Rules of hospitality of Kate Middleton

We all have forgotten about etiquette, manners and charming aristocracy, which makes any girl's a real lady, no matter what she did, wherever he appeared. We decided to recall what it means to be truly feminine, clever and wise, not only in terms of appearance and the ability to achieve career heights, but also to be excellent hostess. Kate Middleton on this issue knows everything, as her natural elegance is manifested in everything. We decided to follow her advice and identify a few rules that the Countess of Cambridge never breaks, arranging reception or appearing in public.

1. Send out these invitations

Rules of hospitality of Kate Middleton

If you are hosting a party or a big dinner, then by all the rules of good manners made to send invitations that indicate the start and end of the event. But, despite the fact that Kate Middleton prefers email, in today's world, you can do by email.

2. Be prepared in advance

After spending the whole day to prepare, at the moment when the event actually begins, and guests will gather at your house, you will no longer be able to be a perfect hostess. That's why Kate advises prepare in advance. Decorate the room and prepare some of the dishes can be a day before the party. Thus, you will be more relaxed at the appointed time and will not be a fuss in the kitchen, leaving guests to fend for themselves.

3. Cover the table

To the holiday table look more attractive, it is not enough simply to put on it the dishes. For table setting should be approached with creativity and skill. Do not forget the napkins, all the necessary equipment is not limited to just one dish (purchase service), as well as put on the table flowers, candles and other decorations.

4. welcomes guests with a kiss and a handshake

Rules of hospitality of Kate Middleton

Kate Middleton - a woman with a perfect upbringing, that knows how to be friendly and hospitable, but still maintain the aristocratic seriousness. How you meet the guests, depending on the degree of your intimacy, but no visitor should not be overlooked. Kiss on the cheek or a firm handshake if guests come to you a little more familiar to you.

5. Think about the amount of food

If you invite about nine guests, remember that you will have to submit at least three kinds of appetizers and main dishes that every guest was, than to treat ourselves. Do not forget about vegetarian food, if you invite a large number of people and do not believe in their preferences. Pre-dinner cocktails are served, napkins and skewers for small snacks.

6. Provide each other as many people as possible

At a party, your job as a hostess - do not let guests get bored or do not know who to talk to, so Kate Middleton are always trying to introduce the largest possible number of people, so that everyone was comfortable. Of course, if you invite only close friends who know each other, focus on how to make time for all before dinner.

7. Keep your purse in the hands of

Rules of hospitality of Kate Middleton

In the event that collect a large number of people who are not accepted to come with a big bag, so Kate prefers clutch, which can be held in the hands, and it is with your fingers rather than a mouse, as if you are acquainted with the guests and shake them hand, you can get into an awkward situation. So you'll never drop your bag or hook it a table or other guests.

8. Do not forget to sit as the Countess

That posture, posture and position of the feet and hands are doing relative to the body of a woman the Countess. Natural elegance of Kate Middleton, you can see how it behaves as sitting and says. If you are offered a seat, make sure that you do not fall apart on the couch, and delicately settled on it. The legs can be crossed at the ankle area, the Cambridge style or placed side by side, under a slight angle to the floor. Of course, the legs should be kept together, no matter what you are wearing.

9. Keep a wine glass by the stem

The way you hold a glass with a drink - a mere trifle, but it gives you in the education and ability to understand the alcohol. Holding the glass by the stem, you avoid that the drink warms up and lose their properties, as well as the glass does not remain divorces and smudges. If you are dealt a bright lipstick, make sure that you drink from the same edge of the glass, so as not to leave behind a messy-looking dishes.

10. Hold the knife in your right hand and the fork in the left

Rules of hospitality of Kate Middleton

In the modern world is rare to find a table where guests have to use a knife and fork, even if they eat a small snack. Nevertheless, it is this habit gives to you this aristocrat. Put snack on a plate, and then use the devices. If your party on this tradition is not feasible, then just make sure that your food is to remain on the plate and fork used for its intended purpose. Hand and possible crumbs, use a napkin. Finished eating, place the devices on the plate diagonally.

11. Ensure that to the bathroom was the order of

If you want your bathroom stressed your hospitality, and was organized by etiquette, then follow the following rules. Firstly, the soap that you are prepared for the guests, must be fresh and have a slight odor in the case guests can not tolerate fragrances. Next to leave the soap and hand cream. Hide all economic agents and remove anything that may be unsanitary. If your bathroom has magazines, leave them only for decoration, it is not necessary to give guests a reason to linger. Candles arrange for ornamental purposes, fresh, and not started.

12. Do not allow guests to wash dishes

Many visitors wish to show appreciation for the good reception and help with cleaning, especially if close friends come to you. But allows guests to clean up with you or for you - bad form. Therefore, thank them, and politely refuse. Quickly remove the dishes in the kitchen, refresh the table and keep a party to plan. Also, do not clean up at a party, put off all these things to the moment when left alone.