Scaly skin on the face and hands: possible causes and features of care

Peeling skin is a problem for many people. Basically peeling can be a cause of climate change, the season. The skin reacts strongly to temperature changes, and shows his displeasure unpleasant methods, including desquamation. But this is only one reason. What else can contribute to the emergence of the unpleasant symptoms, methods of elimination and especially the care we have considered in this article.

Peeling of the skin on the head

There are many people who perceive seen in the hair skin particles of dander, and all the forces sent to fight it. In most cases the way it is, but there are other reasons for this "snow" from the head. To understand the causes of these just need to do and getting it fixed, and not to hope that the problem will disappear by itself. Firstly, if you peel off the skin on the head, the particles fall on the clothes and strongly visible in the hair, and it looks not aesthetically pleasing. Secondly, apart from harmless manifestations peeling, dryness of the skin and its extinction can be caused by a serious illness, often infectious. In any case, scaly skin on the head is not just like that, it means that the body has failed. And the treatment of even the most popular or expensive drugs has no effect if the cause is established.

Scaly skin on the face and hands: possible causes and features of care

On the head scaly skin: Causes

Peeling of the skin on the head can not be attributed to one cause, if trouble occurs, it is necessary to completely rethink their way of life, cosmetics, food. Usually scaly scalp appears due to such reasons as:

  • dandruff;
  • the wrong shampoo, conditioner;
  • dry skin;
  • allergic to beauty products for hair care and scalp (masks, balms, gels, varnishes, etc.);
  • stable pereutomlyaemost, lack of rest;
  • heredity;
  • unprofessionally executed or that is not recommended, but made peeling skin color;
  • a lack of vitamins and minerals, caused by malnutrition;
  • headgear or accessories for the head of the bad stuff;
  • exacerbation of skin diseases (psoriasis, fungus, etc.).
  • a bad environment;
  • bad habits (smoking, excessive use of alcohol);
  • change of seasons.

If the change of winter to spring is nothing you can do about it, here's power to do is possible. Also completely change all cosmetics, toss unhealthy habits. And to begin with, refer to a dermatologist, hand over the necessary tests.

Scaly skin on the face and hands: possible causes and features of care

Elimination of peeling

If you visit a trichologist or dermatologist, and they did not reveal the reasons, it is time to deal with their own misfortune. Here are a few tips to help get rid of peeling:

  1. Twice a week, make a mask for the hair and scalp. They need to be moisturizing.
  2. If heavily shelled skin after peeling done in the salon, then contact the person who made the procedure. He explained the reasons, will help in the elimination.
  3. Start taking a complex of vitamins and minerals.
  4. Most Wash hats, caps, hats and other headgear, all these accessories, choose only high-quality, breathable materials.
  5. Get plenty of rest. Organize your regimen so that the time to go to work has become less.

If you do not trichologist advised any drugs you can buy yourself at the pharmacy "Soultz", released this tool in the form of a shampoo, pastes and ointments sold without a prescription. "Soultz" has virtually no contraindications, but should avoid contact with eyes. Since this means fat, you will need some time afterwards to wash the hair. You can also make masks based on olive oil. You will need five tablespoons unrefined, heated to 50 degrees in a water bath of olive oil, a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice. Mix the ingredients, apply on the scalp, after 20 minutes rinse thoroughly easiest shampoo and rinse decoction of nettles. Repeat procedure should be at least ten times, at least twice a week.

Your skin

Our poor handles like no other part of the body exposed to the negative influences. If you peel off the skin on the hands, immediately lost the mood to do household chores, work, nail polish in the end. The skin shrinks, its surface is strongly noticeable departed scales. It's ugly unpleasant, uncomfortable. Fight with the disease can not only moisturizing creams, you need to seriously take on their health. Many do not even think why scaly skin, and the reason may be a lot! Among them:

  • deficiency of vitamins A, B, E;
  • decreased immunity (after long-term use of antibiotics, for example);
  • for cosmetics allergy, household chemical products;
  • wrong or inadequate care for your hands;
  • weather conditions;
  • skin diseases (fungus, psoriasis, etc.).

Scaly skin on the face and hands: possible causes and features of care


To scaly skin does not become a problem for you, it is necessary to observe some rules in terms of lifestyle, nutrition and hygiene.

  1. When the streets and in front of any reception hands should be washed thoroughly cooking.
  2. After washing the skin is necessary to wipe dry with a soft towel. If the water with it is own to evaporate, it will lead to drying out.
  3. Use of high-quality hand cream.
  4. In the cold season you need before going out to lubricate the hand barrier cream.
  5. Use only high-quality household products.
  6. When washing by hand, cleaning, washing dishes should wear rubber gloves.
  7. In no case do not put the wrong gloves, like rubber and cloth. The fungus is insidious, and can easily be passed through these things.

Scaly skin on the face and hands: possible causes and features of care


When the first signs of peeling is necessary to consult a doctor to find out why the skin peels off. Specialist prescribe tests for detection of skin diseases and allergens. With this illness, like a fungus, more productive will begin treatment in the early stages, so do not delay the campaign to the dermatologist.

