Pros and cons of running in the morning - expert advice and reviews

Closer to the summer many people want to create a perfect body, so increasingly come to run. It's really a good way to lose weight and improve their health, but there are some pros and cons of running in the morning, which should be available before starting to deal with them.

Pros and cons of running in the morning - expert advice and reviews

Because of the lack of movement a living organism dies, and its potential and resistance to external stimuli are reduced. Sedentary people with more time exposed to stress and different diseases. Today, most people move less than that required of the body, resulting in the emergence of chronic diseases and, of course, the accumulation of excess weight. The perfect solution to this problem - jogging in the morning, features and principles of which are listed in the article.

Use of morning jogging

Jogging is considered one of the most important defense mechanisms, prolonging life. They are beneficial for different systems of the human body:

  1. Breathing. During a workout, easy to work hard and more open, which is why they are saturated with oxygen and gradually increase in volume. Also, when rapid breathing in the fresh air enters the lungs, thereby tempering them.
  2. Cardiovascular. Heart rate quickens as for intensive jogging. Oxygen, which enters the bloodstream and enriches all vessels, including small and stimulates the metabolism. Through this runner has the opportunity to protect themselves against the development of vascular sclerosis and heart attack. If you practice regularly, then the pulse is stabilized and will not overreact to stress or load change. Even when you are at rest, the pulse rate is reduced, contributing to the normalization of blood pressure.
  3. hematopoietic system. Running helps increase the production of hemoglobin and red blood cells and white blood cell count. All of this suggests boosting immunity.
  4. Digestion. Due to increased blood supply to the adjusted work of all internal organs and glands. In this case, the digestive system and stomach recover their function, stimulates the bowel movement and prevents constipation and reduced blood sugar levels, which is especially good for diabetics.
  5. The muscle tissue of the joints. Physical activity strengthens their muscles, activate blood circulation and establishing food joints. Improved blood circulation enables to reduce the expression of all possible symptoms of degenerative diseases.

Many people who previously did not connect their lives with sports, trying to find the pros and cons of running in the morning. Some of them believe that such employment does not harm the can, and someone on the contrary, I am confident in the presence of a large number of drawbacks. Not to rely on someone else's opinion and their own understand what is good and bad morning run, it is required to consider the actual advantages and disadvantages in detail.

Pros and cons of running in the morning - expert advice and reviews

Running in the morning: Cocoa pros

First, we should consider the pros jogging, as they are much more than the minuses. Some pros and cons of running in the morning do not know many people, so this information will be of interest to all.

The main advantages of the morning run are:

  • clean and fresh air, whereby in the athlete more oxygen and significantly less harmful gases;
  • at this time on the streets are fewer people, so you can relax emotionally and enjoy to the maximum;
  • running awakens and invigorates the body;
  • have the chance to lose weight;
  • accelerates metabolism, and performance increases for the whole next day.


The main disadvantage of running are:

  • up early, which is sufficient is difficult for many people;
  • a big load on the heart.

Now that you know the pros and cons of running in the morning, you can determine for itself whether or not this option is suitable for weight loss and improvement of the whole body or not. Of course, some people do not want to wake up early in the morning and go to the street, but in fact, this problem is easily solved, because you can go for a run, and at any other time of the day.

Preparing for jogging

Acquainted with the ins and outs of running in the morning, you can safely begin to prepare for a run. To exercise brought maximum benefit, the joints are not to overwork, and general condition of the body is only getting better, it is necessary to choose the clothes properly.

Pros and cons of running in the morning - expert advice and reviews

Shoes - always with a resilient and sufficiently flexible sole. Moreover, its design must properly fix the foot in a natural position, and the material to be perforated. This is to ensure that the feet breathe and not traumatized while jogging on uneven ground.

The best option is a handy clothes tracksuit, does not restrict movement of arms and legs, or pinch parts of the body. It must be made of fabric which promotes air circulation.

In the exercise of jogging in the winter time is required to pick up clothes, retaining heat. Otherwise, the body can be supercooled that the occurrence provoke serious inflammation in the airways.


An important role is played by the choice of areas where training will be held. It recommended route to think in advance, selecting a place with good air and great distance from roads and various productions. The ideal option is considered to be a forest, a park or field. The road should be smooth, to immediately eliminate the risk of falling. If run on the bumpy surface, the pain in the feet will be after the first session. Perfect track at the stadium or any other sports ground, as it non-slip.

Pros and cons of running in the morning - expert advice and reviews

Features Power

Exercise in any case should not be carried out on a full stomach, but you can not run on an empty stomach, too. Since the training is conducted in the morning, it will be enough to drink a cup of yogurt for about 30 minutes before her. Hence, during the human occupation will not torment hunger.

After a workout, eat only permitted after an hour, not before. This will increase the effect of resetting the excess weight, as well as the acquisition chic shapes.

How to run properly?

There are some rules, observing that you can reduce the risk of injury or worsen their condition:

  1. In the beginning of the lesson is required to maintain a moderate pace and then gradually accelerate.
  2. The back should be kept at all times exactly, with a little straining press and smoothing the shoulders.
  3. See it is not necessary for the legs as it can make your head spin.
  4. Each step needs to be done as quiet as possible while moving in short steps.
  5. At the end of training be sure to perform a few exercises to stretch the muscles, and then take a contrast shower, which will help harden the vessels, to cheer up and recharge for the whole next working day.
Pros and cons of running in the morning - expert advice and reviews


Jogging in the morning to lose weight, it is sufficient to give 15-25 minutes in the first couple of months, and about 40 minutes later. At the same time, every week you want to exercise 2-3 times, eventually increasing the number of classes to 5. Running Speed ​​necessarily need to be alternated with jogging - first 1 minute, then 3, and then - to 5. Simply to maintain the body in good shape, the length of run should be 25-35 minutes. All should be done from 8 to 12 sessions a month, each time breaking the 2-3 km.

Help restore the health of the 15-minute run at a speed of 8-9 km / h. At first, the need to run only 2 times a week, and when the body starts to get used to the number of sessions is recommended to gradually increase to 5.

Pros and cons of running in the morning - expert advice and reviews

Reviews of mornings running: the pros and cons of

Experienced athletes who regularly train in the halls and go on morning runs, also secrete certain advantages and disadvantages of running. Based on their opinions, many beginners can draw the right conclusions for themselves.

The advantages of athletes include:

  • strengthen the circulatory system;
  • effective in the fight against obesity;
  • stabilization of blood pressure;
  • improvement in brain function;
  • excellent breathing exercise.
Pros and cons of running in the morning - expert advice and reviews

Of the minuses only experienced athletes celebrate the fact that you need to wake up early. At first, of course, it will be quite hard to do, but the body will get used to over time. People who are engaged in any sport professionally, getting up early does not seem so terrible, and they know how to make yourself run. But those who paid, only the morning run, it is still sometimes too lazy to get up early to catch a good workout before work.