How to open a business without leaving the main job

There are many reasons that an employed woman may want to start their own business in parallel with the main job. For example, not all want to work for someone else's uncle, but for your business you must first dig of Finance. Or main job is to ensure stability, but does not give any career or professional growth in the future. Or you simply wanted to try his hand at something new and make extra money primary, if all goes well. After all, no matter what will be the new second case - an attempt to monetize a hobby, original startup or business good old beaten by the classical scheme. It will be a good experience, even if not everything will turn out perfectly. And if you take into account our advice, the ideal would be a little closer.

The balance and harmony of

How to open a business without leaving the main job

Do not mix the primary work activity and more. It marks a special time for her. Best of all, if a new business do not be associated with your main job, then there will be no conflict of interests or intersections. A true professional will not sacrifice time from work, even if it seems to him that he could carry out some actions in parallel.

The main work should not suffer because of what you have burned a new idea. However, you still breaks when you can record all the details of the new business in the notes. Just do not overdo it, because there are breaks for rest, but not for another job. Build the timing of their normal week and see on what exactly lessons you can grab the time to engage in the preparation of additional business. Bear in mind that this should not be a half-hour or even an hour, and a regular time - preferably every day. Find an hour or two of free time is easy, if you you want to do time management, planning and begin to acquire other good habits.

Market Analysis

Before you rush into the maelstrom of a new business with the head, carefully analyze your business idea and its relevance. Look how things are on the market of such goods, services or ideas. Whether the demand is there? Are there competitors? Maybe too many rivals? Or just people do not have to too?

Try to become the most competitive. You have to offer something that will differentiate you from the competition. Either a new idea or a wonderful service, a faster, cheaper and quality service. Do you have some kind of "chip" is not a decorative features that make customers go exactly to you?

If the business is not yet claim to originality or highly competitive, then postpone the opening of the case and think over everything again. Perhaps you need help or even a hypothetical change of activity.

The "road map" purposes

In your own business is good goals - a fair share of success. Make a "road map" goals: what do you want to achieve in a week, month, six months, a year - and that for this you need to do.

The objectives will be useful to put on the SMART system. It is an English term, which at one level indicates that the smart objectives have to be smart and intelligent (by direct translation of the word "smart"), at a different level - it stands for an abbreviation.

A good goal should be:

S (Specific) - specific and not vague. Figures, facts and results.

M (Measurable) - measurable, so that by it you can determine whether you have achieved it completely, if not completely, what is not enough.

A (Assignable) - assignable. If you work alone, the responsibility for the result will always be you, but reasonably certain aspects of the whole affair to entrust to others and to know exactly who is responsible for what.

R (Realistic) - real. There's even no need to comments.

T (Time-related) - packed in a time frame. You should always estimate how long it would take one or another task.

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How to open a business without leaving the main job

Since the beginning you will not be able to give a secondary business time clock, be sure to take care of a clear customer feedback. Let them write you tips and suggestions, dismantle disadvantages and offer options to pieces. Of course, some customers (especially disgruntled or rude) can sometimes write something sharp, but it's worth it. Just think: after all, even their coarseness they help your business become better and to find weaknesses, and even "for free" beta testing new ideas.

Divide and rule

In any business, there are many different aspects that will need to be implemented. Most likely, you alone can not do all-all-all things perfect. But this is not necessary. Think about how to pay part of the routine work and especially some specific things to outsource. Let it will be engaged professionals, especially because freelancers on the internet space today to find a snap. Maybe you will be able to persuade friends and relatives to help you if they have a rational mind, and the joint work will not interfere with your relationship.