Remedy for hair Hair Megaspray: customer reviews

Healthy and beautiful hair - is the main decoration of any woman. Unfortunately, not all nature has bestowed this dignity. Even very young girl faced with severe hair loss. Fortunately, pharmacies are a wide number of means to combat this scourge. Very popular Hair Megaspray. Reviews will help you understand the intricacies of the use of this tool and evaluate its effectiveness.

Remedy for hair Hair Megaspray: customer reviews

Few Manufacturer

We are used to buy cosmetics tested brand with a good reputation. That is why it is important to know who is the manufacturer of spray Hair Megaspray. Reviews contain enough little information about the company "BioHimEkspo". However, if you look for information on the network, you can see that she was about 8 years engaged in the production of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. In addition, the company actively cooperates with the domestic beauty salons, supplying them with products for curls care. After examining the official website of the manufacturer, you can see that over the years he has received numerous awards and diplomas.

The composition of the spray

Both men and women who have experienced hair loss, for sure, heard of such a facility as Hair Megaspray. Reviews mostly focus on the composition of the spray. Each of the components has an exceptional value and carries favor tresses. The composition is as follows:

  • Burdock oil - this is probably the most popular way to combat hair loss. It contains a huge amount of micronutrients, vitamins, fatty acids, and so on. D. The oil has a beneficial effect on the scalp, moisturizing it, eliminating the itching and nourishing roots. As for the locks, tool helps smooth scales that shine.
  • Argan oil - a valuable product for the scalp. It has healing and emollient properties. Regularly treating hair with this oil, it is possible to stop the cross-section of the hair structure and make more soft and supple. It formed a sort of protective film that protects the hair from the harmful effects of the environment.
  • Herbal extracts (nettle and chamomile) - act as anti-inflammatory components. Heal scalp damage and actively struggling with dandruff.
  • Coconut oil - an exotic product that deeply moisturizes strands, giving them vitality. It is a real salvation for split ends. It is much easier to comb, there is a healthy shine.
  • The extract of red pepper - a stimulant component, which is designed to accelerate the growth of hair. Irritating the skin, it promotes the inflow of blood to the surface. As a result, the hair follicles are more intensive nutrition, and their activity increases.
  • The oil of cinnamon - it is, as the previous component irritant with the warming effect. In addition to faster hair growth, says their active feeding and intensive moisturizing. According to the results of the use of cinnamon oil hair becomes softer and smoother. Dandruff disappears, hair longer stay fresh and clean.
  • Aevit - a complex of vitamins that enhance the protective barrier of the skin of the head. Creating an invisible film, means protects the epidermis from the harmful effects of sunlight.
Remedy for hair Hair Megaspray: customer reviews

Features Packaging

It is worth paying attention to the packaging means Hair Megaspray. Reviews contain such essential information:

  • means is packaged in compact bottles with spray. Dispenser outputs an amount of drug that is sufficient for one application. Despite the oily texture, you practically do not run the risk of staining your clothes and furniture.
  • The compact leakproof packaging tool is easy to carry. Even if you are traveling, you do not have to interrupt the course of hair treatment.
Remedy for hair Hair Megaspray: customer reviews


If you plan to purchase Hair MegaSpray, customer reviews will help you make the final decision. However, to get started is to figure out who is recommended the use of funds. Indications for use of the following spray:

  • brittle, section and lack of natural hair shine;
  • permanent curls painting, as a result of which they become dry and lifeless;
  • lack of volume, unruly hair;
  • severe hair loss or partial alopecia;
  • regular use of styling products, which adversely affect the condition of the hair and scalp;
  • the constant use of the hair dryer, straightener and curling irons that dry up the hair shaft;
  • presence of dandruff and scalp of some diseases;
  • slow hair growth;
  • infectious diseases (fever and antibiotics can significantly weaken the roots of the hair);
  • desire to give her hair well-groomed appearance.
Remedy for hair Hair Megaspray: customer reviews


It looks quite attractive composition, as well as indications that characterize Hair Spray Hair Megaspray. Reviews, however, indicate that this tool can be used not for everyone. The list of contraindications as follows:

  • allergic reaction or idiosyncrasy of a component (before purchasing spray, study the composition carefully and make sure that your skin normally responds to oil and other substances);
  • the presence of open wounds on the scalp (pepper extract can provoke severe burning and deeper tissue damage);
  • psoriasis and other diseases of the skin (before applying means is best to consult with a dermatologist).


