask

Of women can often hear such complaints: "She took off her lashes. How to restore them now, I do not know. They became brittle and began to fall. " Help here means the following: take a tablespoon burdock and olive oil, pour a mixture of finely chopped small guest hips, put in a dark place for 10 days, strain and store in refrigerator. Mark old mascara brush, well rinsed with means and applied to it, distributing evenly. Then lubricate eyelashes every evening after removing makeup. They quickly recover and will cease to fall.


Comments allow women more truthfully tell about the effectiveness of that action, how to restore lashes after extension. Reviews should not unambiguous in this regard. Some trust only the recipes of traditional medicine. Thus, the use of castor oil and burdock is the most favorite way to get rid of this problem. However, women using it, note that these products adversely affect the condition of the eye. They are their irritating factors. So, if the night to put on the lashes, for example, castor oil, in the morning, you can not recognize themselves in a mirror - eyelids are swollen and reddened. But here, too, our beauty found a way out: put means necessary only in the evening peak hour. And then it has to be washed off nutritious milk for removing makeup. Many women in order to restore eyelashes willingly use pharmacy tools. They note that their efficiency is high, but to use them is a pleasure. After all, they are produced in a very convenient format: a tube with a brush, as a mascara. The texture of their lightweight gel. they smell nice. It washed off easily. They fit and those who are concerned about the problem of how to restore lashes after mascara. It is no secret that after the daily use of such paint hairs become bright, brittle, often drop out. A favorite tool among women in this product line - this serum Lipocils gel Talika. It is very light and highly efficient. Another plus it - efficiency.

How to restore lashes after extension. Effective means to restore eyelashes at home

We have considered some of the most effective and commonly used ways to quickly restore lashes after being expanded, and figured out how to minimize the effects of this beauty services.