Revitalizing treatment Lebel "Absolute happiness for hair": description, reviews

The concept of visual appeal of modern man, no doubt, part of the state of his hair. Especially this question excites beautiful half of humanity, because the hair of women today are exposed to a variety of sometimes harmful manipulation:.. Blow-drying, coloring, styling utjuzhkom or curling irons, etc. In addition to this in the course are mousses and styling gels, varnishes not the best way affect the condition of the hair.

Revitalizing treatment Lebel

Sooner or later, the girls begin to notice that the hair, which they only recently proud, loses its vitality and natural shine, it becomes dull and lifeless. Unfortunately, this problem now faced by many young women for their hair restoration is becoming increasingly important.


Japan Estheticians long time working to solve this problem by creating a comprehensive program for the care and repair of damaged hair. Gorgeous and, most importantly, effective brand products Lebel is time-tested. The company began its work as early as the twenties of the last century. At first, she has successfully collaborated with Wella, and later it was decided to establish its own brand. Since the global cosmetic market has a brand known around the world today - Lebel Cosmetics.

A little over a decade ago, Takara Belmont, a member of the well-known holding company, has released a series of cosmetic products, calling them "happiness hair" under the Label cosmetics label. Ee appreciated by women all over the world. After some time, improved technology, introduced the Label "Absolute happiness for hair" - a complex, which is composed of cell membranes that are identical to natural.

Revitalizing treatment Lebel

It was created as a professional salon tool that can handle all hair problems, and not to be confused with the keratin straightening and other similar programs. Today the procedure of Lebel 'Absolute happiness for hair "has been successfully applied in the eighty-five regions of our country.

What is included in the complex?

Products created by the Japanese company Lebel Cosmetics - "Absolute happiness for hair" - will help restore damaged, overheated and lifeless strands lost beauty and healthy shine. Japanese beauticians have developed an active and at the same time gentle care a unique recovery system.

Revitalizing treatment Lebel

Set "Absolute happiness for the hair" (Lebel) consists of four bottles, two tubes and one jar. All formulations are applied in sequence during a single session.

Serum №1

This composition is designed for active humidification. It recommended for the treatment of over-dried colored strands.

Composition № 2 (N)

Means for recovery of the damaged bars restoring hair structure. Means of action at the cellular level, filling the lifeless hairs energy.

Serum № 3 (P)

It thickens rods, nourishes and gives elasticity strands.

composition number 4 Element Fix

A drug that is designed to consolidate feedback previous three active substances. It retains moisture, restores hair shine, supports elasticity. This substance is covered by hair thin film, it protects against the negative influence of rainfall, frost, heat.

Revitalizing treatment Lebel

Gum Lipid 1 - №5

This composition has an impact on the outer shell of the hair strands returns softness and elasticity restoring quality lipid layer. After its application useful substances like sealed inside the rods. Gum Lipid 2 - №6

The action of this tool is similar to the Lipid 1. The ingredients of this serum have a beneficial effect on the outer layer of the hair.

Relaxing Slime (mask) - №7

A very effective structure for rehabilitation of the skin of the head. Developers means recommend to combine it with active massage of the head, more precisely, its part of the scalp. This means strengthening the hair bulb, stimulating the growth zone, struggling with hair loss. After using it softens the epidermis, decreases significantly, and then dandruff disappears.

Specific details of

What is the secret Lebel products? "Absolute happiness for hair" - a complex, whose effectiveness lies in the gradual application of the compositions with a health effect. During one session the scalp and hair shafts get the maximum amount of nutrients.

The essence of this development can be formulated in a few sentences:

  • the first phase - treatment inside the rods, the processing of the deepest layers of the hair;
  • the second - the restoration of the cuticle (outer), smoothing scales saturation of melanin;
  • third - fixing that allows to normalize the balance of protein, to stimulate growth, strengthen the bulbs, gently work on the scalp.

Who recommended procedure?

Revitalizing treatment of Lebel 'Absolute happiness for hair "is recommended:

  • girls with fragile and thin hair;
  • to those whose hair is affected by the dyeing and other chemical attack (frequent dyeing, bleaching, chemical zavivok);
  • owners of porous, frizzy, bad combing strands;
  • complex is successfully used after childbirth, because during pregnancy due to hormonal changes in the body hair often falls out.

Lebel "Absolute happiness for hair" in the cabin

Complex for hair recovery from Lebel considered professional cosmetics intended for spa treatments in salons. Treatment is carried out in several stages. It is advisable to spend seven to ten sessions, visiting the salon every two weeks. As a rule, in the salons masters use additional medications for Lebel care. "Absolute happiness for hair" - a procedure, which has accumulative effect: each session your hair is getting better, although a marked improvement in their condition is seen after the first session.

Revitalizing treatment Lebel

The only downside to visiting the salon - the high cost. Professional service will cost you between two and a half thousand rubles.

How to carry out the procedure at home?

Many women in order to save money perform the procedure from Lebel "Absolute happiness for hair" on their own. To do this, just read the instructions carefully, to find a half hours of free time, specify whether you have contraindications to the active compounds, and you're ready.

At first, wash your hair with shampoo for deep cleaning (for this reason the recovery is not worth doing more than once in fifteen days). The fact that the usual cleansing shampoo will not reveal scales, nutrients will be difficult to get inside the bar.

Now carefully divide the hair into several zones: six to eight will be enough. Apply the composition with numbers one through four turns. The layer is applied over the previous wash compositions before applying the next is not necessary.

Revitalizing treatment Lebel

You will need the usual shower cap. It needs to be put on his head and warm up the hair is not too hot dryer. Simultaneous massage of the head will increase the penetration of ingredients. The duration of this stage - about ten minutes.

Remove the cap and apply on the strands alternately serum number one and two (Gum Lipid) for about fifteen minutes. Heat in a water bath or tablespoon teaspoon (depending upon hair length and thickness) masks № 7. Composition in the form of heat put on the skin, massage and again for fifteen minutes. It only remains running water to remove the active substance without shampoo.

End of the procedure

Dry hair, preferably without a hair dryer, if you have the time. The reward for your patience will be shining, elastic strands and well-groomed appearance of your hair. This completes the procedure from a known brand Lebel "Absolute happiness for the hair." Photos before and after treatment can be seen below.

Revitalizing treatment Lebel

Further care

During treatment, if possible, minimize or eliminate the use of irons, ploek, various rectifiers hair dryers. Although we are confident that after the first session you find that now you do not need these devices, because the hair will be extremely beautiful.

Longer-lasting result, use creams and masks kontsetraty the same company once a week. Apply them to wet clean hair and leave them on the part of ten minutes.


We have presented you with a wonderful product from Lebel - "Absolute happiness for the hair." Description of the complex certainly inspire many of our readers to get serious about restoring their hair. You're probably wondering what they think about those procedures, who have already experienced its effect on themselves? The vast majority of buyers of cosmetics rather the result, regardless of where the restoration was carried out - at home or in an expensive salon. Especially women impressive result obtained after the first procedure. It becomes obvious after you wash away only the last part of Lebel Cosmetics. "Absolute happiness for hair" (responses confirm this) fundamentally changes the structure of curls.

Even they are extremely easy to comb wet and dries to become smooth, flowing and silky, pleasing the owner of the magnificent healthy shine. Judging by the reviews, this complex is suitable for almost everyone. Negative reviews we could not find. However, manufacturers do not recommend the use of the complex during pregnancy and lactation. All those who have already regained their hair, it is advised to prolong the effect of the procedure to use shampoos and additionally firm Lebel mask.