Why is it important to love yourself

Russian language plays us bad joke. "Self-love" is so similar to the word "narcissism" that are sometimes confused. Love to yourself - this is rather self-respect and a willingness to accept yourself and become better. Any negative and does not smell - on the contrary, this is a great quality that we must develop in themselves for many reasons.

The uniqueness and self-sufficiency of

Why is it important to love yourself

The man who loves and respects himself can adequately assess their own identity and to accept it with all the advantages and disadvantages. This does not mean that you need to put up with the shortcomings - they need to be eradicated, but that they first need to find yourself. Without a complete self-acceptance, and its own unique personality that is impossible.

Self-acceptance helps not compare yourself to others and imitate someone, but makes it possible to rise above itself and move forward.

No guilt

Perfectionism often leads us to what we want to be the most-most, the perfect girl on the cover, though in fact even they are imperfect. If anything in us does not correspond to this imaginary picture, we get frustrated and start to feel guilty, and then completely with his head dipped into self-flagellation. There's stress and to close, but somewhere near him go depression, poor sleep, and other unpleasant consequences of nerves get up to mischief, unfolding the chain for a chain.

The ratio of the surrounding

When a man loves himself and appreciates, he feels self-respect and become calm and confident. Be sure that other people notice it at once: on circumstantial evidence, manner of speech, gait and posture, deportment, and many other little things that can "forge a certainty" only professional actor. We read a person much more information than used to think, because our subconscious mind works on a par with the mind.

It is this "subcortex" tells others about our inner state and partly shape their attitude towards us.


It would seem that the more we strive for the ideal, the better we look. But this is true only in part. In fact, if we do not set ourselves impossible tasks and act sensibly, as we love ourselves and do not want to be subjected to unnecessary stress and "race" of beauty, the results will be much better. In addition, a huge influence alignment with others. As soon as we relax, realize their own beauty, do not try on more than the other people's fashion images that may not suit us, and are looking for their own unique style. And it is always much better than someone else's someone else's.

The emotional stability of

Emotions - fragile and delicate thing, which in this case is able to change a lot. For example, an emotionally unstable person easily manipulated. Manipulators and "predators" in human society can smell a mile away emotionally unstable personality and willing to make them his prey.

A girl who respects herself and loves, do not need someone else's approval, and thus much of the manipulation of public opinion or censure pass by her side.

Interaction with relatives

Why is it important to love yourself

Love of self allows our character to become more open, kind and honest. These qualities can achieve happiness and mutual understanding with relatives. And best of all women feel self-esteem of its children. They then copy the behavior of the mother and grow healthy and confident. If you accept yourself and love what is, a lot of family conflicts seem nonsense and a waste of time. You will be able to make peace with everyone with whom quarreled over some emotional detail.

The world around us

we know that the love since the early years and children's fairy tales - a wonderful feeling. If it is directed at himself, that too is no exception. Once we fully accept yourself, your personality, body, strengths and weaknesses - we can finally stop endlessly analyze ourselves and turn our gaze from the depths of yourself to the world around. We begin sharper and thinner perceive everything that is happening around, from music and other people to landscapes and smells.

Personal development

We can begin to love yourself in the event that a good sort out the self and learn all their strengths and weaknesses. Once we accept them - we can begin a smooth and non-violent work on self-development and the eradication of the shortcomings.

Self-confident girl knows exactly how best to learn something new that make for a successful outcome of the case and how to work most effectively.

Acceptance of one's personality and its features can effectively distribute the rest time and work to find interesting things and generally live more happily and productively.