If a doctor causes is not installed, you can independently deal with illness. Scaly skin on the hands is easily treatable if it is not associated with the disease. Use the following method:

  • Paraffin popular in the fight against peeling of the skin, this procedure is carried out in virtually all interiors.
  • Oil wraps at home: you need three tablespoons of olive oil and one of honey. Mix, heat on the steam bath to 45-50 degrees, spread these arms composition, bandage wrap, and the top of waxed paper. Leave this mask for the night, in the morning wash with warm water and brush with cream. Wraps must be done before full recover every night.
  • The mask of raw potatoes: peeled potatoes grate, put him in his arms, put x / cotton gloves. Leave for two hours, rinse with water. The mask is recommended to do three times a week.
  • oil bath for hands: warm up on a water bath of olive oil, add to a few drops of vitamins E and A, they are sold in every pharmacy, are inexpensive. Hold hands in this part of half an hour, then rinse with water and apply moisturizer.

way to deal with skin peeling of hands a lot. Whichever you choose, it can help get rid of the unpleasant symptoms.

scaly patches on the skin

When there are scaly patches, then people start to panic on the surface of the body. The reasons can be many, and not all of them are dangerous, many of them are easy to get rid of at home. But still do not look for the problem yourself, you should immediately consult a doctor who can help you as quickly as possible upon detection of the spots on the body. Peeling skin with spots, especially if they are spread throughout the body, not an occasion for jokes. Not necessarily such a person is contagious, causes can be as follows:

  1. Chemicals, trapped on the skin, may cause such a reaction. After the chemicals remain largely bright spots, which will eventually begin to peel off due to the recovery of the skin. These burns may be called white, chloro, various substances in plants, including the liquid acid or poisonous powder.
  2. The violation of the gastrointestinal tract is often the cause of these spots.
  3. Lack of vitamins.
  4. An allergic reaction to cosmetics, household chemicals, food.
  5. Failure to comply with the rules of hygiene.
  6. nervous breakdown.
  7. The fungus.

Scaly skin on the face and hands: possible causes and features of care

How to get rid of scaly patches?

Initially, you must determine the cause of the occurrence of such peeling. A dermatologist will be able to determine the presence of a skin disease and prescribe early treatment. If no reason was found to the doctor, you can compete on their own for the beauty of their appearance and health status:

  • take vitamins and minerals, the lack of them often leads to flaking, including in the form of spots;
  • while taking shower, use a scrub, it helps exfoliate the skin, and thereby speed up the recovery process of the epidermis;
  • Use moisturizing milk or lotion for the body after a bath or shower;
  • start eating right, enter into the diet of more fresh fruits and vegetables, meat;
  • are not a long time in the sun, it can also be the cause of these spots;
  • Drink plenty of fluids;
  • to observe the rules of hygiene;
  • was less nervous drink of sedatives when necessary;
  • from stains caused by chemicals, it is difficult to get rid of, consult with a specialist about the application of special ointments and medications.

Scaly skin on the face and hands: possible causes and features of care

flaking facial skin

Every woman wants to be attractive and well-groomed. Peeling facial skin prevents this, and deal with the causes is necessary. The epidermis may suffer from both external factors, as well as internal, and all of them should consider before choosing a method to combat desquamation.

  1. The unfavorable weather, especially in winter time can cause chapping of the skin and thus cause its peeling.
  2. Improper cosmetics that you use every day.
  3. Wrong skin care.
  4. An unhealthy diet, and as a consequence of a lack of vitamins.
  5. The recently passed treatments in the salon, for example, peeling.
  6. hormonal disorders.
  7. Bad habits (smoking, alcohol in immoderate quantities).
  8. gastrointestinal operation violations.
  9. Lack of fluid in the body.
  10. Skin Diseases.

Scaly skin on the face and hands: possible causes and features of care

Prevention and treatment of

As in all the above described cases, it is recommended to consult a specialist to determine the cause of skin peeling. Doctor will prescribe the treatment of skin diseases, stomach and intestines. If the reason for a doctor is not installed, then rethink your lifestyle:

  1. Drink plenty of water. Tea, coffee, soda, juice - it's not liquid, and drinks. On the day a person needs to drink at least two liters of clean water for the body to function normally.
  2. Get rid of all bad habits. Smoking and alcohol adversely affect not only the skin, but on the whole body as a whole.
  3. More Eat fruits and vegetables, meat.
  4. More walk, breathe fresh air.
  5. Before going to bed wash off makeup, weekend, let your skin a break from makeup.
  6. In the windy and freezing weather, use a barrier cream.
  7. Do not abuse salon treatments (peeling, solarium, etc.).
  8. Once a week use a scrub and a daily moisturizer (if dry skin flakes).

Scaly skin on the face and hands: possible causes and features of care

Children's skin is

Parents panic if your child has scaly skin. Of course, children just need to immediately lead to the doctor to rule out ringworm, psoriasis, and other skin diseases that are at the tender age are frequent. If the disease is not detected, the reasons may be as follows:

  • tight clothing fabric can cause peeling, because the baby's skin is thinner than adults;
  • chapping;
  • the lack of vitamins in the rapid growth;
  • allergy;
  • a lack of hygiene;
  • incorrectly matched funds for bathing;
  • unhealthy diet.

Scaly skin on the face and hands: possible causes and features of care

How to fight

To avoid peeling of the skin of the child, before each walk is necessary to handle the open spaces protective cream, even in good summer weather.

If peeling skin has already been detected, and the reasons for the doctor did not find the need to radically rethink the diet Chad: completely eliminate soda, chips, crackers flavored, and other stores, "goodies". Prepare cookies and muffins at home, encourage the child to eat more vegetables, meat, drink clean water.

Children of all ages need to take extra vitamins and minerals, so they can grow normally. peeling of the skin body often makes it clear that it lacks some substance.