8 mistakes that you admit in your kitchen

Cooking - a complicated matter. Then you and the chemistry, which many of us have neglected to school safely, and physics, from which in memory there were only experiments with ebony wand. Fortunately, easy to cook and delicious to use it, do not have to repeat the boring science. Enough to avoid the mistakes that probably allowed each of us.

1. Throw away the wine due to the unpleasant smell

8 mistakes that you admit in your kitchen

Pour the wine - it is generally one of the most tragic mistakes that can happen to you. If you only learn to understand this drink, bear in mind that different varieties may exhibit strange and not always pleasant smell. Particularly sensitive say they fancied aroma of burnt tires, mold or even the smell of wet dog. I'd rather just drink and not think about the people who sniffing dogs as you advise.

To eliminate unpleasant odor, throw in a glass of clean enough copper coins. Then everything will make a chemical reaction, the details of which I you will not upload.

2. rezhesh lime halves

8 mistakes that you admit in your kitchen

How difficult to squeeze the juice from the lime, I was convinced, when I decided to cook Margarita New Year. If I knew the right way to cut the limes, they would not have had to spend the night with pure tequila.

Cut four pieces and leave the middle untouched. As a result, you get five pieces, squeeze the juice of which will be much easier.

3. overcook eggs

8 mistakes that you admit in your kitchen

Squirrels hate heat. And I'm not about animals, but the high-molecular organic substances contained in eggs. If your scrambled eggs or an omelet keep getting rubber, probably you cook them too quickly and over a high heat. The only way to get a tender omelet - gradual roasting over a slow fire.

4. merge all water from the pasta

8 mistakes that you admit in your kitchen

Before you pull the water from the cooked pasta into drains, leave half a glass in a separate bowl. Salt Starch Water - indispensable ingredient for any delicate thick sauce. Follow this advice and you will be pasta cooked perfect. Especially if you did it to one of our recipes.

5. Ready sophisticated marinade for grilling chicken

8 mistakes that you admit in your kitchen

mix mayonnaise with ketchup, add salt, seasoning for a shish kebab, garlic - and throw this mess to hell! All you need for the best in the history of cooking baked chicken - salt. Although no oven, perhaps, too, can not do.

6. do not use the meter spaghetti

8 mistakes that you admit in your kitchen

I have long wondered what in the kitchen set this strange Spoon with flat teeth at the edges and a hole in the middle. She, of course, it is convenient to scratch his back and fish out of water in the absence of dumplings skimmer, but it turns out, it was established for more noble tasks.

When you cook spaghetti, it is difficult to determine the amount of pasta. Beam in his hand always seems to be too small, but in fact you get a portion of ten people. The hole in the spoon and helps to measure the optimal amount of spaghetti and save your figure. There is even a spoon with not one, but several holes of different sizes. If you also hear about it the first time, do not worry - the little mermaid Ariel so even once took a fork of a comb, so that all happens.

7. fry potatoes in the same way

8 mistakes that you admit in your kitchen

It is difficult to find someone who does not like the chips. But that is no reason to prepare it every time in the oil in a skillet. Try to boil it a little salt water, and then put in the oven. Bake until soft state and formation of brown. I almost forgot the secret ingredient: wholegrain mustard make out the familiar taste of potatoes completely new. Just sprinkle a bit of seed before it will put the dish in the oven.

8. Throw away any unused eggs

8 mistakes that you admit in your kitchen

Let us return to the subject of eggs, if you understand that they may spoil before you have used them - frozen. This is useful even when you have left the yolk or protein. Freeze raw eggs better not in shell, and the pre-breaking.

Do not fill out the form completely, because when frozen egg expands. For culinary experiments can be pre-separated from the yolk protein, whisk and freeze individually.

When freezing the eggs do not lose their properties and flavor. The main thing - to give them a good thaw then, instead of throwing the ice cubes in the pan.