The female energy: 6 ways to stop it merge

Energy - is the amount of strength that is required for us to achieve the goals of internal development and just to wake up in the morning, to build relationships and love. We get energy from nature, and it happens naturally. We do not notice how in the implementation of the new ideas we have an inspiration, and love the state have the power to conquer the world. But there are conditions when it seems that we are not capable of anything. Sadness, depression, frustration and devastation occur when energy leaves us.

Heroine decided to mention such an important topic as the energy of femininity, and to tell you how not to merge their forces into nowhere, and convert them to realize themselves.

The female energy: 6 ways to stop it merge

In order to prepare the material and give you really good advice, I Darya Kharchenko, was held online training "Circle of female power", which offers a "Academy of privacy" Larissa Renard. All meditation techniques and tips of teachers I have tried personally, and now tell you about their discoveries, and how to begin to change your life right now.

What is the feminine energy

You probably heard about such concepts as feminine and masculine - two energies that create our world and are present in every human being. For good health and a harmonious life in the female energy must be in proportion of 75% female and 25% male. Women need us to be myself, to love and care, enjoy life, and men - to achieve their goals, to defend their interests and to take responsibility for their own lives. In order to survive and defend themselves, women often have to break this harmony, and go into the male energy. The result of such a violation - the desolation, loneliness, lack of pleasure, stress, and the feeling that life has lost meaning.

What gives us the feminine energy

The female energy: 6 ways to stop it merge

The harmonious proportions of the female energy is able to regain the meaning of life, to give strength and inspiration for new goals, plans, an opportunity to strengthen their position at work, at home and with a partner. In addition, the female energy - a source of joy and relaxation, it is a taste of life itself and the opportunity to develop their potential to the maximum. Have you ever said to yourself, "I do not have the strength," "nothing pleases me", "I do not have enough experience"? These phrases are just the lack of female energy inside. Some of its margin we get an advance, when a new idea lights up, fall in love, achieve success at work, accidentally glad something good. But not being able to keep this state and create its own, forced to fall into depression, and expect that someone will save us.

What is blocking the feminine energy

Women's energy - a natural flow, which is given to us by nature, driven by 4 elements, but what put us on the right, you can lose if the lead unhealthy lifestyle. Here is a small list of things that are blocking the feminine energy, causing you to lose your strength:

  • Stress
  • Addictions
  • Emotional dependence
  • Fear and anxiety
  • Suppressed emotions
  • Someone Else's responsibility
  • The fight and resistance
  • Pregnancy and childbirth
  • Unfinished business
  • Toxic men

Where to start to change your life

How to stop merging their energy

The female energy: 6 ways to stop it merge

Before you learn how to be filled with energy, which will help to achieve its objectives, it is necessary to be able to keep what is given to you without any effort: a good mood, pleasure, relaxation and inspiration. These are simple tips and good habits that make discipline and mindfulness will appear in your life.

1. Deal with a

The most important thing - to understand what exactly is blocking energy in you, and work with it. It may be negative attitudes about yourself such as "I am not worthy of happiness", "I'm ugly, stupid", "to me that something is wrong," "I'm not trying to." Or suppressed resentment, anger at the former partners and parents.

If something of the above resonates with you, it is necessary to turn to a psychologist and live the emotions that seem negative, but still waiting for your attention and care.

2. Learn to relax

The female energy: 6 ways to stop it merge

Stress kills not only the nerve cells, but also blocks access to energy. The ability to rest and relax - an important condition for a harmonious life of a modern girl. You can work hard, all the problems to solve on their own, but lose strength at the critical moment, if you forget every day to find time for themselves.

Get up early, loan yoga, drink a coffee or a cup of tea, stay alone with yourself and just relax. Do not forget to arrange a planned vacation: hiking for a massage, a manicure, a bar with friends. Among a busy day Mark at least 10 minutes to get some fresh air and see what is happening around you. After this time, you will feel a surge of vitality - this is feminine energy, which finally gained access to your body.

3. Be present in the moment

Another reason why we lose energy and can not keep anything inside - is the lack in reality. If you live past grievances and regrets or constantly expect that in the future there will be something that will change your life, then you are, in fact, and not live. Throwing between past and future is taken away from you the strength and bring only disappointment. Learn to test your reality and live what is happening at the moment.

