Side nod for summer fishing: the production of gear and fishing technique

In ancient times, people managed to catch fish with their bare hands. But technological progress went ahead and fishing did not lag behind. It was invented float rod. But this is an outdated version of fishing, especially if you are a long time in this sport. Now the fishermen caught on jig or side nod. Since the float tackle outdated and do not bring large catches.

What are the side nod?

Coming on the pond, fishermen pay attention to those who are not sitting with the classical rod and with a few changes. It looks like a conventional rod, but slightly lightweight form. On a fishing rod does not have a float, but there is a lateral nod. Bait in this case serves old jig. This bait is known for a long time, but have become very popular only in recent years. This is due to the fact that there is now an opportunity to purchase a light rod, which allows the weight to swing it for a long time.

Jig is thrown in any place where there is no algae. After casting a fishing rod can be manipulated in various ways. This method of fishing is particularly relevant in wild rivers.

Side nod for summer fishing: the production of gear and fishing technique

How to choose a rod?

Of course, the first thing you need on a fishing - rod. Special attention is recommended to pay rod choice for summer fishing, its length and weight. Its weight should be minimal, that it is not difficult for your movements. Also avoid the presence on the fishing rod rings.

It should be noted that in the presence of lateral nod, you need to constantly monitor his movements. Since in this case the usual bite will not, and consider biting much harder. Professionals recommend choosing tackle bright colors to make them easy to see on the surface of the water, among the thickets. To ignore a nibble on a "float" more quickly, you can attach it to the side of the rod. Also note that your old rod withstand lateral nod and jig. It should not bend under the weight of the gear. One of the main elements of such a tackle rods considered tip. Professional fishermen say that it should be different stiffness and high strength. Typically, the nod is attached to this the tip, using a special clutch. Sheer gear design depends on the desire of the fisherman. Color anglers also purchased independently, but it is better if it is dark green nod. This is a color that is easy on the eyes even if you look at it for a long time. Also, it is perfectly visible on the background of water, sky and thickets.

Side nod for summer fishing: the production of gear and fishing technique

The process catching

If you have chosen the side of the nod for summer fishing, then immediately you need to consider some mandatory items.

  1. rod length of 4-5 meters. You can take and the longer rods, but keep in mind that you have to exert a lot of effort to constantly move them.
  2. The rod must be sufficiently strong and rigid.
  3. Rod without rings.
  4. In the rod pose little inertia reel on which fishing line is fixed diameter which is less than 0, 25 mm.

To prepare the bait, it is necessary to decompose and wind fishing line around the form, then pass through the line ring and finally attach the jig. In the case where a fisherman is to catch predatory fish, the fishing line is tied at the end of the balancer or vertical jig.

Side nod for summer fishing: the production of gear and fishing technique

The methods of catching

  • The fall-rise. In this case, repeatedly repeats the same operation, namely jig is lowered to the bottom, and then gradually (10-15 centimeters) returns to the initial position.
  • At the very bottom. In this case, the jig sinks to the bottom. Then the fisherman picks it up at 10-15 cm from the bottom and play a few minutes. After that, the jig is lowered again to the bottom.
  • finger game. Sam jig lowering process is not different from the previous method, but now, to play it, you just need to tap your finger on the rod.
  • tension. This method is possible and is recommended for use in those water bodies where there is a trend. There jig, as usual, is lowered to the bottom, then the fishing line is pulled and slowly raises the jig to the water surface.
  • Jerks. where the movements are repeated. Mormyshka does not fall to the bottom and kept in the water column. Then abruptly it is necessary to lift up to 40 centimeters. Thereafter it is lowered again into the interior, rises again, and so on. D.
  • at the bottom of the movement. Mormyshka must always be at the bottom of the pond. At this time you should use a jerk.
  • Quiet position. Here, everything is easy. The angler must install the jig to the desired depth, and just wait for a bite.
  • Drawing. Mormyshka sinks to the bottom and where it is necessary to move the translational motion. Thus the bait is moved along the bottom and next lures catch.

Do not stop at one method, because the fish are biting on different days in different ways. Therefore, if you have already come to go fishing, then try out several methods and choose the one that is relevant today.

Side nod for summer fishing: the production of gear and fishing technique

Fishing Tactics

It is recommended to make wiring jig with the flow of water. Thus, the fish will feel more natural, and the bite will be much better.


Some fishermen use a pacifier, but as bait often cling maggots, bloodworms, worms, live bait and a lot more. In this case fit even improvised materials such as colored threads, sequins, and that can attract the attention of the fish.

