Ingrown hairs in the bikini area. Grow hair after hair removal, what to do?

Getting rid of unwanted vegetation on the body through the use of various techniques - the everyday ritual for every woman. After carrying out certain manipulations of the hair may become more stringent, in addition, there are often more serious associated problems. Ingrown hairs in the bikini area concerned every other woman who regularly depilation.

Why am I having such trouble?

The main reason that contributes to the rapid growing hair in the intimate zone - a pathological change in the trajectory of growth. Hair is not capable to break out, it begins to grow in the horizontal direction. Similar phenomena may occur as a result of their own negligence, lack of experience, unprofessional actions cosmetologist.

Initially hair, which began to grow, like a painful red boil. If you do not carry out measures to prevent or resolve the issue, the inflammation may increase, spread over a greater surface of the skin. In advanced stages ingrown hairs in the bikini area may lead to wounds that often causes more serious diseases.

How diagnosed ingrown hairs?

Servicing the power of even the layman and is based on the analysis of the appearance of the skin. Initially surface itchy, redness appear, small dot formation. When the problem becomes more serious in nature, require medical intervention with small biopsy of the skin. Specialist manipulating cotton applicator can remove samples of the bacterial culture to reliably determine the cause of the infection process. Some skin diseases may have symptoms identical ingrowth, so to such manifestations can not be treated with disdain. Accuracy and attention to your body will help keep your skin healthy. Ingrown hairs in the bikini area, causing serious concern - a reason for immediate treatment to the doctor.

Ingrown hairs in the bikini area. Grow hair after hair removal, what to do?

How to get rid of the problem? Helpful Hints

Hair, continuing its growth within the skin, can cause extreme discomfort, irritation, itching, pustules. The skin in the intimate area is very thin and delicate, it is sensitive to any manipulation. To reduce the risk of ingrown hairs to a minimum, it is advisable to adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. repeatedly to reduce the likelihood of such a problem will help to exfoliating treatments. A profound impact not only release the hairs that have already started to grow, but will not allow the emergence of new foci.
  2. If the intimate area often grow hair after hair removal can not visit a solarium, beach. Effect of ultraviolet can aggravate the problem.
  3. The skin after any such manipulation is necessary to moisturize deeply. Only then you can count on smooth, smooth, healthy areas after depilation. Such procedures eliminate the epidermis from the formation of extra particles that act kind of barrier to normal hair growth.
  4. Even when hair is already rooted, they can be carefully removed. To do this, the skin is thoroughly steams and ingrown elements are removed with tweezers. You can not use a needle or other sharp objects - the problem can only get worse. If the hair is still not available, discontinue any action and seek professional beautician.
Ingrown hairs in the bikini area. Grow hair after hair removal, what to do?

Cooking "cure" their own

Virtually all mixtures, which are designed to get rid of ingrown hairs, you can prepare yourself. The most popular are the following recipes:

  • comminuted aspirin mixed with glycerin in equal proportions. Freshly substance is applied to the problem area for two hours. This tool is quite effective when the hair grow. Following epilation mixture softens the skin, and unnecessary items are removed with tweezers.
  • The powder badyagi vulgare, with dilution of hydrogen peroxide is applied to the bikini area for 15 minutes, then washed moderately warm water. After the procedure is recommended to treat the skin fat children's cream. The mixture was applied to the problem area within five days. As a result, eliminated the micro cracks, ingrown hairs, heals wounds.
  • When it came to purulent inflammation, it is recommended to use medication. Good results showed salicylic ointment.

Scrubs - prevention and care

It is worth noting a tool such as a scrub from ingrown hairs. It has both preventive and therapeutic effects. You can use any of the recipes submitted to correct the problem.

Hercules Scrub

Ingredients: 50 grams herculean cereals, honey, fat sour cream.


  1. Hercules grain is milled into flour.
  2. The powder is mixed with other components.
  3. The result should get moderately thick mass, which thin layer is applied to the problem area, and gently rubbed.
  4. After treatment, the mixture was washed with warm water.

Scrub coffee against ingrown hairs

Ingredients: ground coffee - 2 tbsp. l., olive oil.


  1. Coffee, milled almost to dust, diluted with olive oil until the consistency of thick cream.
  2. The mixture is applied to the bikini zone, lightly rubbed and rinsed off with warm water.

Sugar scrub

Ingredients: half a cup of sugar.

Proceed as follows: after a shower or bath, while the skin to steam, the zone most frequent ingrown hairs processed sugar. After the sweet mass balances procedures rinsed off with water. Scrubbing the sugar is particularly efficient, regardless of why grow hair (after the epilator, razor or due to unprofessional actions of the mountain cosmetologist).

Salt Scrub

Salt - a good antiseptic. Scrub based on it can be a great preventative measure to block the ingrown hairs. So...

Ingredients: 3 tbsp. l. salt finely ground.

Sequence of operations: salt, slightly moistened with plain water, gently rubbed in problem areas after depilation and washed with warm water.

The main objective of any scrubbing - remove from the skin otmorshie particles, deep peeling is reached after processing. The procedure helps the hairs grow in the right direction. Scrubbing should be moderate, but regular. If the skin in the bikini area is shelled - a clear contraindications for such manipulations. If you do not follow simple guidelines, the question of how to get rid of ingrown hair will fall much more sharply.

