5 creative ways to relieve stress

Every day we are faced with problems at work or in relationships with loved ones, parallel accumulating negative emotions that often do not find a proper outlet. The inevitable result of such a lifestyle - stress and tension are actively undermining our health. Heroine will talk about a few ways to express themselves creatively, doing that you can get rid of worries and plunge into the world of bright positive emotions.

This article, we have prepared together with an artistic service Doodle & Sketch, where you can always find inspiration, take a break from everyday worries and immerse yourself as much as possible in the process of creation. In the online store you will find a catalog as separate products for drawing and ready sets for creativity. Unless you learn to draw, you can watch the video tutorials from the best artists in the world, or to subscribe to the training. Thanks to them, you will get acquainted with different artistic techniques, learn how to work with the texture, learn skillfully draw watercolor, pastel pencils and markers. You can order art materials Doodle & Sketch conveniently from anywhere in the world, at the same time as a bonus you will receive video lessons on drawing and sweets.

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1. Start to play music

5 creative ways to relieve stress

Music has a unique relationship with our emotions, so it can be an effective tool for managing stress. It is scientifically proven that listening to quiet classical music is able to slow down the heart rate and the heart rate, reduce blood pressure and levels of stress hormones in the body. To let the music in your life, try to play a CD in the car or turn on the radio when you are in the bathroom or shower. Take a portable player, when you walk the dog, or turn on the stereo system instead of the TV. If you have time and desire, sign in music class - a musical instrument game not only distract from everyday problems, but also to develop memory, improve spatial thinking and communication skills.

2. Write down on a culinary master class

5 creative ways to relieve stress

According to Ayurvedic teachings, cooking with aromatic oils, herbs and spices helps improve mood, to overcome the emotional experience, to reveal the energy potential and even enhance libido. You can take advantage of online tutorials on YouTube and cook something at home or enroll in a master class in one of the culinary studios of the city. Here you will discover the wonderful world of culinary arts, rack up experience, learn to cook unusual recipes, will find new friends, and most importantly - spend time having fun and benefit.

3. Educate drawing

5 creative ways to relieve stress

Painting - this is not just an art form, but also a powerful tool for fun and stress relief. Regular brushing will help you to work quickly clear his head, to get rid of negative thoughts and relieve the tension accumulated during the difficult work week. In addition, you will improve memory and concentration, broaden their horizons and learn to solve problems quickly. Gather everything you need for painting: sketchbooks, brushes, paints or markers - and go to a quiet and cozy place where you will be easier to tune into a creative holiday.

Remember that drawing is not an innate gift, artistic skills can develop and grow. Artistic services Doodle & Sketch offers detailed video hands on drawing from the well-known artists in the world, studying which you can learn how to draw their style and way of creative thought. Complete with video tutorials attached interview with the artist, a variety of art materials and professional advice to help you to paint more realistically. Even without the basic training of just a few hours you wake a creative perception and you can start to draw the emotional, juicy sketches and illustrations.

4. Learn to cook Aromakosmetiks

5 creative ways to relieve stress

If you like cosmetics based on natural ingredients - learn to cook it myself and transform new hobby in aromatherapy session. Natural basic and essential oils as part of tonics, creams and scrubs help to improve the skin, strengthen the immune system, elevate mood and reduce the level of stress hormone cortisol. Each aromatic oil is unique in its composition and carries a certain function. Lavender oil is often used for relaxation, it relieves stress, improves sleep and restores the internal forces. Orange helps to cheer up and perfectly cares for the skin: relieves inflammation, nourishes and improves blood circulation. Ylang-ylang relieves emotional stress and increases self-confidence, and rose oil increases efficiency, moisturizes and smoothes the skin.

5. Take care of gardening

5 creative ways to relieve stress

Scientific evidence shows that gardening is one of the most effective types of anti-stress activity. tillage, planting of plants and care for them relieve anxiety and increases the feeling of responsibility, and work with a rake can replace a full workout at the gym. In this case the plants planted on the balcony or window sill, such as orange tree, begonia, philodendron, potting lavender and aloe vera serve as a natural air humidifier saturate premises oxygen and volatile production - substances capable of reducing the number of microbes in the room, to improve the operability, boost immunity and vitality.