As the Internet spoils us life

In the first half of the twentieth century it was believed that young people spoil the radio and music. In the second half - that television. Now it was time to just talk about the Internet. And it's not that the older generation has always grumble at the younger, internet on the fact and the truth spoils our lives, changing minds and obstructing. However, he still remains a useful and versatile tool, so if you avoid the "hazards", then everything will be fine.

We present data statistics, which counts US independent social research. The figures in Russia is likely to look a bit different, but not in the smaller side, and more, as the spread of the Internet in Russia is the same as in the US, the cost of it several times lower, and the number of users - above.

The decline of productivity

As the Internet spoils us life

Many companies are closing their employees access to social networks, or even a large part of the Internet. No wonder, because studies have shown that continuous availability of the Internet actually reduces labor productivity. Many of the activities we do unconsciously - for example, check the tape updates or mail. Another danger - get carried away by the abundance of references and by going to the page "business project for the construction of residential buildings", 10 minutes to find yourself on the site dedicated to feeding the giraffes or Old Russian dances.

The average attention in humans is reduced by 1-2%. Not so much, but this is enough not only for the loss of time, but also to the constant switching from one task to another hurt to go back to the working plane and spent your ability to concentrate on the task in passive mode.

The dependence of

Have to admit that Internet addiction in varying degrees, there is now virtually every young person, especially in the general availability of gadgets. Mobile Internet in Russia - one of the cheapest in the world, so the state of "persistent connections" are not uncommon.

Even if Internet addiction is in a weak and embryonic form, it still affects the body. When depending on the use of the global network is allocated dopamine, which brings a sense of comfort. When in this case the connection is lost, the dependent person feels anxiety and discomfort, as if he had something to constantly miss.

The ability to read the

Just a couple of decades ago, a person's ability to read did not change with time. He is well-perceived artistic and scientific literature at a young age and just kept reading until old age, if the reduced attention is not conditional on any disease. Immediately after 5-10 years of continuous use of the Internet, our system of perception of printed text changes.

It becomes increasingly difficult to read long and detailed texts, especially not dilute the visual elements (images, frames, and so on. D.). Long novels and nonfiction are losing their importance, giving way to a short article on each individual issue. Deeply connected with the internet people worse perceives the whole book, and if he has to do this, it may be discomfort or constant desire to be distracted.


On the Internet at any time, you can get away from unpleasant conversation, news or information. "Do not like it - do not read it" or "do not like it - do not argue." Therefore, many avid users of the network to unlearn to deal with real problems, and even in this life continue to flee from them. But what is possible on the Internet does not always work in real life.

Internet users are hiding in a fantasy world, where a single mouse click you can hide in an imaginary little world from any trouble or things that are not pleasing to the eye. The next stage: when even a quarrel with relatives or problems at work a person hiding in the Internet because there everything is calm. Of course, in its segment, where it sits.

No need to say once again that the flight from problems does not lead to anything good. It is not necessary to climb on the rampage on the Internet, but in real life encounter difficulties still have to, otherwise then they zamatereyut and will become even worse.

The social behavior of

As the Internet spoils us life

Features of Internet communication and social networks lead to the fact that people were practicing to communicate in the traditional sense. Online, many people do not behave, both in life and in person then feels discomfort and tightness. In the Internet space more free and open, because it is always possible to leave, and no shame or emotional barriers do not stand in front of users. Real life is less tolerant of human weaknesses.

Communication in social networks leads to the fact that people are worse than read through and show emotions (no smayikov), constantly crave approval (likes) and try not to seem to be what they are. Some individuals even suffer tricks of Internet communication in real life, but it happens, fortunately, quite rare.

Reducing the concentration of

The most damaging effect of the Internet, we have reserved for last. People who have seen it, most likely, up to this point does not have read, or have missed the middle.

According to statistics, every page, even filled with lots of text, people are browsing for no longer than a couple of minutes. 17% of active Internet users and do spend 4-10 seconds to find everything that they wanted. In this case, the monolith in any text the user is reading an average of only 49% of the words, as if scanning the text of diagonally. And that's a good indicator - since each year this figure is reduced.

Internet imposes klipovoy thinking, which constantly need to be distracted by something bright, switch to a new block of text or theme, jumping from one to another. The concentration does not have time to appear, and then it begins to gradually flow shortage of the virtual environment in real. It is for this reason that the Internet is recommended to limit children and young people - if the habit to chaotic concentration entrenched in their young age, it then fix it is virtually impossible.