6 ways to get rid of a bad habit

Promise to start on Monday, vow "never again", self-blame for what fell again - the circle passed, anyone who tried to get rid of a bad habit. The main thing here - not the strength of will and conscious approach. Heroine tells how to take control of their demons and start to change for the better.

1. Understand the psychology of habit

6 ways to get rid of a bad habit

Psychology suggests that habits are broken down into three main components: light, regular action, the reward. The signal triggers a regular action, which leads to a reward. In the case of nail biting award - is calm, in the case of a craving for sweets - a favorite chocolate bar.

You must understand that your bad habit repeating the same loop. Conscious approach - still not a victory, but a big step in solving the problem.

2. Examine your signals and lead daily

To gain control over the habit, you have to get rid of automatism. Safeguard, how regularly you repeat this action: how many cigarettes smoked per day, how often gryzesh nails, how many times have you wanted to eat something harmful. This visualization will help realize the scale of the problem.

In addition, the start track signals. What happened before you wanted to repeat his habit? Look for triggers and decide whether you have the possibility to avoid them.

3. complicate their access to the bad habit

6 ways to get rid of a bad habit

Another way to help get rid of automatism. If you can not resist not to check social networks hundreds of times a day, create a separate folder where you hide all applications. Then, every time you have to consciously look for the right social network, but not automatically click on it, when I decided to see the time on the phone. We have shared detailed ways to limit the time spent on the Internet. A more radical way - to delete the app and install only in order to check for updates, and then remove again. Inconvenience weight, so get rid of the habit will be easier than to follow it. This method is suitable only for the habits that are associated with getting something. In the case of otgryzaniem nail complicate its access to the fingers is virtually impossible.

4. Fight stress

Most often, a bad habit is generated due to stress. In addition, in this state, it is more difficult to control. Therefore it is useless to deal with the problem by staying in constant anxiety.

Learn to relax, look for a balance between work and leisure, as far as possible, avoid negative emotions. It is worth to learn quickly calming techniques to do meditation or breathing exercises. The main thing to do it before already smoked a couple of cigarettes or sgryzla half nail.

5. Replace a bad habit for a good

6 ways to get rid of a bad habit

Even if you are aware of your triggers and try to avoid them, the brain will still seek to fill the place that in your routine took a bad habit. Think of another ritual and repeat it every time, when you will feel the signal.

It is proved that enough to change one component habits: left trigger, and reward, but to find another regular action. The award can mutate a bit, but it should give the same effect - to bring peace. Replace action is much easier than getting rid of the triggers or keep yourself in the hands of willpower (which will lead to even more stress and disruption will end).

Chew gum instead of cigarettes, harmful food or beer cans; scuffle something in their hands instead of biting his fingers.

6. Visualize your goal of

The signal is tracked, replacing invented, now it is necessary to work on motivation. Think what you will get rid of the habit: health and significant savings in the case of cigarettes and harmful food; beautiful manicure - when it comes to self-mutilation. Calculate how much free money you will, if you refuse from fast food or cigarette, write down the points, what other benefits it will bring.

Concentrate not on what you do not want (smoke, gnaw, overeating), and is something to strive for, and wish to do so with all my heart. Keep the paper with a reminder of benefits in a prominent place to the goal has always been in front of you.

Do you have any bad habits and how you fight with them?