Exercises for the abdomen after childbirth. How to restore the original shape

Abdominal exercises after childbirth are interested in all new mothers. In fact, after pregnancy it would be desirable to have a gorgeous tightened figure. woman belly kind of depends on what kind of life she led before pregnancy and during it. Lovers of fitness, do not allow the emergence of extra folds of fat, have a flat stomach is already at the time of discharge from the hospital, but the opposite type of them women - and flabby like a deflated balloon.

Exercises for the abdomen after childbirth. How to restore the original shape

Diet Need

Some mums difficult to perform some exercises for the abdomen after childbirth, so they just go on a diet to get rid of the weight gained. In fact, dietary restrictions are strictly prohibited, if a woman is nursing her child is still exclusively breastfed. The nutrients in the body baby come because of mother's milk, which is produced by the female body. All useful items received in the body mothers, and transferred it to the kid.

Immediately after birth, the baby needs vitamins, as well as micro- and macronutrients. Therefore, restricting your diet, the mother automatically trims and baby diet.

If during pregnancy had accumulated a lot of extra kilos, you just need to adjust the diet, but not to cut it. Every day you need to eat fruits, vegetables, dairy products.

Exercises for the abdomen after childbirth. How to restore the original shape

The abdomen of women after pregnancy

The main reason for the formation of a large stomach is stretched uterus. To address this issue is not necessary to look for unique exercises for the abdomen after childbirth, because the body will cope on their own. The uterus is required to reduce to its original size just two months, so you need only wait quietly. Good physical fitness women before delivery ensures complete recovery of increased stomach immediately after the uterus will decrease. The second reason that moms tend to remove belly fat after giving birth at home, can be considered a stretched due to the strong muscles of the load. Pregnancy perenagruzhaet abdominal muscles, causing them to stretch, so a big belly after giving birth can be easily explained. Result in muscle tone will help exercises for a flat stomach after giving birth. They qualitatively eliminate body fat, which is formed during pregnancy to protect the baby. The most popular are the exercises with hula-hoop, but if they do not have the possibility to take advantage of, it will be effective and other training, as described below.

Exercises for the abdomen after childbirth. How to restore the original shape

An equally important issue - stretching the skin. During the first 9 months of the fetus is gradually increasing, and therefore, increases and the mother's belly. each human skin itself is elastic, but during the childbearing woman's body produces hormones, which further increases the elasticity to the fetus is developing properly. To return the skin to its natural state, it takes a lot of time.

How to remove post-partum belly

Among the most popular and easiest ways to get rid of belly include massages, a balanced diet, exercise and a variety of beauty treatments. If you are not allergic to grass, you can brew potions regularly. Burdock and cranberry leaves perfectly deduce the excess fluid from the body, and flaxseed reduce appetite.

Abdominal exercises after childbirth are the leading place in the list of ways to get rid of the extra kilos. For sufficient load does not need to go to the gym or exercise at home on a daily basis. Women after childbirth is ideal for walking up the stairs, go for long walks in the park, or dancing. Such exercises not only help burn calories, but also to strengthen the muscles.

Exercises for the abdomen after childbirth. How to restore the original shape

After the birth by caesarean section women are restored for a long time, so it is easy to get rid of belly through exercise and diets fail. Doctors recommend these people to wear a bandage during the first couple of months, and then carefully monitor their own health. Problems with the extra inches in the waist area are solved only with the participation of doctors, who do not tolerate complications.


Once a woman has recovered from the birth and to prepare for the formation of a flat stomach, she wondered how to remove the post-partum belly. The most popular way is shaping. Its main task is to improve the figures by means of physical exercises that borrow the best of athletic gymnastics and aerobics. Fans of such activities is called a good sculptor's own body, because thanks to shaping it is possible to work different muscles.

Exercises for the abdomen after childbirth. How to restore the original shape

Effective exercises for the abdomen after childbirth can easily be done in sports clubs with a group of people. This option has its pros and cons. Classes at the club include a visit to the room a couple of times a week. Training itself takes about 40-50 minutes. But mothers can be a problem with time because of the baby, so the classes have to be postponed. It is for this reason that many people have to look for other options.


At first glance this technique may seem trivial, but in fact it is one of the most effective. With the help of the hula-hoop, you can quickly get rid of the sagging belly. In the early days of the shell can be replaced by a conventional hoop that after class on the body was not a lot of bruises. Start spinning hula-hoop is necessary only after stop postpartum discharge. Typically, it takes between 8 to 10 weeks, provided that the birth went fine. If the child was born by Caesarean section, this period is necessary to increase up to 3 months.

Hula-hoop - a great help in solving the problems with sagging belly and fat deposits on the thighs. But there are several important points to work with him. First, we should seek the advice of a doctor, so as not to worsen their condition. The specialist will tell you when you can start doing with it and how to do it. In addition, we must understand that hula-hoop leaves behind traces on the body, which later will be sick. Therefore, it is necessary to twist gently, gradually increasing the time. In the first 3-5 days it should take no longer than 10 minutes, and then, based on their experiences, to turn longer for 2-3 minutes.


Start to do the exercises to restore the stomach after childbirth is necessary to stretch. This will require to pass only two stages:

  1. On the inhale the most rounded belly on the exhale - to press the front wall of the abdomen to the spine by fixing this position for 5-10 seconds. All you need to do 4-5 sets of 10 repetitions.
  2. Lying on your stomach, bend back as much as possible, fixed at 10 seconds. This exercise should be carried out in 5 sets, each of which - 10-12 reps.

