How to prepare a balm for hair at home?

Hair - a continuation of us, the part that is inseparable from our way, style and attitude. There is an opinion, quite plausible that it curls, their condition, hairstyle - a great indicator of ourselves. And since this role is played by a beautiful head of hair, in the article focuses on how to make a balm for hair at home. Some recipes for centuries have used women in many countries.

How to prepare a balm for hair at home?

Hair - part of us

How we see the world, how we relate to it and where we define ourselves in the place of it? The way we take care of hair, perfectly characterizes us. There are people who do not pay their hair absolutely no attention. This, of course, unacceptable. There are also people who care for their locks, often using a hair conditioner. it can also be made at home. This is a great option for care. Many of our compatriots have resorted to it. And rightly so.

Make your own, or buy?

Now on sale there is a huge selection of hair care products. Shampoos, conditioners, masks are represented by different manufacturers. Means today can be matched to any type of hair. Accordingly, the value of the products is different. The price range varies from very inexpensive to balsam means the premium segment. Products of luxury brands can afford not every average citizen. But the output can be found from any situation. Each person can make a balm for hair at home. However, he will meet the needs and preferences of individuals. In addition, you can take to cook it exactly the ingredients that are available. This person has the ability to choose the best available components.

How to prepare a balm for hair at home?

Is it difficult to prepare a balm for hair at home?

Many of the fair sex simply can not decide on the preparation of tools for hair care. The reason is all different. Someone knows how to do and what. Someone does not dare to try. And it is in vain. Suffice it once to gain determined. The result is worth it. The most important thing in choosing a prescription - is to take into account certain factors: the type of hair and there are problems with them. The rest is a simple process. Many experts recommend the use of balms and masks, prepared independently. Mankind lifetime experimenting and trying new things. Otherwise I would not have appeared in the light of many inventions.

Experts say that sometimes natural ingredients with no added chemicals can make your truly healing balm. After washing your hair at home, you can apply various care products, which are not inferior to the efficiency of production of expensive brands. Well, it is no secret that natural ingredients are able to pass the longer tresses nutrients.

How to prepare a balm for hair at home?

In some cases, we need extra care

As a rule, healthy and strong hair does not require any special care. Of course, if their owner and health in general, everything is fine. But more often people are faced with various challenges, which help us to solve balms and masks. When hair needs extra care?

1. wants to give hair a healthy, well-groomed appearance.

2. Strengthen brittle, falling hair excessively.

3. It is necessary to get rid of split ends.

4. Make the volume of hair.

5. It is necessary to protect against the harmful effects of the scalp after using paints, gels, varnishes or waxes.

6. I would like to rid the hair of their excessive fat or dryness. 7. It is necessary to tame the unruly and scatter in all directions strands.

8. It is necessary to give smoothness to hair. Hairstyle necessarily subsequently acquire a neat and attractive appearance.

9. It is necessary to give hair a pleasant aroma of freshness - a balm able to do it.

10. In combination with other agents.

11. Recovery after prolonged disease during stress and strain nevysypaniya.

12. It is necessary to prevent premature hair loss.

13. Good prophylactic against the occurrence of dandruff.

Beautiful and strong hair - our health indicator. And besides, it is easier to care for, comb after applying the balm.

How to prepare a balm for hair at home?

ingredients of care products

balms components may be different. But most of them at our hearing. They are always on sale or at home. The most common are described below.

1. Burdock root, chamomile, St. John's wort, stinging nettle, birch leaves. All these plants in dried form.

2. Honey Botanical. Its composition is not as principled as its quality. Suitable only natural product with no added sugar. Otherwise, it defeats the purpose of using it.

3. Water - a constant component of balm. Better if it will be spring or filtered liquid.

4. Castor oil.

5. Brandy.

6. Birch juice natural.

7. Aloe.

8. Garlic. But only a small part of the total amount. For many people this component is puzzling. Garlic? Nonsense! Not at all. This plant has a good anti-inflammatory effect. It will be the perfect ingredient for a tool such as a balm for dry hair. it will not be difficult to cook at home.

9. Egg yolk.

10. Burdock oil.

11. Rye bread. Just have to search the product with no additives other kind of flour. 12. Mint (usually in the form of its broth).

13. The vegetable oil (sunflower or olive oil).

14. Kefir, yogurt, varenets, acidophilus.

How to prepare a balm for hair at home?


So, prepare for the hair conditioner at home. Take note of a few recipes.

1. The simplest remedy for oily hair - a yogurt. Soak it locks, and then rinse.

2. Milled burdock root (3 tbsp. L.) Is filled in 300 ml of boiling water. Brought to readiness in a water bath for 10 minutes, filtered, use as a rinse.

3. To prepare a means of stimulating hair growth, whisk 2 yolks, 1 hr. L. apple cider vinegar, 2 tbsp. l. castor oil. Add the mixture was 2 tbsp. l. Groceries balm and shampoo. All knead. Means ready.

4. Prepare tool that can stop hair loss. Grind one bulb, pour 100 ml of rum. After a few hours, strain the liquid and add the 3 tbsp. l. shampoo. Is ready for use.

How to prepare a balm for hair at home?

Terms preparation of all types of cosmetic products

When preparing any balm, regardless of the recipe, which is an incredible array, you must follow the general rules. They are at all times to follow. Otherwise it will be impossible to achieve the desired effect. All work on the preparation and application of the balm will lose meaning, and efforts will be wasted.

Remember a few rules. The first states that all ingredients must be fresh. The second rule tells us that the process of preparation of balsam requires careful kneading all the components. Means must acquire a smooth consistency. Then it can be called finished.

How do I apply?

Experts recommend to carry out medical procedures, not more than 1-2 times a week. Apply these tools always clean, better freshly washed, damp hair. Balsam layer should be uniform. Avoid abundant concentration at any one site. A head cover and the cap of polyethylene wrapped towel. This is extremely important. After 10-15 minutes after the application means it thoroughly rinsed. The water temperature should be warm, comfortable for you. This way you can use a conditioner for the hair balm. At home, it is desirable to prepare it in small portions.

Allergy. Caution!

Let's talk about the safe use of hair care products. Is it possible to prepare large amounts of hair conditioner at home, the recipe of which you see first? No. It is better to cook for one or two applications. Because in rare cases, but still there are allergic reactions. This is especially true if in the home cosmetic product includes components such as honey, brandy, egg yolk.

How to prepare a balm for hair at home?

effect immediately - Myth or Reality?

A significant result is noticeable after the course of treatments. But not earlier than 3-4 weeks. Do not expect instant results, they often say in commercials. Always it is a deceit, a marketing ploy. People will believe, and therefore buy and bring profit to the manufacturer. It's simple. That is why women who are preparing at home for hair balm, while spending their time and effort, in the end get a decent result.