Generation Y: 7 things that we have less than that of our parents

If you at least once read generation market research, I could see how dismissive they are millenialam. Post to Instagram, toast with avocado, smoothie and inability to save money - these are the main features of modern girls, according to researchers. Media also millenialov ridiculed for what they do not want to work for a stable office job and not being able to break away from their phones. Yes, Generation Y has created a whole new way of life, which is accepted to adhere to other principles, but it is not bad. Today, we are talking about what life millenialov quite a bit - and it does not harm its quality.

1. Items

Generation Y: 7 things that we have less than that of our parents

Many millenialy spend much less of their money on material things and so much more to experience. Contrary to misconceptions millenialy able to save money - that's just not spending it to buy new cars or apartments, and travel to other countries, immersive theaters or festivals like Coachella. Expenses for the memories - is not wonderful feature of modern society.

2. Regrets

Multitasking, two diary - personal and work five series on the waiting list, correspondence and search for cheap tickets - tasks can be so much that at the time of regret and feelings just will not. Millenialy so much easier to get rid of those who bring their negative emotions, social networks are blocked envious and are looking for work, which will be able to really develop, and not just to refill your account. The ability to say "no" - that significantly differentiates us from our parents.

3 Friends

Generation Y: 7 things that we have less than that of our parents

Millenialy rarely give birth to a lot of friends - mostly two or three closest person or partner. These people can be anyone - apart from the landing to the online acquaintance of the game, which millenial spent a lot of hours. On such people can rely on no matter what, to hear the harsh truth about yourself and trust the secret grave. What else is needed?

4. The drama

Some people think that millenialy create much ado about nothing by means of exhibiting his personal life on display or viewing reality show. But most modern women simply do not have the interest of time and effort to communicate with the toxic and tedious people, disputes or passive-aggressive conflict, so they avoid them successfully. To aspire to every millenial - so this is to ensure that surrounding yourself with people who are able to enjoy life.

5. Free time

It is difficult to imagine modern girl who is interested in the comprehensive development - and still has free time. During the day - the main work in the afternoon - part-time work, in the evening - a meeting with loved ones and friends. On weekends - visit useful activities, sports, business meetings in creative institutions. Not to mention the fact that this plot is always necessary to adhere to time to see the new "Avengers", otherwise you risk to find out the ending before you come to the cinema. In millenialov rarely found free time for anything else - but that does not mean that they have no time to enjoy life.

6. Leave

Generation Y: 7 things that we have less than that of our parents

No free time - and this is no vacation. But millenialy travel more than their parents - though their vacation is not in a meditative swimming in the indoor spa pool. All 14 days will be spent on it, to see the sights, taste the local cuisine, to be photographed in all the key points for their instagrama and even try an extreme sport.

7. Boredom

Even when millenialy complain that they have nothing to do, they really do not get bored. In a world of hundreds of things that I want to try - but it may not be enough financial or emotional resources. Fortunately, even for psychological assistance does not necessarily have a large earnings.