A nod Spinning

Side nod is very popular among spinnings. Especially often they use a decoy, if caught on the bottom rope. It is installed on top of the rods and so the bite will be more accurate.

Fixing lateral nod

In order to quickly and without any problems to fix this gear, you will need a small piece of rubber. It needs to be done only two parallel holes. In one of them you want to insert the top of his rod, and the second side of the nod. If it is made of metal, it is not recommended to use a rubber mount. Because metal - is a material that will spoil quickly soft rubber. But if the nod is made of plastic, rubber - an ideal material for mounting.

You can also use a nail or a solid wire. For convenience, if you decide to use a nail bite his hat and bent at an angle of 30-90 degrees. Bending should be located approximately in the middle. Curved nail wrapped with strong thread and smeared with glue. In this position, the workpiece should remain before its full drying. Then the top of the nail rod secured with electrical tape. A second end thereof can be attached nod, also with the help of a reliable electrical tape.

Side nod for summer fishing: the production of gear and fishing technique

Summer nod their own hands

You can make a nod to the side with your hands. To do this, first of all, you must make a choice. What material will you do a side nod for summer fishing? There is a list of materials that professional fishermen use most often:

  • cut from strips of plastic bottles;
  • unwanted springs clockwork;
  • metal strips, which are used in warehouses with fixed large cargo;
  • from the remnants of broken rods and spinning rods, namely, of the tribe.

The most affordable and easy-to-handle plastic bottle is considered to be material. No need to take too much or very little. Optimal - liter bottle with a smooth surface. In addition to her, immediately take on arms scissors, needle file, ordinary thread and a paper clip. The side surface of the bottles need to cut body nod with the following dimensions: length - 20-30 centimeters, the width of one of the bases is not more than 1 cm, and the width of the other - to 0, 5 cm. All lines should be smooth otherwise use needle files will be impossible.

Clip must be fully spread and turn into a straight line. Then, from it is necessary to form a ring. It should not be entirely flat, and with two legs that serve as attachment at the top nod. They need to be very tightly wrap the thread and apply glue, and then leave to dry.

It is not recommended to make only one nod. It is better if you have left will be a few nods to the different types of fishing. Stiffer and lighter. So you can pick up a nod for fishing in a certain body of water, or for a specific fish.

Another good option for the summer fishing rods to be tackle from a broken rod. This is a universal nod, which is suitable for multiple views of fishing. He is cut out of the ring. The edges should also be smooth, this is done using needle file and sandpaper. For the manufacture of rings, you can also take an ordinary paper clip or remove the ring with a broken rod. Fastening ring in this embodiment does not differ from the previous one. It also uses thread and glue. When the work is finished, you can decorate the nod at their discretion, so that it was clearly visible on the surface of the water, and the slightest movement, you were able to notice instantly.

Side nod for summer fishing: the production of gear and fishing technique

Winter nod

The very process of producing such a lateral nod practically does not differ from the summer. The only difference - the thickness. Length winter nod is 10 centimeters, and a thickness 0, 7 cm in the base and not more than 0, 5 centimeters apex.


Previously jig used only for fishing in the winter, but now, you can easily pick up and summer jig on the side of the nod. They differ from the winter a large weight and size. Since the summer often goes fishing in the waters over.

Care must be taken when fishing jig. Since the game is important bait. It always responds to fluctuations in fish. If the way to play jig is incorrect, and should not wait for the catch.

How to catch carp?

When catching carp on the side of the nod not immediately drop the jig to the bottom. It is better to hold it somewhere in the water and play a bit, to attract the fish. You can then lower it to the bottom and stay there for a few seconds. Then bait rises to 10-15 centimeters and remains in this position. It is a little bit could move it from side to side to fish has paid attention to her.

Side nod for summer fishing: the production of gear and fishing technique


should not apply to the manufacturing process of careless nod. This is an important tackle and how seriously do you react to its manufacture depends your catch. But one only good workmanship is not enough. Another important point is to set up. Since the unconfigured nod variants are possible false alarm, the deflection rods and several unpleasant moments. Each angler bait equips lateral nod to myself, so do not rely on someone else's choice, but rather to choose the most suitable option.

Fishing has long been considered one of the most interesting activities. Here you can not only relax but also to bring home a good catch. But the way to catch everyone chooses for himself. Someone catches for spinning, some prefer the bottom rope. Most fishermen active nod selected side. This is the tackle, which will have to undergo more than one kilometer around the pond in search of a good catch. But the result is always happy. Neither the fisherman does not go away with fishing without a catch when fishing on the side of the nod.