"Nano Botox": reviews beauticians

Beauty and youth are welcome for every woman. Unfortunately, in the modern pace of life, the environment and food, the skin is aging rapidly and losing its appeal. In addition, until this issue is faced by an edge, it seems that the wrinkles - it's not so scary. Nevertheless, in every man's life there comes a time when you come to the mirror and realize that this must be something to do.

Immediately you can find many different ways of dealing with facial wrinkles and age. However, several attempts, comes the understanding that not so it is simple. Then resorted to the help of professionals.

Today there are many different ways to help your skin fight against aging. One of the most effective and acquaintances - Botox. In addition to its administration procedures, there are less risky alternatives. Article illuminate this theme and talk about the most popular alternative to Botox - "Nano Botox". Reviews about this tool and its operation is worth considering in more detail.

What is Botox?

Botox - familiar to many cosmetic procedure. It presents an introduction to paralyzing agents in facial muscles. Carry out this procedure only in beauty salons. Trust your face should only specialists.

In this procedure, a considerable list of contraindications and prohibitions. For example, after the first few weeks of the procedure can not visit the baths, saunas and even use a hair dryer. An increase in temperature and heating can cause very speedy excretion from the body substance and its penetration into other muscles.

Botox injections are considered to be very risky procedure. Such an injection may cause an allergic reaction extensive until angioedema. They do it only if the indications for injections and the truth is.

The operation of such an injection is visible immediately and lasts about 3-4 months. Of course, with proper introduction, and if you do not violate the prohibition after the procedure. Recall that Botox - a paralyzing agent. Action miraculous shots is based on the immobilization of facial muscles. A substance that is entered in this procedure, temporarily paralyzes the individual movable parts, smooths and creates the same effect of the mask.

Indications for injections and rules

The indications for the procedure are significant age-related changes - wrinkles, and the effect of "crumpled" person. Small wrinkles no sense to smooth with botox. In this case, the result is not worth the risk, and they are.

After the procedure, you must 4:00 to lie with your head elevated. In this position the muscles will take its natural position, and so it zastynut. Injection sites in any case can not be touched by hands, and apply cream and mask. Do not use the exfoliating scrub, and tonics. Do not expose the skin to heat. Even prolonged exposure in the sun can be detrimental to the effect of the procedure.

Possible effects of Botox injections

Clear contraindications are: increased sensitivity, lack of indications for the procedure are allergic to components of matter, infectious disease, lactation, use of antibiotics, and more. This list is quite long.

The most common are cases of allergic reactions and intolerance to drugs and medical errors. Constantly talked flash incident and the terrible consequences of the negligence and incompetence of doctors.

In addition, in recent times due to the worsening of fashion on Botox, the hospital began to fall frequently young women diagnosed with - a heart attack. What is the connection? Myocardial - getting to the brain clots of blood cells. These clots sealed vessel causing it to rupture. Increasingly, such cases are among the elderly. At a young body as the brain recognizes clots blood cells and fights with them. If they do manage to get into the brain and block the vessel, the body promptly take measures to eliminate incidents. Heart attack - is, in fact, a little paralysis of the brain, thereby causing a blood clot. Young body quickly cope with this problem, without causing any inconvenience to the person. What is the relationship with Botox?

Botox - also a small stroke. When injected into the body substance, paralyzing part of the muscle, the body begins active struggle for survival. The brain thinks that the body dies and tries to avoid it. But when such an injection is carried out regularly, the body gets used to the fact that it is normal. Therefore, the effect of the first procedure is much faster than that of the next.

Another important factor is the emergence of psychological dependence. This is not surprising. Botox smoothes wrinkles immediately and the result lasts a long time. After removal of the natural substance from the body skin takes the same form. Of course, the newly formed "hostage" (or "hostage") once again falls on the table cosmetologist in order to make an injection.

These fans did not fear that as a result of such an injection could fall forever, distorted face, you may see a squint. All of these are normal side effects of the procedure related to the introduction of Botox.

An alternative to

The introduction of Botox, of course, a very dangerous and risky procedure. However, the effect of it is worth it. Unless, of course, there are good indications. Still want to do without outside interference and without the risks of premature heart attacks. This alternative has appeared not so long ago.

Today experts are actively trying to replace the risky procedure of ointments, creams and serums. We must pay tribute, some success, they still reached. The most popular in recent years has become a "Nano Botox". Reviews about this tool, bright and colorful. Immediately there is a desire to try this wonderful tool for yourself. It should specify at once that an equal replacement does not exist today. Botox - paralyzing injection directly into the muscle. Everything else - the creams and serums - operate exclusively on the surface as "Nano Botox". Real reviews, despite the abundance of positive advertising, yet differ in their content.

As an alternative means of work

Any means, whether creams, ointments or serum, are approximately the same way. The structure includes freezing poisons. Which poison gave their preference to the manufacturer - the question is not too important.

The basis of the operation of such funds - the freezing of the skin. Under the influence of poison or chemical to the skin as it freezes in position. The structure also includes a variety of vitamins and moisturizing elements. Thanks to them, there is no unpleasant sensations.

Also, due to elements such as vitamins, minerals, herbs and extracts of various oils, the silver ions and other components of the skin is smooth, soft and elastic. Sure, it's positive qualities and the result, as they say, on the face. But the main disadvantage of such means is the dependence of rejuvenation. That is, they work only as long as you use them. It should stop the course and the result will be gone.

The most popular means of

Recently, as an alternative to Botox has become the most popular whey "Nano Botox". Feedback on the spaces of the Internet a huge amount. But opinions about the effectiveness of this tool is divided. However, what are the real testimonials? "Nano Botox" - is not a panacea and does not escape from the age-related changes, as a solid advertising. But what then?

