The second life of "Khrushchev"

• The second life of "Khrushchev"

Owning a tiny "Khrushchev" it often seems that the small home - it's their cross and it will have to bear until the end of the century. But such despair and hopelessness is not for creative owners with golden hands. That they manage to carry out a complete renovation, transforming its miserable house in very real apartment fully meet the modern concept of a comfortable life.

The second life of The second life of

Old "killed Khrushchev" head of the family turned into modern accommodation. | Photo:

It's been more than a dozen years since, when the owners of the "Khrushchev" wildly happy that escaped from the crowded and horrible barracks and communal, moving into his own apartment. But the present-day owners see this as some kind of rock and hopelessness, because modern standards and submission of a comfortable life has long moved away from these shovels "amenities". And if some still live, huddling in cramped rooms, kitchen and bathroom, while others manage to turn them into high-grade apartment, which proved the owner of small-sized apartments, transforming it into a modern housing.

The second life of

All interior walls were demolished and new wall mounted. | Photo:

Who would not say that, but it was tiny size small rooms evoke not only sadness, but also a complete despair, so head of the family decided on a complete redesign to somehow expand the space at the expense of a more rational zoning.

The second life of

Due to a radical redevelopment and new zoning bathroom was the 1st quarter. meter more. | Photo:

After lengthy calculations of the first step was the destruction of the interior walls, separating the hallway, hallway, bathroom, kitchen and living room. Because of this he managed to carve out an additional 1 sq. m to expand the bathroom and now it fit without problems: shower, washing machine, water dispenser, toilet and even a cabinet with shelves for various sanitary and bathroom accessories.

The second life of

An original dining area with glass dining table. | Photo:

As tempting does not look such a redevelopment, but Novate.Ru experts warn, if you decide on such a major expansion, it is necessary to issue appropriate permits by the relevant authorities, otherwise not be able to avoid problems.

The second life of

The kitchen turned out a small open-plan. | Photo:

Since the kitchen has evolved into an open area, in order to not spend in vain to place large pieces of furniture, the owners have made it on the order of a few reduced scale, but that the functionality and practicality of suck is not affected. For the same reason, and all kitchen appliances with appliances chosen with miniature dimensions.

The second life of

In the living room there is a small sofa, turning into a sleeper for guests. | Photo: For the living-dining room picked up a folding couch, which, if necessary, allows you to organize a berth to the guests. There, on the wall hung a large TV, which has become an ornament on a white masonry, which is decorated by some of the walls renovated apartments. Open area expanded functionality and the corridor area, now the narrow little space certainly will not oppress the household.

The second life of

Suspended ceilings glossy visually enlarge the area of ​​the small-sized "Khrushchev." | Photo:

Not everyone will dare to make a false ceiling in the "Khrushchev," but the head of the family took a chance and did not miscalculated, because the canvas of the central part was white and glossy, and the edges of plasterboard box with spotlights. Such tandem allowed to visually expand the living space especially when you consider that the same set of furniture has white high gloss fronts, the whole ensemble brought a special charm and space in the renovated interior.

The second life of

Brown textile color diluted white colors, giving the brightness of the interior. | Photo:

And to ensure that the apartment with white walls and ceilings did not become similar to the operating room, the family decided to curtains and upholstery on soft furnishings make the contrast. In the living room they gave preference to dark brown.

The second life of

To start in the bedroom owner made repairs. | Photo: Because the bedroom should be the most intimate, the redevelopment of this site owner is not undertaken a while to work, of course, has done a grand. Changed the old cracked frames on the windows, replaced the radiator and sewed the original paneling, well and walls lined with the help of drywall.

The second life of

Here is the bedroom after full conversion. | Photo:

At the head I made a shallow niche, which became the accent wall, because it is also performed in a dark brown color scheme. A small furniture and curtains in gray have helped create a more soothing surroundings, is located on a peaceful retreat after a busy day.

The second life of

If you want, then miserable small-sized "Khrushchev" can be turned into a comfortable and stylish accommodation. | Photo:

Of course with a small living space they do not try, the villa still will not work, but create quite a comfortable living environment can be if you do not complain and suffer, but just get down to work to show maximum sharpness and imagination.