Warm up before exercise at home: a set of exercises

Warm up before training at home is very important. People often neglect it in front of the main occupations. But this can not be done. After exercise efficiency depends on how the body is ready to load. Warm-up - is not an absurd pastime. It helps to achieve positive results in a shorter time.

Why you need it?

Warm up before exercise at home includes a set of specially designed exercises. Their goal - to completely warm up the body to mobilize the joint and ligaments and develop muscles before exercise. Carrying out a warm-up, a person seeking a better stretching and muscle tone. Moreover, the increased activity of the cardiovascular system, increases blood flow to muscles and heart rate. Aerobic type of stress helps prevent injury during heavy loads, speeds up metabolism and nerve impulse transmission speed. After class, people focus and concentrate on the upcoming strength training.

Warm up before exercise at home: a set of exercises

Theory and Practice

First of all you must understand that the warm-up before a workout at home does not include perfectly chosen exercises that will suit everyone. It all depends on the physiological characteristics of an organism, body type, joint mobility, age and gender.

Before the start of the warm-up person should articulate exactly what he wants to achieve in the end. There are several options: a little warm up the entire body, specifically to load a certain muscle groups, including cardio program. If the workout is low-intensity or extended, it is "lull" the body. A shake-up of its program should be supplemented by sharp movements and strides. When all of the goals are clearly defined, we can move on to the practice.

What you need to know the fair sex?

Warm up before training home for the girls - an important part of a complete exercise program. After all, the fragile female body needs careful treatment. Firstly, you need to pay attention to the temperature of the air in the room or on the street. For example, on the body warming in winter it takes longer. And in the summer, when the heat itself is an ordeal for the body, it is necessary to reduce the intensity of training and workout to perform without much dynamism.

The value has to what phase is the menstrual cycle. Before menstruation in girls in the body increases the amount of the hormone progesterone. He has a strong effect on the connective tissue. This is why increasing the mobility of joints and ligaments become more prone to stretching. But in any case, the warm-up is necessary to spend at least ten minutes. The best option of the provisional program - the inclusion of light cardio. This will help to invigorate the body and saturate muscle tissue with oxygen.

Warm up before exercise at home: a set of exercises

Warm-up for the girls

In any case it is impossible to miss such an important process as the warm-up before a workout at home for girls. Exercises should mainly be focused on kneading major joints and spine. Such exercises are familiar to most still at school. Physical education classes articular gymnastics - the main element of a class. Of course, the workout should start with the neck. Several circular turns clockwise and counterclockwise, and side bends will help to stretch the cervical vertebrae.

Then you can move on to the hands. Rotational circular motion to be performed ten times back and forth. In this case, the back is straight. Following is the next step - ups of hands. Feet should be shoulder-width apart to place. Next on the breath straightened arms raised above his head, and on the exhale - down smoothly. Now we can move on to the slopes of the body. Exercise is slow. Number of slopes should not exceed ten on each side. Then you can move on to the rotational movements of the pelvis on both sides. At the same time we must try as much as possible to deduce how the pelvis forward and back and forth.

The final phase of a workout - squats. The housing should be kept straight, feet shoulder-width apart to place, and the toes slightly turned to the side. Squat, slowly, heel off the floor do not interrupt. All exercises are desirable to perform 10-15 times.

Warm up before exercise at home: a set of exercises

Exercises for men

Warm up before the home workout for men can include all the same exercises as for women. But if you want to make it more dynamic, you can add some more effective exercise. In addition, because of the physical characteristics of men warm up time can be extended to fifteen minutes. So, in addition to the above basic gymnastic complex can be included in the cardio workout, that is, walking on the spot.

Feet should not be at a great distance from each other, and the hands should be pressed to the body. Stepping on the ground need for four minutes. Walking tempo - average. The number of sit-ups can be increased to 15-20 times.

A great exercise for men - stretching the triceps. It should be performed no more than five times in each direction. You need to raise your hand and bend it at the elbow. Forearm while retracted. The second hand should just press on the elbow. Thus the stretched muscle.

One additional exercise - lifting the bent leg. For half a minute, it is desirable to have time to do thirty reps. Knees should be raised to the level of the pelvis. You can also shake the press for one minute.

Warm up before exercise at home: a set of exercises

Children's warm-up

For children to develop well and grow rapidly, it needs to be physically active. Warm up before exercise at home for children should consist of light and dynamic exercises. This will help to strengthen different muscle groups to generate new skills and mobilize important functional systems of the young organism. To diversify the monotonous basic gymnastic exercises, such as the torso, arms and legs rises, can be added to the program jumps. And if you do the warm-up to music, the child simply can not fail to be interested in physical exercise. Since childhood joints more elastic and flexible, excellent choice - to supplement the basic program extensions. For example, from the position to stand the child to reach the socks without bending the knees.

Warm up before exercise at home: a set of exercises

Workout and Yoga

We continue to continue to consider, as it may be carried out before the warm-up exercise at home. Yoga will help make the process more interesting and original. Asanas evoke a large number of muscle groups, helping the mind to ignore the problems and focus on the breathing process.

An important part of yoga - a consistent and gradual heating of the body. You must first perform the meditation for a few minutes. This will help Svadhisthasana - known posture, sitting in which it is necessary to cross my legs.

Then you can move on to universal yoga postures that will suit almost everyone. The first posture - Virasana. A man sits on the floor, lowering the buttocks between the heels, which must adhere to the hips. Knees are brought together, and the shoulders are revealed. The position should wait a few minutes. For workouts perfect asana Kundalini. Its implementation is simple. First, you need to take Svadhisthasanu cross-legged. Hands should be kept at shoulder level. Next, take a breath, in which the chest is pushed forward and upward. On the exhale, round your back and need to be pulled back vanes. The exercise is performed for four minutes.

Warm up before exercise at home: a set of exercises

A few tips

Many people wonder how to do warm-up before a workout at home. First we need to determine exactly what should be the outcome in the end. workout program need to be based on the individual desires and physiological characteristics. Newcomers will be useful light and slow exercises that will not harm unprepared to stress joints and muscles. Fans of the original may find the way to yoga classes. It helps to relax, and also interested in unusual asanas.

Another important caveat - the selection of clothes

Engaging in physical exercise, it is very important to choose the sports clothing. After a suitable equipment - an important part of this process, as a warm-up before a workout at home. The photo below shows an excellent option for sports apparel comfortable and effective training. During exercise the body needs to breathe, so it is important to choose high-quality fabrics, not ordinary synthetics. for warm clothing should be spacious, never push and not to interfere with the exercise.

Warm up before exercise at home: a set of exercises

Following all of these tips, you can perform the workout at home is easy and fun. The main thing - do not forget that can not be immediately taken for strength exercises. The human body requires a careful attitude to itself, so it is necessary to warm up, and only then move on to the heavy loads and long training.