How to protect yourself from harassment on the Internet

With the concept of "kiberbulling" I encountered anyone who leads an active life on the Internet. This can be a negative comment, trolling, name-calling and humiliation, and sometimes business can reach up to this bullying. The objects of the network of bullying are people who have managed to attract the attention of the audience with their advantages or disadvantages. For someone to a large number of haters can become an indicator of the success and popularity, for others - it is a source of self-doubt and present danger to life. We decided to look into the matter and tell you what to do, if you are being bullied on the Internet.

1. Choose interlocutors

How to protect yourself from harassment on the Internet

Silence - gold, especially on the Internet. To avoid becoming a victim kiberbullinga, you need to choose the right companions. Do not tell the details of his life to someone you know well enough. If you like to communicate on the network, then be careful, pouring out the soul of a new "friend", because what you say can be used against you. The same goes for the detailed written stories about his life, his memoirs and revelations in the public domain.

2. Take away the incriminating photos

To protect themselves and the information provided on your page, you can restrict access to its viewing or comments, but if you do not want to be the center of so much attention, then stop spread incriminating photos. Negative comments can be ignored or constantly throwing Hayter blacklisted, and can not initially give the public a reason to judge you or think badly of you. Also, your photos can be used to create false rumors about you. For a couple of minutes in Photoshop online sadist can create a true masterpiece, which are not easy to get rid of.

3. Never make excuses

The worst thing you can do if the persecution had already begun - is to participate in it. You can leave a concise and brilliant response to allegations haters, but it is better not to enter into communication with these people, because their goal - not to talk with you, and do not want to help you become a better, constructive criticism. Trolls and haters seek as soon as possible to knock you out of the rut and get bogged down in their own arguments. Delete comments, block users, restricted access to her page. Can you make a post to an official statement, to draw the attention of sympathizers, but not argue with those who seek to denigrate you.

4. Do not believe the threats to

How to protect yourself from harassment on the Internet

Kiberbulling may be accompanied by threats, network prosecution, harassment and actual danger to life. But as a rule, among the haters always get people to sort things out with whom it makes no sense. They will never act openly, will not come to a personal meeting and agree to be responsible for his words. The actual pages of these users will be difficult to track down if the situation suddenly becomes more of an action. Internet-baiting - it is convenient, since it is possible to exert a strong psychological pressure on the man in the comfort of your own home. Therefore, do not lose your self-control - after all, you can always go to the police in advance to make a screenshot, record conversations and confirm threats.

5. Ignore

Neither trend can not live forever, if no one is buying. Kiberbulling may go to extremes, but it still will not be your eternal punishment only if you do not feed him. If you hit the persecution, act quickly: Take away all the ambiguous information about yourself, will block access to their social networks, use the black list to the destination, and most importantly - do not respond to those who are trying to bait you. It sounds like you are teased at school, but this is human psychology - can not haypanut on what is not.