How do povodochnitsu own hands: the choice of materials and tips on making

The success of fishing depends not only on the professionalism of the fisherman and his luck, but also on many other factors. A good catch affects the length of the leash, the dimensions and proportions of the fishing line and hooks, and more. Each fisher should know that it is necessary to periodically change the lead and the hook. This greatly improves the bite. From this, in turn, obtained the conclusion that fishing is necessary to take a few leads and hooks, so you always had a choice. It is necessary to take into account the fact that sometimes the leash size can reach a length of one and a half meters, so it must be stored in such a way as not to damage it.

To this end, modern engineers of fishing the world have come up with such a device as a povodochnitsa. Now every angler can make povodochnitsu own hands. You can use a variety of handy tools: a plastic business card holders and more. More details about all the tricks of manufacturing povodochnitsy will be discussed in this article.

Povodochnitsa own hands

Modern fishermen have learned to do a lot of tools and accessories for fishing with their hands. Is no exception and povodochnitsa for feeder. For its production, people learned to use a variety of handy tools: business card holder, plastic, insulating pipes, foam. For bonding all this assembly glue used. You can also use stationery pins, which is in every house. They serve as an excellent mount for future gear.

How do povodochnitsu own hands: the choice of materials and tips on making

Appointment accessory

  • Save. Povodochnitsa - it's a great thing for the storage of fishing line. In it, she does not break and is not confused during transport.
  • Sort. Placing leashes in povodochnitse, you can distribute them along the length, thickness, destination or even the color of the feeder. As is well known, for many fishermen it is important, and povodochnitsa greatly simplifies the distribution process.
  • Convenience. Very convenient that in povodochnitse can simultaneously store multiple leashes. In the event of failure of line fisherman can take any other leash, but not to run in search of improvised means.

Povodochnitsa - is an important accessory for the novice and the professional fisherman. Many of today's fishermen can not imagine my life without this device. Modern shops offer a variety of organizers to choose from, but if you want you can make povodochnitsu own hands. Here we need a little time and ingenuity.

How do povodochnitsu own hands: the choice of materials and tips on making


The issue before us accessory has the following advantages:

  • It is possible to store the most leashes of different length.
  • Leads are safeguarded and are not subject to excesses.
  • Povodochnitsa has a small weight.
  • It is very compact and can fit in any backpack.
  • Produce povodochnitsu own hands can quickly and cost-effectively.
  • An inexpensive accessory for fishing.


Such a device as povodochnitsa, has virtually no defects. Its only disadvantage may be considered case that need to store it. He needed not for the safety of the devices, and for the safety hooks so they are not caught in the backpack.

How do povodochnitsu own hands: the choice of materials and tips on making

The manufacturing process of

The process of making their own hands povodochnitsy includes an algorithm of actions. Although it is not difficult, but some attention to be paid to have. First of all, you should determine the size of the tube. All measuring procedures can be carried out by any devices that are in the house. Then you need to cut a small piece of thermal insulation pipe.

You should leave a small gap between the pipe and the workpiece. It will provide free movement. The pipe you need to make of it a coil, which you will then be wound leashes with hooks. So that it retains its original form, a foam should cut a rigid frame, which resembles a cylinder in shape. It is made according to certain measurements. Its diameter should match the inner diameter of the tube, and their length must be identical.

The main point of assembly - a gluing cylinder in the foam tube. Next, it's much easier. The hook must be thrust in the heat-insulated pipe, the fishing line wound around the cylinder and lock its end with a pin. Experienced fishermen also glue special tags, which leaves the data on a hook and a leash.

On such a device, you can wind the many leashes with hooks, and not worry about their safety. Here they will be protected from tangling, tears and losses.

How do povodochnitsu own hands: the choice of materials and tips on making

For feeder

If you need to povodochnitsa feeder, its manufacture is slightly different from the production of conventional organizer. But no problems will not be added. Just a bit of technology change. For this you need the most ordinary business card holder. In the corners are made incisions. Then, by means of incisions all four sides of the business card are halved. These slots are designed to thread the fishing line in them. Next you will need construction paper. It follows from this cut a few rectangles. They need to be shorter than a business card, but superior to it in width. To sum up, the rectangle should have a size of 6x4 cm. Thus, fishermen are able to solve the problem with the measurement of line that often distracts from fishing for a long time. If done according to measurements, each turn of line will be equal to 20 centimeters. So by hooking the hook for cardboard, you can make as many fishing line speed as you need. To consolidate its end, simply insert it into the slot.

Here's a simple way for the production of povodochnitsy for feeder.

How do povodochnitsu own hands: the choice of materials and tips on making

Branded accessories

Not all fishermen love tinkering accessories for fishing with their hands. Some people prefer to buy all the accessories, including a box for leashes in specialized stores. Of course, it saves you time, but it does a certain blow to your wallet. There are several popular companies that you are likely to be offered in the store:

  • Firm Colmic. Povodochnitsy this company soon made for those who consider fishing with his work, or rather, for the athletes and professionals. On it you will be able to accommodate the plurality of leads of different sizes. It will cost you is a pleasure to $ 25.
  • Preston. It is less expensive povodochnitsy. The average price - 20 dollars. But the device from this company will store the leashes of 7, 5 to 20 centimeters.
  • Browning. This is the most common company among fishermen of different categories. This may be an amateur, a novice or a pro. In such povodochnitse you can store leashes up to 40 centimeters in length. Such a device will cost $ 20. This is a normal price for such povodochnitsy.
How do povodochnitsu own hands: the choice of materials and tips on making


As you can see, povodochnitsa - a very necessary accessory for fisherman. Those who prefer to buy such things, necessary accessory will be able to choose from a retailer, and more resourceful fishermen can try to do it all yourself. It can be a wooden povodochnitsa, povodochnitsa of business card or other scrap materials. There is already a lot depends on the imagination of the fisherman. This device can greatly simplify your life and make fishing more enjoyable.

Buy povodochnitsu for leashes in the shop or to do most? Everything depends directly on the willingness of the fisherman and his financial possibilities. Because shoplifting povodochnitsa cost about $ 20.