Many women and men have already try to imagine Megaspray hair. Hair Megaspray, reviews of which are numerous enough to be effective when used according to instructions. It includes the following items:

  • Shake the bottle to oils and plant extracts have adopted uniform texture;
  • composition of the spray to clean hair (whether dry or wet), focusing on the area of ​​the roots;
  • set aside a bottle aside and massage your scalp;
  • shook his head with cling film or put a plastic shower cap, then additionally Insulate towel;
  • an hour wash composition from the hair using shampoo (it is desirable that he was on a natural basis);
  • dry hair naturally and place them the usual way.

If men use the spray to accelerate the growth of beards, insulation is not required.

Remedy for hair Hair Megaspray: customer reviews

Additional measures

From the huge number of hair growth depends on factors. Megaspray tool will have on your ringlets more pronounced effect if you follow these rules:

  • Review your diet in favor of foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Eat more fruits and vegetables, fatty fish, meat, nuts and dairy products.
  • Select the correct comb for hair. It must be made of solid wood or bristle. Metal and plastic can pinch the hair and scalp.
  • From time to time spent on drink a course of multivitamins. This is especially important during the cold season, when fresh fruits and vegetables available.
  • Avoid thermal effects on the hair. Discard the dryer, irons and ploek. Also, do not wash your hair too hot water.
  • Use for washing the hair shampoo on natural basis. They do not dry out so much hair and skin.
  • Make regular massage of the head. It increases blood circulation and accelerate growth.
  • Give up bad habits and try to protect themselves from stress. These factors are particularly strong influence on the condition of the hair.

Hair Spray Hair Megaspray: real reviews

This tool helps solve a lot of problems. It is worth to get acquainted with the views of buyers before purchase and use Megaspray hair. Hair Megaspray, reviews of which are sufficiently numerous, very popular. Most of the positive comments. So, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • positive about this spray those who have to regularly use irons, curling irons and hair styling. Because of these manipulations hair becomes dry, brittle and lifeless. Use of this spray is considerably improve the quality and appearance of curls. In addition, they become more obedient, allowing less frequent resort to thermal treatment.
  • When buying a tool to combat hair loss, and other users have reported a positive effect. Thus, the structure of the hair is significantly improved. Some women claim that the hair becomes soft and obedient as children. After application do not have to use any additional styling. Combing hair itself becomes a beautiful shape.
  • Men do not usually hesitate to use Hair Megaspray, considering this product exclusively female. However, desperate to find salvation in pharmaceutical facilities, yet agree on the use of new items. Noting the positive dynamics of growth of hair and improvement of their beards, they are happy to buy the spray again.
  • According to buyers, the spray becomes a real salvation for the hair after the building. Wanting to add length and volume, many are faced with the fact that under the weight of its own artificial curls began to fall heavily. After confirming the ineffectiveness of domestic masks, many have resorted to the use of Hair Megaspray. As a result, a month hair grow to 4-5 cm.
  • This spray is popular among male and female students. The fact is that during the examination, they undergo a lot of stress that nepremennoskazyvaetsya the condition of hair. Using this tool, you can stop the loss of curls and significantly improve their appearance.
  • Most women experience hair problems after birth. They begin to fall heavily and split. At the same time, taking vitamin complexes does not help deal with the problem. Using the spray, most of the women noted a positive change. A month later the intensity of hair loss is reduced.
Remedy for hair Hair Megaspray: customer reviews

Is there negative reviews?

Despite the ever-growing popularity of Hair Megaspray, real reviews also have a negative connotation. Negative are about 35% comments. Buyers do not notice any effect, or say that he was very insignificant. This may be due to such factors:

  • You have purchased a fake. Unfortunately, the Internet and mass retail chains presented similar in appearance, composition and description of the means, which are issued for the original.
  • High expectations. You must understand that this spray is not a medical drug, but because if the bad quality of the hair - it is a genetic problem, or hair loss has reached an advanced stage, even medications and laser therapy is not always effective.
  • Specific features. Perhaps, your body has a reduced sensitivity to some components. Then you notice a cosmetic effect, but hair loss is not stopped.
  • Irregular use. To see the first results, you need at least a month in good faith to use the spray. Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of self-control and self-discipline. In addition, the tool is quite expensive, so much on one bottle.

