Stayer - a long-distance runner. Stayers in athletics

Stayers race is considered to be a very popular sport. To become a long-distance runner, it must be remembered that the only constant proper training will help the athlete without any problems run a certain distance. What is the distance to be overcome athlete, so he had every right to be called a long-distance runner, a closer look at the article.

All about the concept of "stayers distance"

Stayer - a sportsman overcoming long distances. What distance can relate to long? According to the rules of the smallest distance for stayerskogo run a distance of 3,000 meters and more. During training an athlete sets a goal - to run as much as possible in one hour, while his main task is to properly allocate their energy, and follow all the rules.

Stayer - a long-distance runner. Stayers in athletics

To run a great distance athlete can when it will achieve positive progress in training and will continue to increase the intensity of stress on the body. Athletes stayers should have a well-prepared physically body, only then can we expect to win in the competition.

What distance must overcome stayer

Even stayers race has medium and long distances. To date, release the top and bottom border stayerskogo running. For instance, for a marathon to overcome the 42,200 meters. At the Olympic Games runners overcome by 10,000 meters. For long distances include 2 miles, 20 000 meters and even one hour run.

Stayer - a long-distance runner. Stayers in athletics

the winner is determined just as in the last races, the athlete who can run the longest distance, and is the winner. But this kind of racing is not acceptable for official competitions in athletics.

Running technique stayer

The athlete must first pay attention to the efficiency and proper distribution of the forces. If we compare stayer and a sprinter, the latter should make a strong push, and the distance to overcome almost on tiptoes. We stayer it's different, the athlete should be doing most of the load on the foot and ensure that no unnecessary actions in his movements were not, it will take time and effort. Long distance runner has no right to make mistakes, because it will affect the results.

Stayer - a long-distance runner. Stayers in athletics

In no event it is impossible to look at his feet and strongly lift my head to the sky, long-distance runner is to keep your head in the correct position.

How to physically prepared to run?

Running long distances requires the athlete's great effort and good preparation. Constant training will help to prepare for the run and improve the skills that have been received. Preparation is not only running, but also in other exercises that focus on the development of strength, speed and endurance. With the help of exercises long distance runner can improve their performance and to train certain muscles. Special exercises necessarily include running with jumps, for example, it is possible to use a rope, and a removable running.

Stayer - a long-distance runner. Stayers in athletics

When the athletes are not used in the training of special exercises, their physical training level decreases rapidly, which in turn negatively affects the stayer achievements.

How to behave during an athlete stayerskogo run?

Stayer - a runner who must always follow the basic rules and monitor the position of the legs, his body and breath. Consider these rules in more detail:

  1. leg muscles have to be prepared physically. While running, it is necessary to closely monitor the formulation of the foot. Initially put that part of the leg that is on the outer side of the foot, then completely omitted the entire foot. If a stayer will constantly monitor the staging of his legs, he does not lose speed while running. It is also important to remember that the head is held straight, and his eyes look only forward.
  2. Particular attention should be given to setting body and hand movements. Hands stayer must constantly move vigorously, elbow bent at ninety degrees, and she turns into a brush and goes to the middle of the trunk. This hand position promotes speed. Stayers race - a type of long-distance running, while his body should be upright, lean slightly can only be made on finishing.
  3. The third important rule is considered proper breathing. Breathing should be in rhythm with the pace. In this case, there is every chance to maintain a steady breathing throughout the distance, but when you need to make the last jump before the finish, problems with the oxygen does not arise. It is often breathing, oxygen in this case during the run will flow uniformly into the lungs.

athlete should actively develop the whole muscle group, only in this case, successful long-distance runner can get from it. Athletics includes not only running, but also some strength exercises that will help to make training effective stayers, for example, pumped up the leg muscles can help the athlete to accelerate at the right time. We trained athlete should have his own tactics.

Notable champions stayerskogo running

Stayer - is an athlete who is a fan of one of the most prestigious sports. As of today, can be called the names of many well-known athletes who have set records in this sport, that's the brightest of them:

  1. Kenenisa Bekele - won the world record in the women's 10,000 meters, it records no one can beat that's already ten years.
  2. Vladimir Kuts set his record by running 5,000 meters in 1957.
  3. Zersenay Tadashi was able to set a record in the half marathon and overcame a distance of 21,098 meters.

According to statistics, most champions are from Kenya and Ethiopia. This is due to the fact that they no longer have a motive to win or just have its genetic structure of the body, say nobody can.

Stayer - a long-distance runner. Stayers in athletics

But one thing is clear, that the long-distance runner - it's an athlete who is making great efforts to win. Often it is in the stayers events occur fierce battle and a real struggle between the athletes who are eligible to be considered among the best. Defeat stayer can only in the event that will be constantly trained, adhere to hard mode and have tremendous willpower.