Aging gracefully: how not to be afraid of his age

With aging can be combated, but you can accept it, the result is - no one retires with the same person with whom graduated from high school. The war eventually take a lot of strength and hit the self-esteem, so much more productive to learn to perceive their age. We tell about the habits, which is to acquire even now, if you want to age beautifully.

Use anti-aging creams for the prevention of

Aging gracefully: how not to be afraid of his age

Take your age - not to stop to care for themselves. On the contrary, the sooner you start to do it, the less effort will have to make after 30-40 years.

Start with the anti-aging creams, most of them are suitable for girls to 25 years. Wrinkles are easier to prevent than to correct. All my life I look 20 does not work, but with a good regular care age-related changes are less sharp, and you save on hardware cosmetology and fillers. It is important to not only look good, but also to remain natural.

Another important rule for youthful skin - do not leave home without sun protection. Use a cream with an SPF of at any time of the year.

To be aware of what you eat

Not all can and want to strictly adhere to proper nutrition, but you should reasonably in choosing products. Treat food as fuel rather than a way to pass the time and lift your spirits.

Listen to your body and feel how it responds to your diet: what food gives you the ease and energy, and what - just a feeling of heaviness and guilt.

Most go braless

Aging gracefully: how not to be afraid of his age

is one of the good habits that will keep your youthful breasts. Choose soft lamps, pitted and generally give up this part of the wardrobe, where there is such an opportunity. From a medical point of view of the bra is no good, on the contrary - it provokes sagging breasts.

do yoga

Stretching and strengthening muscles help maintain joint mobility and flexibility, which worsens with age. In addition, yoga - a good spiritual practice, useful for the physical and mental health.

Learning from his mother

Aging gracefully: how not to be afraid of his age

Do you want to see how you will look like in 20-40 years - look at her mother and grandmother. You probably have a lot of genetic similarities. Not the fact that their way - the standard for you. But you can see the signs that will help you in time to prevent any disease, or to draw attention to the problem areas.

See your doctor regularly

Your body is constantly changing, and in your power to control everything that happens to him. Pay attention to suspicious moles, irregular menstruation, malaise. Find your doctor and build a comfortable relationship with him.

Specialist who is watching you for years, it will be much easier to see if something went wrong.

Always be open to new learning and

Aging gracefully: how not to be afraid of his age

Age often affects our character before the exterior: we make, negatively perceived changes reluctantly get out of your comfort zone. Keep your mind open to different experiences, develop, do something that scares you. We strive to ensure that the stay easy, impressionable, eager for human life - is a young better creams and beauty treatments.

Follow the style of

We are at a glance can determine that a person looks young: not by the absence of wrinkles or gray hair, and by how contemporary he is dressed. Irrelevant styling, tasteless or bad sitting in the figure clothes, the wrong make-up will add a dozen years, even a young girl.

To be stylish, not necessarily on a regular basis to update the entire wardrobe and spend a lot of money, enough to learn how to properly use what you have already.

To practice self-love

Aging gracefully: how not to be afraid of his age

You have one life, one body and one set of DNA, so learn to accept and love ourselves at any age and condition. Understand what a real concern for themselves and how it differs from narcissism and laziness. Appreciate their own individuality, and strengthen confidence - this is the most important part of the work on oneself, without which everything else will be in vain.

What do you closer: Take your age or fight it?