Fashionable coat of mink pieces

Find high-quality mink fur coat is not easy. It is necessary to take into account the huge amount of nuances, inexperienced shopper which basically does not know. For a start do not need to rush with the purchase, you should have patience in order to find the model of your dreams as quickly as possible. Be prepared that things will have to remeasure a lot. In this article you will understand what a fur coat of mink (pieces of) how to choose and do it right.

Fashionable coat of mink pieces

We will not dwell in great detail on the benefits of this article of clothing, and so all of them know a lot. It should be mentioned that a fur coat sheared mink pieces will serve you for a long time, about 10 years, and all the time will please you as if new. Of course, if you initially selected a high-quality fur. So, we learn what to look for when buying.

How to choose a fur coat?

It should start with a fitting model you like - put her own feelings and vote. Are you comfortable? Conveniently?

This is certainly not so heavy furs, as the other, with the coat of hooded mink pieces will not be very easy. It is understood that the model of solid plates is much warmer and more, in addition, it is worn longer. Coat of pieces is not so strong, and the joints may eventually disperse, thus it is more affordable and easy.

In addition, you can buy a fur coat in the dissolution, now such variants are so many, and this technology makes it possible to produce products of complex, interesting models.

Fashionable coat of mink pieces

Next, check the seams: the model should not be glued, because its lifetime is very small. Then we evaluate the quality of fur: under compression it should easily recover the amount, as well as to climb it should not.


In order to not goof, check necessarily fur defects. You have to understand that their little burrows, and you'll have no problems of their mind:

  • matted fur. Basically it shows violations during storage or dressing fur. Such a coat of mink pieces, the price of which, incidentally, most likely, a little reduced, appearance is unsightly.
  • Traces of rust. This happens if the animal was kept in a cage made of metal. Refuse and sturdiness no doubt spot data is not completely removed, although the sellers you can convince her otherwise.
  • The uneven color, on which there are traces of burning out or fading.
  • Uneven fur with traces of bites. Basically, it looks as if the coat - after a sloppy haircut scissors.
  • frayed or bare patches.

Repairing Fur - occupation costly, thus save yourself from unnecessary expenses - check the coat thoroughly.

Fashionable coat of mink pieces

Models coats of mink pieces

Often, these types of models are available 2 - Poperechka from indiscriminate torn parts. In the latter case, the boundaries between the pieces are not so visible and mostly perceived as if randomly brushed fur. Coats Poperechka-impression model of strictly horizontal lines. Designers for the representatives of youth to create a short mink coat. These models are suitable for people who are active, moreover, whose wardrobe can completely change during the day. These cuts fit perfectly into the office and business ensembles, as well as street casual.

Fashion model

Stylists say that the fur coat of mink pieces (its price depends on various factors, and starts at about 40,000 rubles) midi length should not be. All models have lower thighs are long. The length of the model in the floor of the pieces clearly demonstrate the financial and social status of the owner, in addition, its individuality and independence. Consequently, they are intended more on business ladies.

Fashionable coat of mink pieces

Fur Colors

Coat of mink (of the pieces) can be a variety of colors and their range is really huge. Most common in the first place is the nut mink. Next place is skin deep brown color. This is the most popular and the most inexpensive shades, which can be found in each store a profile. With all the other colors are not all so simple.

Rare shades

Mink coat of (pieces of) can be rare and shades:

  • Marble mink - fur is beige with soft yellowish shade, with chocolate stains and spots.
  • "Stardust" - dark gray color with a splash of guard white hairs. This color looks really luxurious, especially if the coat is long, while it is almost impossible to find on sale.
  • Black mink almost black, dark brown in color. The sale often comes painted fur, but can be easily distinguished from the natural: scrapings from the natural to be white, while in the painted will also be painted.
  • "Cinnamon" - a pale beige mink lung interspersed points brown. It looks very impressive.
  • Pastel mink - fur is beige with soft brown tint. It looks quite advantageous, while the sun plays just fine.
  • "Mahogany" - a fur shade average between dark brown and black. Incredibly beautiful.

This refers to the natural (natural) shades of fur, though, apart from them, often occurs as dyed mink. She was extremely popular a few years ago. Of course, the fur artificially impart any color. This is mainly natural colors when the skin color the least valuable in expensive shades, moreover - painting color palette fashion season.

Fashionable coat of mink pieces

In order to see the color quality, you need to rub the wet handkerchief white fur. It should be on it should remain. To date, the fur coat of mink (of the pieces) can be painted without compromising on quality, so you can choose a model without fear.