Feminism: a thorny path of women's equality

Feminism: a thorny path of women's equality

With the term "feminism" there is a lot of confusion, as all imagined it differently, but the general point - the struggle for women's rights - and captures still the majority. It's not even the fact that there are many varieties of feminism, and that after many milestones in its development, it is for me and directed their own goals and objectives. So that the feminism that many are in your head, has little in common with a specific modern phenomenon.

If you walk through the main stages of the development of feminism, we can understand what has been done by this social movement and that is on the agenda today. "The struggle for women's rights" - too vague a definition to satisfy the inquiring mind.


Feminist ideas arose in the society from the beginning of the birth of the culture (for example, some people find the idea of ​​gender equality in Plato and in the teachings of Buddhism), but they were private in nature, that is, there were one-time, in a particular thinker or author and do not receive wide distribution and support.

The first real activist who gained support, appeared in the late XVIII - early XIX century, during the War of Independence in the United States and the emergence of the reform movement in Europe.

When came the turbulent social times, then took the stage a strong and vibrant woman.

Unfortunately, in such form and forerunner of feminism were: strong-willed woman attracts attention, collects a small amount of anonymous admirers, but can do little alone.

The first wave of

It is believed that the full emergence of feminism, rather than isolated cases of declaration of feminist ideas, dates from the second half of the XIX century. It was then that the rights of women began to think not one, but hundreds and thousands of people. At this time there are socially active suffragette.

What is different from the suffragette feminist? The answer is very simple: the movement of suffragettes fought for a very specific list of the rights necessary for the emancipation of women. They wanted to get the opportunity to vote, receive education and to own their own property in a marriage. Not such a big list, but about some equal rights and opportunities with men, and then the speech did not go - at least a little resolved, and that's good.

Suffragettes attracted the attention of his behavior, demonstrating that they are willing to show their teeth in the struggle for their rights. They chained themselves to the fence, staged a hunger strike, lay on the rails and organized demonstrations. And remembered for his eccentric antics, which would now be called performance art, but its still got it. With the end of the XIX century, women began to gradually get the desired worldwide. By the way, the process was delayed, and many Arab countries still have not provided their citizenesses no opportunity to go to the polls or to study at university or to buy an apartment or a car.

The second wave of

Feminism: a thorny path of women's equality

The second wave of feminism has rolled in the 60-ies of XX century, when the world is free to sigh after the war and began to loosen tighten the belt of austerity and self-discipline. Fundamental rights in the most civilized countries of the world women gained, but for a comfortable existence it is not enough. "The second wave of" focused on social inequality, on the oppression and discrimination against women. Although formally women could get an education and a job, in fact, it was almost impossible to get anyone other than representatives of traditional female occupations, such as governesses or waitresses. Any serious work above the level of subservient women simply did not take even if there are papers on relevant education. At this time, feminism acquires a powerful theoretical and philosophical base, which is largely still relevant. In addition, for the first time feminism raises issues of female sexuality (and homosexuality), and defines gender as a human characteristic, is not always coincident with his physical sex.

The third wave

The latest wave of feminism is still ongoing, but the activity on this front, suggesting that soon it will grow in the fourth. She started on a global scale with the 90-ies.

What is characteristic of modern feminism? Firstly, it has become pervasive. In addition to the social, political and legal aspects, feminism seeped into all areas of human activity and is now rather a way of life and thinking, rather than a specific movement.

Second, feminism was divided into a number of branches, some of which even contradict each other: from the most radical to liberal and soft.

Each course in addition to their own name and have defined objectives, program and postulates, which may be completely unrelated to the rest of the feminist currents.

Thirdly, feminism moved the focus from the fight for the right of women to full equality. That is, the rights of men, too, are now the focus of feminism. For example, many currents of feminism in favor of the abolition of male conscription in countries where it is, that the army could go those who want to, regardless of gender. In addition, there is a huge number of feminist-minded women, which were previously only a few.

Fourthly, the definition of feminism is interpreted somewhat differently. The fact that there is little to get equal rights, you also need to have an equal opportunity to use them. For example, women now have equal rights with men in the work, but according to statistics they rarely take on paid positions and salary at the same position in both men and women can be very different, even in the most advanced European countries. At the moment, women struggle for equal opportunities, for protection from violence and the right to control their own sexuality.

In Russia,

Feminism: a thorny path of women's equality

We deal with the feminist movement situation was a bit different than the rest of the world. Until 1917, all proceeded in parallel, suffragists repeatedly flashed in the Russian historical chronicles, however, Soviet Russia originally brought to life feminist dream. After the revolution, women not only gained the right to vote, but also completely become equal with men - as a roller driven, without taking into account gender-specific. In the Soviet Union women worked in heavy industry, we worked hard in the mines and other heavy work - especially during and after the war. After all, if this equality was not, then the country would restore did not work, so it was rather "forced feminism" formal.

Formal feminism can not exist without strict control, so that after the collapse of the Soviet Union all at once returned to sexist circles. By the beginning of the XXI century the situation has stabilized, and Russia in its development of social movements, some moved to the west, but the mentality of specificity and memory of the recent experience of the Soviet Union does not give many perceive feminism seriously.

At this stage of the feminist movement in Russia is driven by the individual and the high level of information literacy. That is, a woman or girl comes to feminism alone, without agitation. This is the most natural, though not very fast track.


Feminists have always met with opponents on your way, but full-fledged social movement with its ideology and theoretical basis began to appear only during the "second wave". Most of these associations passive-aggressive and do not conduct any particular job or agitation against the feminist movement or struggle of any competing ideology. Active maskulisty (antifeminist, sexist) began to appear during the "third wave". In general, they are opposed to specific currents of feminism, often - against radical as infringing on their rights and of interceptor in some matters over the edge. The Russian association of data have their own characteristics, since all units equate the feminist movement with the same brush.

The main issues on which antifeminist consider themselves disadvantaged, - the difference in the retirement age, conscription, maintenance and abandonment of a child with his mother to break the marriage.

Thus, starting from these points and ignoring the rest, they come to the conclusion that not only do women have already made all possible equal rights, but to get them more than men.

Theoretical or philosophical base in these movements there, so that the activists of these movements used in the construction of special cases of the general trends to guide their conversations and agitation. For example, if a woman in the N-Oblast killed her child, all women are prone to this. In addition, they are widely adopted and even expanded the arsenal of aggressive techniques from the most radical representatives of social movements. Women, for example, they are often referred to as the offending term of his own composition, of which the "vaginal parazitka" - this is the most gentle. Thus, much of their performances comes to scandals, self-praise, and translation from general issues to detail.

However, most of the members of these sexist movements are also passive-aggressive, with an emphasis on the word "passive". Really serious confrontation feminism does not currently exist, except the social fabric.