Rice diet "of 10 kg per week": the menu, the pros and cons, reviews

One effective method for getting rid of excess weight is the diet on rice. In addition, it helps to find harmony, with it also cleanses the body. This system is designed for three and seven days, but in order to achieve even better results, allowed to adhere to such a diet fortnight.

The rice diet "of 10 kg per week"

If you use pure cereal without butter and salt, besides the fact that dissolve fat deposits, there is cleansing the body of cholesterol deposits in blood vessels, eliminate toxins, toxins, cellulite disappear, the withdrawal of excess liquid.

This type of food is well tolerated by nearly all and gives excellent results. If you strictly follow all the rules, on the rice diet will save you from ten kilos (it all depends on the initial weight) in just seven days.

Rice diet

Choice of cereal

Nutritionists, who have been developing this technique, it is advised to choose the correct figure and take into account the degree of its cleaning up. According to them, the smaller the grains are subjected to cleaning, the more they remain a useful elements. Slimming is not necessary to use a round white rice varieties because it contains carbohydrates and starch.

Rice diet

are ideal for brown and parboiled rice. These types of grasses is desirable to alternate.

The postulates

Proper diet is rice contains several points that must be met:

  1. The main rule - a daily breakfast consisting of a soaked or boiled rice. The rest of the time allowed normal diet with reduced calories and salt.
  2. During the diet it is important to take care of their body. At the slightest indisposition it is better to go back to the usual diet.
  3. in the diet menu should include protein foods. One can not eat rice, it is important to eat fruits and vegetables, but low in sugar.
  4. Every day should consume at least two, and preferably even three liters of fluid. In addition to water allowed to drink tea, natural juice or compote.
  5. Under the strict ban on sweets, pastries and foods that are high in carbohydrates fast.
Rice diet

According to the women and men who have already try this weight loss program, it gives lightness, improves mood, gives the body beauty. That's what good rice diet. 10 kg per week to lose quite real and not very hard.

Power Options

Consider a few options-menu diets. This is to ensure that anyone was able to find a suitable just for yourself. Let's get started.

The classic diet

Classical salt-free rice diet includes 3 meals a day, each meal consists of a serving of unsalted rice. For cereals, you can add some vegetables and herbs. During the day, it may be a low-calorie snack fruit. Also not forbidden to drink unsweetened tea and water in an amount that you need to quench your thirst.

Rice diet

A strict taboo classic version of a diet imposed on salt and seasonings. To replace them can use virgin olive oil, and soy sauce, but, naturally, in reasonable quantities.

The rice diet menu "week has"

  • Day One.

The breakfast menu: boiled rice, bread, half an apple, a slice of cheese.

Snack: a small banana.

Lunch: rice porridge herb (60 g) soup vegetables with addition of chicken breast.

Snack: a handful of prunes (dried apricots), a glass of kefir. Dinner: steamed rice with vegetables (60 g), a cup unsweetened yogurt.

  • Day Two.

Morning should begin with a favorite fruit and rice.

Snack: a slice of bread with cheese.

Dinner: a plate of rice with lentils, serving soup.

Snack: cabbage with beets can be in the form of lettuce.

Dinner: scrambled eggs (yolk protein + 3), yogurt (kefir).

  • The third day.

have breakfast with rice and banana.

Snack: nonfat yogurt.

Lunch: soup diet, rice, steamed chicken.

Snack: bread and a piece of salmon.

Dinner: vegetable salad, low-fat cottage cheese.

  • Day №4.

Breakfast: pear, a portion of our cereal.

Snack: low fat cottage cheese.

Lunch: rice + herbs and green peas, vegetable soup.

Snack: salad vegetables and seafood (100 g).

Dinner: a portion of rice with chicken white meat, yogurt.

  • The fifth day.

Menu for breakfast: rice with honey - 100 g of fruit - 200 g

Snack: grapefruit.

Lunch: steam fish, rice and vegetable salad.

Snack: half a boiled egg.

Dinner: Fig + stewed vegetables, cheese 150 g.

  • Menu penultimate day.

Breakfast: fruit salad with yogurt dressing.

Snack: pineapple (100 g).

Lunch: rice + steamed vegetables.

Snack: a slice of bread with red fish.

Dinner: rice and peas, yogurt.

  • The final day.

At breakfast, we eat 100 grams of cottage cheese + fruit.

Snack: salad greens and 3 proteins.

Lunch: vegetable soup with chicken breast, 100 grams of rice.

Snack: dried fruit, a glass of kefir.

Dinner: our cereal and seafood.

It's not hard rice diet, and if you want a sequence of meals from the menu above may be interchanged.

The three-day diet

In addition to the seven-day there is a three-day - quick rice diet.

It is tough enough, but with it the long-awaited results will be achieved more quickly.

Rice diet

In accordance with its rules throughout the day, eat only boiled rice, without any additives. In the morning you take a cup of rice, rinse it under running water, boil and eat all day. At the same time, you can eat per day to 300 grams of fruit and the same number of stewed vegetables. Need to drink every day for 2 liters of still water, but it should not be washed down with food or drink after a meal - ideally, to the interval between meals and water intake was at least an hour.

If you stick to this scheme, then three days you can lose weight by three kilograms.

Pros and cons of

The rice diet is good? 10 kg per week go irrevocably that proves its efficacy. It promotes the improvement of the body, purify the blood, joints, improves skin condition, maintains vitality, vitamin and mineral balance in the body. Rice - a powerful enterosorbent so mush of this cereal is recommended even to those who restore the body by poisoning. Cereal removes harmful substances present in the intestines. Balanced diet, easy to carry, good for the fasting days that you need to arrange no more than twice a month.

Rice diet

The disadvantages of mono-diet on rice include the fact that its long-term use can cause the appearance of gallstones, cause constipation, lower hemoglobin content in the blood. Refer to it can only be perfectly healthy people and only after consultation with your doctor! Figure washes away from the human body potassium, so it is advisable to take during the diet complex vitamins.

Reviews slimming

In most cases, people sitting on a diet of rice, speak about it positively. For example, they argue that it is a fairly simple diet, it is not difficult to sustain. And, of course, it is very useful for the organism.

A remarkable result with little effort and a constant feeling of hunger can not but rejoice seeking to get rid of extra kilos.

Rice diet

In addition, many dieters say not only weight loss, but also a significant improvement in health. The beauty of such a power that it does not feel hungry, because you can eat carbohydrates and proteins in the form of rice, vegetables, fruits and seafood.

On the day, in the opinion of the diet, people lose between one and one and a half kilograms of excess weight.

There are negative reviews about diet, dieters complain of problems with a chair, and the fact that rice quickly becomes boring. Of course, some stick to this menu can be difficult, but it's really worth it.

Also, according to the individual reviews, weight loss is significant only in the first couple of days, and then it goes away very slowly. Opinions about the diet reduced to the conclusion that it is suitable only for a short time. Judging by the reviews, rice diet of 10 kg per week removes only in strict compliance with all its rules, otherwise it will lose only 4-5 kilos, no more.

In any case, remember that before making a decision about how to adhere to such a diet, it is necessary to consult a doctor.