Five days after the birth of a baby

If childbirth were normal, then remove belly fat after giving birth at home, you can use the exercises to perform that do not even have to get out of bed:

  1. is in the horizontal position on the back and relaxed, should bend the legs and the hands placed on the abdomen. Having made a slow breath nose, it is necessary to involve as much as possible into the stomach, as you exhale - postepnno relax the body. This exercise is required to carry out at least two times a day for five repetitions.
  2. Turning to the side and locked in this position, you should take a deep breath and simultaneously bend back and draw the abdomen, then exhale slowly. If there is not much effort, then linger on the breath is recommended for about three seconds. On each side need to do the exercise twice.

is recommended to perform other exercises in position in case of caesarean section lying:

  1. Stretching the legs, pull on socks on, and then on my own. I need to repeat 5 times.
  2. Lying on your back, you should perform a deep breath at the same time with them, pulling and relaxing the stomach. There should be at least 10 reps.
  3. Straining muscles of the buttocks, it is required to keep them in suspense for three seconds, then relax. You need to complete five times.

and a half month

In the period from five days to six weeks after giving birth to sagging abdominal exercises will be a bit more complicated:

  1. Sitting on a chair, you should arrange the legs so that between his knees formed a distance of 15 cm, and put his hands on top. Simultaneously with the need to draw breath, stomach and arch your back, exhale - no jerks back to the starting position. Execution should start with five repetitions, and then gradually increase to 20
  2. While standing straight, placing your feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent and his hands on his waist, you need to take a breath, while arching your back and abdominal muscles straining. In this position, it should be delayed for 5-8 seconds. In the beginning, you need to perform 6-7 reps, then gradually increase the number to 20.

Up to three months

From six weeks to three months after giving birth to tighten the abdominal exercises should be done as follows:

  1. Lie on your back and knees bent, at the same time you want to detach from the surface of the pelvis and the head, fixed at five seconds. This exercise should not be more than four times.
  2. Without leaving the previous starting position, it is necessary to exert a press and drag with one hand to the opposite heel. For every hand you must perform 10 repetitions.
  3. Sitting on the floor and clutching his legs bent to the chest, you need to pull your hands forward while deflecting body back and straighten his legs. Completely lowered to the floor is not necessary. Having passed the halfway point to the horizontal position, it is required at the same rate to return to its original position. Should repeat four times.

Six months

When the body has become accustomed to regular load, the training program will have to complicate things. Up until six months after the birth of the child need to perform the following exercises:

  1. Lying on the floor, legs bent at a right angle, you need to perform a circular motion feet alternately, imitating the bike ride. It is recommended to perform the exercise ten times.
  2. Turning to the right side, it should be the right hand bend, having rested his elbow on the floor and propped her head with his hand and the left - to rest on the floor in front of him. Straining abdominal muscles, you need to slowly raise the upper leg, keeping it at the top for at least four seconds. This exercise is performed in five replicates for each side.
  3. Kneeling and stretched arms in front of you need to inhale and exhale then simultaneously deflecting body backwards for 5 seconds. Repeat these inclinations need seven times.
Exercises for the abdomen after childbirth. How to restore the original shape

After six months,

For the six months of regular training will already be noticeable good results, but few want to stop there. The program of exercises that should be done six months after birth, requires constant press Voltage:

  1. Sitting straight and clear his legs stretched out in front of you, you should lean back and arms are alternately lift your legs up, holding at the top by four seconds. Repeat 7 times for each leg.
  2. Standing on all fours, you need to exhale as much as possible arching her back up and plunging the stomach, pushing it to the spine. In this position, the required delayed for four seconds, then relax and bend back, looking up. Do the exercise you need 10 times.
  3. On his knees, lifting up one arm up and perform three tilt in the opposite direction. In this case, the entire body should reach for his hand raised. All you need to do for seven slopes on each side.
  4. Lying flat on the floor, you need a little lift your feet and perform their cross motion (exercise "scissors"). You need to perform for 10 seconds, but gradually this time, it is recommended to double if the runtime does not arise pain.
  5. Lying on the floor, bending your knees and place your hands behind your head, it should be detached from the surface of the head, shoulders and shoulder blades. Pausing at the top for 2-3 seconds, it is necessary to return to the original position. Repeat ups should be 10 times.
Exercises for the abdomen after childbirth. How to restore the original shape

Vocabulary for other parts of the body

Often young mothers interested in the exercises after delivery to the stomach and thighs. As be stomach, described above, with the hips should understand separately. Doctors recommend doing one effective exercise that requires special care. At first glance, it may seem easy, but in fact the first time to perform it can not please everyone. To do this, you must get on your knees, stretching his arms at chest level and slowly lower your upper body down, while sitting on his heels, and then immediately return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise 10-15 times required in 2-3 sets.

If desired, you can regularly perform classic push-ups for beginners, that is, from his knees. To do this, stand in the emphasis lying (poluplanka), placing your hands under your shoulders and well-bent legs. Bend and unbend the hands need to slowly and avoid jerks. To start will be enough to perform 5 repetitions, and with each subsequent add occupation 1-2 dewatering.