6 ways to make life more difficult than it should be

Sometimes life is difficult because we are doing it so. Each of us has a million and one ways to poison their own existence. Heroine picked only a few of them.

1. overestimate the time that you need to spend to perform some cases

6 ways to make life more difficult than it should be

For an hour looking at the dirty dishes in the sink and find excuses not to wash it, but when you take for it, it turns out that all spent less than 10 minutes. All day putting off unpleasant task for later, and finally spend a few hours in a negative rather than start it immediately and free for something more interesting.

It always happens: bad thoughts and struggles with consuming more energy than the most difficult and hateful thing. All you need to stop prokrastinirovat - finish this mental debate, throw all the "if" out of your head and start acting.

2. Thinking that you read other people's thoughts

It is unlikely that someone just thinks that he is able to hear the thoughts of others, but each of us many times unconsciously attributed this ability. When you imagine that the boss will respond to your request to increase. Afraid to talk to the guy that you liked, as sure it was non-reciprocal. You want to appeal to an influential, respected person for advice, but I think that he thinks you are stupid.

Playing in my head all these horrible life scenarios - the result of the erroneous belief that you know how to behave in a different person. You never know what's in his head, so I just take it and act.

3. fueled ego

6 ways to make life more difficult than it should be

A healthy self-esteem helps us to succeed and to build appropriate relationships with others - that's why it's important to deal with self-doubt. However, the ego is also able to bring a lot of harm, especially if it is fueled by negative energy. So people think that they are always in the spotlight, they are constantly worried about the imagined future, it is difficult to ignore the thought that others think about them. They find it hard to believe that people can be kind to them unselfishly, every compliment he fancies a mockery, and a request - an attempt to use them.

Learn to love yourself, but do not feed the feeling of excessive self-importance. I understand that the world does not revolve around you and not anxious to wait for your destruction.

4. Want to feel good, nothing to do without making

Everyone wants to be confident in yourself, accept yourself and take it easy for any business, without fear of judgment or failure. But none of these qualities does not fall on the heads of the people - this is the result of work on oneself. You do not become satisfied with myself, until you compare yourself with people in social networks, and more successful friends, regret and complain about life.

None of the successful man is not sure of himself and his talent from the start. But this did not prevent them to get started and become good specialists in their field.

In order to achieve harmony with yourself and others, it is important to learn to live consciously: stay away from the negative and destructive sources and replace them with something that gives you strength and inspiration to move on.

5. Considers that important only perfect result

6 ways to make life more difficult than it should be

Good to know exactly what result you want to achieve, but do not blame yourself if you failed to do.

Let your life is not like a picture from instagrama, and the world is full of peers who have successfully you, - Sorry about that, thinking up the perfect scenario, mental debate on "what if" does not bring you to your goal.

Allow yourself to be non-ideal, and at the same time continue to strive to become better. Prices are not only the result but also the effort that you have spent on something to achieve it.

6. too serious about life

The human mind is so constructed that it is important to see all the meaning and purpose. In planning, the creation of its priorities is not bad, but try not to give them undue importance. If you start to depend on the goals, you will become too vulnerable, because every time when something does go according to plan, you will feel that your life was in vain.