7 tips from successful women as well finish the day

Your life can be a little like a living star and businesswoman, but there is something that you have in common - feeling tired when you come back home after a crazy day. On how you spend the night, largely depends on what will be tomorrow, so learn the art of relaxation offer at the busiest women in the world. Heroine gathered some tips from successful people about what to do before going to bed.

1. Gwyneth Paltrow, Oprah Winfrey, Viola Davis: bath - the best medicine

7 tips from successful women as well finish the day

Gwyneth Paltrow successfully combines his acting career, family and writing books about healthy eating, creating their own clothing line, music lessons and always looks great and keeps quiet. Its main ritual after a long crazy day - take a bath.

I take a bath every night with Epsom salts to calm down - said Paltrow in an interview with Elle. - I use a lot of organic essential oils for my stress points.

According to the Star said, acupressure and bath - the perfect antidote to a busy day.

Professionals of the swimming calls himself a television icon Oprah Winfrey. In an interview with Harper's Bazaar, Oprah said that a lot of different foams, salts and oils in her bathroom.

For the Oscar-winning actress Viola Davis hot tub - the best way to spend the evening after a long day on the set. In an interview with BET it is recognized that soak for at least half an hour, often much more.

2. Sheryl Sandberg: leaving work, while still light outside the window

7 tips from successful women as well finish the day

A member of Facebook's board of directors and one of the most influential women in the United States Sheryl Sandberg says that her evening routine begins with the fact that she comes from work at the same time. As reported in an interview with Cheryl Makers publication, she leaves the office at 17.30 to 18 hours to have dinner with the kids. Businesswoman admits that she had to spend a lot of time to stop blaming myself for an early departure from work. But the time spent with the family, it is worth to even sit on a working e-mail, when the children are asleep.

3. Vera Wang: Turn your bedroom into a shrine

7 tips from successful women as well finish the day

The fashion designer Vera Wang said that to prevent emotional burnout is simple: Turn your bedroom into a special place. Decorate it so that all around help you relax.

My bedroom - my refuge, - says Vera Wang edition of Fortune. - That's where I'm developing designs often - if not literally, at least conceptually.

4. Blake Lively: eat chocolate to set the mood

7 tips from successful women as well finish the day

The actress, model, mother of two children, who soon expects third, Blake Lively enjoyed if not the healthiest, but enjoyable rule. She loves chocolate and do not blame yourself for it. As she says in an interview with Marie Claire:

I can not start their day without a cup of hot milk chocolate or finish without cracking a few slices of dark chocolate. It's good for my morale.

5. Ellen DeGeneres: Meditate

7 tips from successful women as well finish the day

The most highly paid in the world of TV presenter Ellen DeGeneres practicing transcendental meditation. This technique, based Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, is one of the most thoroughly studied and used meditation practices.

According to Ellen, transcendental meditation allows her to achieve a sense of peace. This technique helps to reduce stress and disclosure of the full potential of the mind, so it is used in some public and private schools in the United States, India, and Latin America. It is known that the director David Lynch has also for many years been practicing transcendental meditation, and this greatly influenced his work.

6. Jennifer Lopez: enough sleep

7 tips from successful women as well finish the day

When the edition of InStyle asked incomparable J. Lo on the best beauty advice, which she received for her life, the star replied: "Tip number one - always sleep as long as necessary." In addition, Jennifer is good to meditate and is convinced that, when a person feels love, he radiates beauty:

Beauty comes from within - you have to keep your mind, soul, body and spirit into unity.

7. Whitney Tingle and Daniel Dubois: write down ideas

7 tips from successful women as well finish the day

on a healthy diet delivery company founders Sakara Life, whose services are used by many celebrities such as model Iman, a lot of knowledge about healthy lifestyles. they call journaling and conscious thinking a good night habit.

A habit to save their thoughts helps to free his head from unnecessary thoughts and calm sleep. Heroine already talked about different ways to keep a diary.

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