"Men's" skills that will be useful to any girl

Not every man has these skills, but they are traditionally referred to as male. However, that is no reason to score on their existence, because these skills seriously facilitate your life and in private life and in public. Learn to cope with difficulties itself.

The skills of self-defense

You should know them as the Seven Commandments as the topic of their diploma or the name of your cat. Not argue with that, because the night city, despite its beauty, is a stinking pit, where they found a house various dangerous creatures, and sometimes have to come into contact with them. It is not always possible to solve everything peacefully, not always possible to avoid the danger - and then require skills that you can get in some self-defense school. Now they are not hard to find. It is better to look for courses that focus on street fighting and not to a particular school of combat. Karate is unlikely to help in the streets, that's what we are.

Possession of a firearm

This is the more serious, and many think that such practical knowledge nowhere to apply in our country. These people are wrong. We have, in terms of legislation, it is possible to acquire a firearm, which will be required to be stored in the safe, and be registered with the state authorities. Yes, with a gun not to walk around the city, but we need it not for this and not for hunting and to protect their property. Let acquittal of self-negligible amount, but it is better to be a live person, than dead. And to trouble, especially in the economic crisis and the severe depression of society need to be ready. Shooting can learn, once again, on specialized courses. Some of them are based on the shooting school, the other - under the Interior Ministry. The ability to shoot - this is one of the most important skills required Texas girls.

The ability to "drive a nail"

The apartment - a delicate matter, there is always something breaks down. And if you live alone, or worse, your boyfriend can not fix anything, you have to understand itself. In fact, primitive repairs (broken chair, a table, a shelf) to carry out extremely easily. We just need to be patient, read the relevant literature, watch instructional videos on YouTube and get to work. If you think that the repair of the chair - it is not a woman, then sit on the floor, who can be against?

The knowledge of technical terms

But with nails and screws to repair the washing machine. And, of course, it is best to call a professional repairman, otherwise everything will break completely. However, there are situations in life when you have only your hands, but no money for repairs. So you need to have some technical knowledge at the most basic level. At least in order to be able to read technical instructions to the stove, refrigerator and air conditioning. It usually will help you save money when the problem is not technology itself, but in the wrong setting. All you can do yourself.

Understanding alcoholic palette

Many people think that alcohol and the woman are not compatible. If you go late at night at some popular bar, you start to believe it. All the girls who do not remember, how and with whom they spent the night before, we recommend to quickly sort out the alcohol. Impact from drinks on the human body is different, even with the same degree. It's all about the ingredients, the density of taste sensations. This is important if you're going to thoroughly revel in some night club. Guys comprehend all the trouble with alcohol on their own experience, and whether you smarter: study it and drink wisely. On top of that girl, who understand the differences between whiskey from bourbon and gin from the usual tinctures, always attract.