Ingrown hairs in the bikini area. Grow hair after hair removal, what to do?

The main causes of ingrown

The problem may occur regardless of the method of hair removal. Shaving razor electrical depilator, some beauty salon treatments can equally trigger hair ingrowth, especially in sensitive areas.


Causes of ingrown hairs using a razor can be as follows:

  • old tool that does not have the proper sharpness;
  • shaving hair in the wrong direction;
  • lack of hygiene procedures;
  • absence posleepilyatsionnogo care.

razor edge hair makes sharp, that can provide additional irritating and cause itching in the groin area.

Ingrown hairs in the bikini area. Grow hair after hair removal, what to do?

Hair Removal with an electric epilator at home

In this case, the main causes of bad events are as follows:

  • the use of improper nozzle;
  • impact epilator without pretreatment of the skin;
  • illiterate manipulation device.

In order to minimize the risk, it is recommended pre-steam the skin in the hot tub. And even better - eliminate home depilation.

Ingrown hairs in the bikini area. Grow hair after hair removal, what to do?

in the cabin depilation

Many young ladies who do not want to take risks, trust the care of his own body to the master. On the one hand, it is right, but on the other ... Oddly enough, but sometimes it turns into a trip to the salon with unnecessary costs and headaches. And the reason is simple:

  • the low level of qualification of the master;
  • lack of advance preparation;
  • the use of cosmetic products that are not suitable to the client's skin type.

In order to avoid such troubles, you should visit only approved centers and not to save on himself, his beloved. Much more efficient and healthier to attend highly beautician, who by means of modern techniques for a long period of a life-saver, "vegetation". And then recommendations on how to get rid of ingrown hairs, become irrelevant.

Pharmaceutical agents allowed for use in hair removal

  1. Preparation "Miramistin". Strong antiseptic. Tool helps prevent ingress of bacteria and microorganisms in the pores of the skin after removing hair bulblets.
  2. "Chlorhexidine" - medication with antiseptic and disinfectant action. Blocks the development of inflammation after epilation.
  3. Furatsilinom. Medication with pronounced antimicrobial action. Eliminates any accumulation of pathogenic flora on the skin after removal of hairs.
  4. Antibacterial agents from ingrown hair in the form of solutions. Choose to process only needs those drugs that are intended for outdoor use.
  5. Ointment for ingrown hairs. Means "Retin-A" reduces the expression of clogging pores or hyperkeratosis. The epidermis becomes thin, stand dead cells decreases hair growth delay is implemented in the follicles. It is recommended to use a corticosteroid ointment in the development of local inflammation of the middle forces. If the inflammatory process has gone too far and was the cause of opportunistic infections, it is better to use antibiotics for topical use.

Preventive measures

To achieve the desired result can use special lotions that inhibit hair growth phase. Active ingredients have a direct effect on the follicle cells. Furthermore lotions, sprays commercially available are presented, they also work against ingrowing hairs have humectant properties and help to soften the horny layer. After using these hair products can normally grow.

Ingrown hairs in the bikini area. Grow hair after hair removal, what to do?

Regular maintenance

A good preventive measure is skrabbirovanie and carrying out the relevant procedures for the care of the delicate skin in the bikini area. For detailed recommendations can be made to your beautician to help identify the cause of the problem and prescribe the most suitable for a particular type of means of skin.

In that case, if the ingrowth continues gaining strength, it is recommended to immediately stop shaving or hair removal. Do not neglect the treatment by a dermatologist. The doctor will eliminate the possibility of developing more serious diseases. Simple ingrown hair, a photo of which is presented at the beginning of the article, may be similar to symptoms of lichen, fullikuleza, toadskin.

Ingrown hairs in the bikini area. Grow hair after hair removal, what to do?

Is there a tendency to ingrown?

skin type has a direct impact on the way of hair growth. Most often, we are considering the problem of suffering women with thin, sensitive skin. In addition, the importance of hair growth rate, which for each person is genetically.

How often can I use hair removal in the bikini area

Any expert will tell you that the removal of unwanted hair in this area should not be held more frequently than once every two weeks. Otherwise, we can ensure that the hairs will become rough, and ingrowth strengthens.

With regard to the care of the intimate area, electric epilator in this case is not the best tool. This is due to the fact that in his groin hair initially stiffer than on other parts of the body. After the hair using the device sees inevitably formed wound. Microtrauma always becomes the reason that in its place in the process of healing of the ingrown hair is formed. What to do? One of the best treatments is shugaring that delicately affects the skin during depilation.

Ingrown hairs in the bikini area. Grow hair after hair removal, what to do?


The easiest way that allows you to prevent ingrown hairs in the bikini area, - not to shave or remove hair. In the modern sense of the canons of beauty and grooming, no girl can not afford it. To struggle with unwanted "vegetation" to be effective and do not cause unwanted effects, it is recommended to use modern cosmetology techniques. That is, to use the services of specialists. Only then ingrown hairs in the bikini area will cease to harass. Be healthy and beautiful!