Negative reviews of "Nano Botox", however, as almost none. The point here is that harm the skin this means is difficult. The composition contains collagen, vitamins, silver ions, certain essential amino acids and poison. It sounds pretty nice composition. However, it is worth remembering how assimilated these elements. all right vitamins. They absorbed through the skin is not very effective, but the results are given, without a doubt.

And what about the rest of the list? Collagen, as well as the amino acids in general practically is not absorbed through the skin directly. Moreover, to restore youthful skin, the body needs the essential amino acids, which are contained in the body in a certain amount, and they can not get at any of the products or additives, they gradually flushed out of the body. They are irreplaceable!

The silver ions in this case, particularly for skin rejuvenation and completely useless. Yes, it is useful, but age-related changes have no effect.

Thus, there are only poison and vitamins. Also pleasant flavoring and perfuming agents, wetting elements. It is these substances except flavors, and give effect. Serum slightly freezes the skin, smoothing wrinkles, and other elements of the composition of a cosmetic procedure makes pleasant and helpful.

But remember, there is no cure for wrinkles, including "Nano Botox". Customer reviews are often convinced of the opposite. But in this case also triggered a placebo effect. That is, the consumer wants to see the result and see it, even if nothing does not fundamentally change.

Use of serum

Another undoubted advantage of this tool is easy to use. It is enough to put on your skin.

To begin, clean the face, make a gentle facial massage with serum "Nano Botox". Reviews of the procedure is also very positive. And it just is not surprising. The pleasant smell of whey and relaxing massage of the face can not be unpleasant. What do they say beauticians?

Reviews: "Nano Botox" in the eyes of physicians

Ironically, beauticians did not find anything wrong with this alternative infamous cosmetic procedures. It was asked many questions about the "Nano Botox" face. Reviews of doctors were pretty stingy, but on the whole, not negative. Embarrassed by the fact that the producers wonder drug claim that it has no contraindications and can apply it to 21 years. Ostensibly Serum is suitable for all age categories of consumers.

All creams, whose task is to combat age-related skin changes, are divided into categories by age. And all the medicines and the doctors did say that the more a list of contraindications and prohibitions, the more studied medicine.

The second point is logical. We all funds will be contraindications, they can not be. The longer the instructions for use and contra-indications, the drug is more familiar to modern medicine. We Botox is quite an extensive list of contraindications, restrictions and possible complications. This is quite suggests that the consequences of such a procedure are fully known and transparent. It also means there are no contraindications at all!

The first point of not less than logical. In different ages occur various processes of life and, quite logically, that the skin as the body as a whole, require different elements. The manufacturer claims that the serum will fill the supply of essential amino acids and vitamins. And according to the manufacturers, the need for vitamins and other micronutrients in women 70 and 25 years of the same.

Makes you wonder

Does actually wrinkle "Nano Botox" reviews will not tell for sure. It is understandable. Reviews physicians "Nano Botox" is also unlikely to illuminate. On the Internet, virtually no comments from the beauticians, who could be considered 100% accurate information.

It is interesting that the full composition of the producers kept secret, but revealing its secrets to the end. And the price of such a miraculous product per package is around 1 thousand. Rubles. Consumption in serum is relatively small. It is safe to say that a miracle cure for wrinkles is worth a penny. In addition, the site for the sale of the remarkable cosmetic means action carried out, in which you can win a nice prize. Everyone knows that such actions are performed one task - marketing. If the tool is rasprekrasnoe as the manufacturer says, why would attract much-hyped move in order to win the phone?

Still does not add confidence a huge mass of positive reviews. "Nano Botox" as if healed all these people. Everything is clear, if the product has helped, why not leave a good record? But how many good reviews about the wonderful and reliable technique?

Of course, there are negative reviews. "" Nano Botox "- Serum for the face just incredible stuff!" - read as such records. That's not all. In contrast, they have the following comments: "micro-emulsion" Nano Botox "- the hope of the human race, and adult women in particular."

It is understood that both of these opinions may not be completely true. First author, most likely, got a fake, which is probably true, and could do harm. The second author or just blinded by advertising and believes in the result of the whole soul, or even did not use means never.

Wonder products for the face, "Nano Botox" reviews collected a huge amount. Which of them to believe, and which are not - a private matter, who attended the return of youth. But it is necessary to realize that no one agent can not rewind time ago.


Prevention is always useful. Even in this item with wrinkles will not hurt.

Most of our skin in the conditions of modern ecology needs cleansing, moisturizing and protection. This, in turn, the three pillars on which stands all skin health. If you regularly moisturize and nourish the skin with all the necessary, then the expression of facial wrinkles and age can be significantly reduced.

Cleansing. Not to mention the daily removal of make-up (needless to say), I must say that a person should be regularly cleaned with a gel cleanser, special scrubs and tonics. It is impossible to wash too hot or cold water. The water temperature should be about room temperature. Never use soap. Because it destroys the natural balance of the skin protective film. Skin need nutrition and hydration. Then it becomes softer and more elastic. And it becomes more supple and radiant.

Protection. Of course, under such an aggressive environment, our skin needs to be protected. Winter just need to protect the skin from dryness and cold in the summer - overheating and excessive fat. Of course, against dirt and harmful trace elements - all year round.

All cosmetics should be of good quality and should not harm the skin. Pick up these funds must be in accordance with the type and preferences. Careful attitude to your skin will allow longer enjoy its beauty and dispenses with the new-fangled means unknown and risky injections.