8 things in your apartment, which are harmful to health and the environment

Even if most of the day do you spend in your own apartment, it does not mean that you avoid the risk of contact with hazardous chemicals. Even the most innocent furnishings can impair your health, so be attentive to each of the acquired parts. Heroine has collected a few examples of what you need to immediately get rid of for the sake of your safety in the home.

1. Air fresheners

8 things in your apartment, which are harmful to health and the environment

If you regularly use air fresheners in closed rooms without ventilation - you only create a poisonous atmosphere in your own home. Two main ingredient air fresheners - glycol ethers based etilenta and terpenes. They both are considered toxic poisons, especially in the reaction with ozone present in the cylinder.

2. Incense

The whole world uses incense to the house smelled nice, and in Asian countries they are used also to perform religious rituals. Thus during combustion they emit smoke, which may become a cause of asthma, lung disease and even cancer. It is much more useful to use as a flavoring oil.

3. Expanded polystyrene

8 things in your apartment, which are harmful to health and the environment

Styrofoam - a substance used to make insulation and disposable dishes, it contains a toxic chemical called styrene. It can cause cancer, impaired memory and concentration, loss of vision and hearing. Whenever you eat something hot from the plate, which is made of such material - a styrene mixed with your food and ingested, causing disastrous consequences.

4. Spirals mosquito

These spirals are used even by our grandmothers, using them as a mosquito repellent. But alas, they are poisonous not only mosquitoes, but also for you. According to researchers from the University of Sydney, one mosquito coil produces the amount of smoke, which can be equated to 75-137 cigarettes. This amount is enough to make any man began to experience breathing problems.

5. Sasha clothes

8 things in your apartment, which are harmful to health and the environment

Scented Sachet often lie in a wardrobe to repel moths and cockroaches. Although they are rescued from harmful insects, yet detrimental to your health and - more often they contain naphthalene, which affects the red blood cells so that they are no longer able to carry oxygen. Inhale the aroma of these beads or wear of these cases - thus exacerbate their health problems.

6. The Cosmetics with phthalates

Given how much it cost's Skin Care, it seems that for such amount any harm it may not have. Nonetheless, some creams or lipsticks contain harmful chemicals such as phthalates or plasticizers. They have a negative impact on the reproductive system, so you should make a habit of carefully consider the composition of the acquired cosmetics.

7. Furniture made of pressed wood

8 things in your apartment, which are harmful to health and the environment

Cabinets and pedestals made of pressed sawdust, may be ideally suited to your interior, but carry a lot of harm to your health. These boards are made using a resin that contains harmful substance formaldehyde. The hotter it gets in the room, the more it is released into the air, which means that you are exposed to it. Formaldehyde is also becoming a cause of many diseases: from breathing problems and ending with increased risk of cancer.

8. The antibacterial rinses

If you use special antibacterial agents, such as soap, lotion for the feet or mouthwash - make sure they do not contain the chemical triclosan. FDA banned its use as early as 2016, but in Russia it is still possible to meet in a variety of cosmetic and pharmaceutical agents.

Do you pay attention to the composition of the piece of furniture when buying?