Addresses of stores "Augie" in Moscow. Shops "Augie": price, range, reviews

Addresses of stores "Augie" in Moscow - this is the list, which includes about forty outlets. Most of them are located in the outskirts of Moscow. These stores are very popular especially among young women. After all, they are focused primarily on that category of consumers. This article lists the addresses of shops "Augie" in Moscow. For convenience, they are divided into groups. Each of them corresponds to a certain district of the capital.

Addresses of stores

What is the reason for the popularity

What is "Augie"? addresses of shops in Moscow are listed below. But first I would like to say a few words about the company and why the products that it markets, are so popular. And not only in Moscow but also in the entire post-Soviet space.

First, in "Augie" prices are more than affordable. Secondly, there is everything from outerwear, finishing accessories. Addresses of stores "Augie" interested mostly girls in Moscow. But this does not mean that things are on sale exclusively for women. Seven years ago, there was an assortment of clothes and for the stronger sex. In addition, in these stores is always a wide variety of things for students. Similar clothing to find on such a loyal prices in Moscow is not easy.

Cost free female silhouette shirts, photos of which is presented below, is 1299 rubles. In this product category, this model is probably the most expensive. The rest of the blouses are about six hundred rubles. On the eve of the beginning of the school year, stores addresses "Augie" Moscow should know first and foremost a high school student's mother. After all, this will significantly save the family budget.

Addresses of stores

When it comes to holidays and are coming next major purchase, "Augie" again comes to the rescue. In stores this network, there is always a wide selection of dresses. In the photo below you can see one of the models present in the portfolio. The cost of this dress is only five hundred rubles.

Addresses of stores

As for the clothes for young people in each of the stores, "Augie" it is represented by different jackets, shirts, sweatshirts, T-shirts. By the end of the autumn range replenished collection of outerwear both female and male. Jacket for women will cost an average of three thousand rubles. However, it is worth saying that the clothes here a youth. Dresses, skirts, swimwear, underwear - everything is focused on teenage girls, girls or women are different slender physique. You can find stylish dresses size 46-48, however, the choice of small.

A bit of history

"Augie" was founded in the late nineties. addresses of shops in Moscow, then, is a modest list. In 1999, sales outlets were only ten. They were in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Production takes place in the northern capital. But at an early stage, the company developed rapidly.

Three years after its foundation shops there were more than one hundred and fifty. And expanded product range. As the demand for goods sold by the Russian company, was quite high, the production decided to entrust the industrious Chinese. Since 2002, the clothes and accessories are made in China, so the prices have become even more attractive. A few years later on the creation of the collections we began to work not only Russian but also French designers. It can be said that the network "Augie" was a little closer to the world of high fashion. In 2011, stores Oodji worked not only in Russia and CIS countries. Opened retail outlets in Poland and the Czech Republic. And in 2016 - in Germany, France, England, Italy and Spain.

Addresses of stores

The benefits of shopping "Augie" should be added discount system and a variety of events. The holidays tend to discount up to twenty percent of all the goods. Action "three for the price of two" for a certain category of clothing is relevant all year round.

Reviews of products presented in Oodji, mostly positive. The company is one of the first manufacturers of good quality clothing for the middle class. However, there are, though rarely, about us negative feedback. By purchasing in-store "Augie" clothing buyers probably do not know how long it will be worn. Among the wide range there are both good products and things, the quality leaves much to be desired. However, this is easily explained. Clothes for such an affordable price can not have an exceptionally high quality.

If the products manufactured by this brand, yet unknown to you, to visit the nearest store "Augie" in Moscow. Address directory which is presented below, will help residents of the capital to choose the nearest point of sale. Let's start with the stores located in the west of the city.

Shops "Augie" in Moscow (address, subway): ZAO

  • Str. Yartsevskaya 25A.
  • Mozhayskoe w., 31, Building 1.
  • Str. Pokryshkin 4.

These stores are located near the metro station "Youth", "Slavic Boulevard", "South-West".

"Augie": a list of stores in Moscow (CJSC and CAO)

  • Str. Mitinskaya, 40, 3rd floor.
  • Str. Shchukin, 42
  • Khoroshevskoe w. 16, page 3.
  • Dmitrovskoe sh., D. 116D.
  • Str. Decembrists, 12

The shops are near subway stations "Otradnoye", "Race", "Schukinskaya". Origin of the list above, is located in the shopping center "Mitinskaya" twenty meters from the subway station "Mitino".

Addresses of stores

Shopping "Oji" (VAO)

  • Green Ave., 83
  • Str. VEShNJaKOVSKAJa Str. 18A.

The nearest station - "Electrozavodskaya", "Vykhino", "Novogireevo". Another store is located on Bolshaya Semenovskaya, house 16.

Shopping (South-West)

  • Str. Profsoyuznaya, 61A.
  • Ave Novoyasenevsky 1.
  • Str. Pokryshkina, d. 4.

stores in the south of the capital are located at the following addresses:

  • Str. Red Lighthouse, 2B.
  • Str. Masterkova 4.
  • Str. Kirovograd, 14
  • Str. Clearing 8.

The shops are not far from the station "The Prague", "Avtozavodskaya", "South". Near the recently opened metro station "Technopark" in the shopping center "Megapolis" it is also Oodji.

This article lists the most large stores. Most of them are located in shopping centers on the second or third floor. In addition, regularly opening new outlets. To date, the company's turnover is estimated at three hundred million dollars. Visit the shop Oodji and make your own opinion about this manufacturer!