The story of the dolls in the USSR

• The story of the dolls in the USSR

Certainly everyone at least once heard about this toy as a Roly-Poly. However, if he thought about how this toy appeared in the Soviet Union and today's Russia. The history of dolls in a very saturated. Most likely, as historians believe she came from across the sea.

The story of the dolls in the USSR The story of the dolls in the USSR

Tumbler - a very old children's toy. In Russian folklore, it is a poetic name of "Roly-Poly". The principle of this device is quite simple doll. The basis is rounded hollow vessel, inside which is set a sinker. With these elements of the toy can tip over to one side, she always gets up. An important feature of the Roly-Poly is that due to its size, shape and design, it is completely safe for children.

The story of the dolls in the USSR

On the territory of modern Russia tumbler appeared about 200 years ago. At the beginning of the XIX century tumbler enjoyed great popularity and was widely distributed. Most of these toys were sold at fairs. Initially Roly-Poly wore another name - "somersaults". Toys made out of buffoons, girls on the ball or bellied merchants. Each tumbler sign it with bright colors in the traditional Russian style.

The story of the dolls in the USSR

In the days of the Russian Empire, the center of production of these dolls has Nizhny Novgorod province. Then were several styles, such as Gorodetsky, Fedoseevskaya, Semyonov. Toys made of wood, mostly pine, basswood or aspen. In villages such toys could even be inherited.

The story of the dolls in the USSR

Historians believe that the territory of the Russian tumbler came from the East. Most likely, the first such toys were brought by merchants. The most popular version of the appearance of toys says that it appeared in Japan. The story of, let's face it - terrifying. The creation of toys inspired by the local monk-hermit Bodhidharma, who because of prolonged sitting all atrophied limbs. Nevertheless, people appreciated the action-philosopher monk and began to perceive it as a kind of divine being without arms and legs. So in Japan, there were igruki-Daruma.

The story of the dolls in the USSR

In the Soviet Union continued to make dolls. Moreover, this toy was very popular among children. Underestimate the benefits Roly-Poly was impossible. Bright and simple doll helps develop children's motor skills and imagination. One of the largest places of manufacture of dolls was a plant in Kotovsk of the Tambov region. It otuda toy fell on the shelves of Soviet stores, and then into the hands of caring mothers and grandmothers.