Expert opinion

If you examine the official website of the manufacturer MegaSpray Hair spray seems to be really effective. Indeed, this tool has been certified. But if you carefully examine permits, it becomes clear that this is not a cure, but only cosmetics. Therefore, you must understand that your use of the caregiver means which can have an effect, stated by the manufacturer (not even every medical preparations under force).

To understand how the spray Hair MegaSpray (real reviews of Dermatologists and trichologists confirm it), it is recommended to study the composition in detail. You will notice that it is based on vegetable oils cosmetics. Of course, all of them are useful for hair and scalp. But this is not enough to stop hair loss and restore hair growth. Oil does not affect the activity of the follicles. As for cosmetic effect, it will last only a few hours of applying the funds for hair. The composition also contains an extract of pepper and cinnamon oil. Certainly, irritating the scalp, they stimulate blood circulation, which will help accelerate the growth of hair. But this applies only to healthy curls. What about the nettle and chamomile, they are unlikely to be able to cope with advanced alopecia or inflammation.

Vitamins A and E, contains in its composition a hair Hair MegaSpray. Reviews specialists regarding these components is also very skeptical. The fact that vitamins are poorly penetrate the skin, so the local impact is quite weak. Moreover, when combined with other substances, they quickly lose their properties. Much more value you bring to your hair, if you take "Aevit" inside.

Remedy for hair Hair Megaspray: customer reviews

Hair Spray Hair Megaspray: divorce or the truth? Reviews

Whenever the network appeared information about a wonder drug to combat hair loss, creep some doubts about its effectiveness. Thus, in recent years a lot of controversy revolves around Hair Megaspray. Reviews such isolated positive points which favor the means of:

  • Completely natural composition. Each of the components has certain useful properties for hair. Burdock oil, tincture of pepper, cinnamon, nettles and other useful resources for more than one generation is saved from hair loss. Thus, the cosmetic effect of gloss, elasticity and volume you exactly guaranteed.
  • The procedure for applying a spray is extremely simple. There is no special circuits or special techniques. Thus, if you apply on the hair too much money or, on the contrary, a few days will not use it, no harm will happen.
  • application course is short enough. The positive effect was seen within two weeks. Indeed, the hair falls is much smaller and more attractive to look at. Not expect any results for six months or longer.

, however, getting some means on the Internet, you should not rely on the fulfillment of all promises of the manufacturer. Vivid pictures, big promises producer - is, of course, a hoax. If you really are suffering from hair loss, but not banal hair loss due to stress and lack of vitamins, it is not necessary to place any hopes on the spray Hair Megaspray. Reviews pay attention to such negative aspects:

  • You must understand that this spray provides no more than a superficial cosmetic effect. Of course, the hair will be shiny and manageable. They will even less to fall, but if it is a seasonal problem. On the treatment of baldness, unfortunately, not a speech. A Review information about the growth of new hair, most likely associated with natural curls update.
  • Price is obviously overestimated. You pay for the nice package and big promises. Sami same components that make up a spray, are much cheaper.
  • Spray is quite difficult to buy. Of course, it is sold in some pharmacy chains, but it is very rare. We have to be ordered on the Internet means that is associated with the expectation additional risks and costs.
  • Another disadvantage of buying over the Internet - you can not ensure the quality of the product. Of course, the official website is a copy of the certificate of quality, but this is not a guarantee that you are really buying a safe and effective remedy.

Is the price fair?

The basis of the composition of the reporting agents are natural cosmetic oils. Of course, they are useful for hair, and the goods are certified, but some of the issues causing the price. About 1500 rubles worth Hair Megaspray. In pharmacies, you can buy the entire set of oils in much larger quantities. And this will cost you buy much cheaper. Should I pay? If you have the value of a beautiful and convenient packaging (agree, spray on the hair is much easier than to oil, soiling your hands or clothes), unequivocal answer.