Talk with people who are close to you right now. Enjoy the weather, think about the plans and desires, which are relevant at the moment. To deal with the emotions today, and then your life can change tomorrow.

4. Safeguard of

The female energy: 6 ways to stop it merge

The best way to live in the present moment - is to notice their achievements. Every day, to sum up, what good have you done today, how many pending cases brought to the end, how do you please yourself. Filling the event with meaning, you get the same energy advance, which can be used for new developments.

5. Look for examples of

Energetic people there, women, sparkling with light and having magnetism exist. If you notice, it's nice to talk to some girl, how beautiful it is to move and speak, then I saw an example of a woman who works together with his energy. Sometimes, in order to fill it, just enough to see a good example. In their environment among friends or in the movies, maybe in books about strong and successful personalities in the media - get your inspiration.

6. Meditate

The female energy: 6 ways to stop it merge

Meditation - is the surest way to connect with your inner and filled with energy. This practice has become part of a healthy lifestyle, but it makes more sense than the acquisition of a healthy mind. It is a source of female energy. Every morning, spends time out to just sit in silence, or to try a new technique of meditation. Whether at this time alone, to warn their loved ones that you can not be bothered, and just feel like you pouring in force.

How do I get access to the female energy

We have collected for you simple tips on how to keep yourself in good shape every day, from which to get rid of and what to strive for. But if you want to really change your life and start to enjoy it, it is necessary to join the training "Circle of female power" that offers "Academy of privacy", based Larissa Renard - Ph.D., biologist, psychologist, coach and author of educational books for women.

"Academy of privacy" - a space for women's development. This is the place where you can go for women practices, trainings, online marathons, consult a certified psychologist, to disassemble your problem on the balance, play a transformational play.

Most importantly, in the "privacy of the Academy," you have the opportunity to communicate with like-minded and filled with feminine energy. 18 years ago, Larisa Renard has created an academy for women's communication and professional support to women. During this time, thousands of girls around the world have been specially designed training and happier.

Major Academy trainings called "Circle of female power," and the same name as the book hit, written by Larissa Renard.

The essence of training: every woman has four states - "Girl", "Mistress," "The Queen," "Mistress." To live in harmony with oneself and the world, to achieve success in life, have a strong family and her lover, it is necessary to develop these four state-archetype simultaneously. That's how she talks about them Larisa Renard:

The female energy: 6 ways to stop it merge

Being able Mistresses, we show the creative part of his nature. We enjoy life and have fun with all that surrounds us. We feel relaxed, sexy, attractive, captivating and the most desirable!

Being able to girls, we show our emotions: we rejoice every detail, laugh, have fun and admire all around! The girl's condition presents us with ease and carelessness, gullibility and openness, gentleness and tenderness.

In the state of Mistresses we create around himself a special space for themselves and their loved ones, filling it with calmness, coziness and comfort. We demonstrate its practicality and thoroughness, care and wisdom, and the ability to transform any chaos into order.

And finally, in a state of the Queen, we have shown the independence and dedication. We feel confident in their abilities and talents, and freedom from other people's opinions. Status of the Queen gives us a sense of election and uniqueness.

Learn more about the "Circle of female power"

Did I find the female energy?

The female energy: 6 ways to stop it merge

I consider myself a modern woman, who used to do everything by yourself. Because of this, I work a lot, I feel constant stress and the state of devastation and disappointment when even the most favorite things cease to please - all of this is familiar.

Already after the first training video lessons, I began to feel a change. It's hard to explain - if you watched a good movie, and it impressed you, infected by the exploits. There was a mood and inspiration finally something do for yourself. Meditation and body practices for me - a complicated thing, all that I can, - to sit in silence for 5 minutes. During the training, "Circle of female power" talk about different techniques that can be repeated, depending on what effect you want to achieve. So I learned how to vent their aggression, to accept the mistakes made in the past, to be grateful to their loved ones and start getting them more attention as a result, and best of all - to understand what I really exciting.

While I took lessons, all the more convinced: in the "privacy of the Academy," all make for a woman, she is in the spotlight, her rights, needs and desires are paramount. And this is the main reason why I would like to see all my close friends and, of course, you have gone through this training.