What to give it is impossible, based on the people's will

In anticipation of the holidays, many people are confused. They are looking for presents for their friends and loved ones. It's quite difficult to find something that a person like that and he will surely be happy to see. How not to be mistaken with the purchase? You should know that you can not give. A list of such things, see below.


What to give it is impossible, based on the people's will

It is said that this piece of clothing is best to bear spell. Therefore, the tie has been ranked on the list of what can not be present at the birthday man.

This accessory can bind representative of the stronger sex to a woman who presented a show. Therefore, men are afraid to get ties on girls, especially from those they malosimpatichnye.


Folk omens always prompt that you can not give. And one of these bad of gifts is a mirror. Why? Find the roots of this complex beliefs. One of the most logical explanation is that the mirror is not given only to girls, because young ladies spent too much time in dark, which necessarily required a mirror and a candle. The final attribute, incidentally, is also not recommended to give. And after a woman tell fortunes (and the mirror is usually asked to show her future husband), the young lady did not want to go to marry the Cavaliers, who were brought to the house of the father and mother. Their daughter was referring to the fact that the mirror showed her other chosen. To avoid such incidents, mirrors give girls shunned.

What to give it is impossible, based on the people's will

But even that can not be present for his birthday? They say the clock - is one of the worst gifts. It is believed that such an accessory attract fast tiff between giver and the birthday. But, in fact, they are often considered magical attributes. After all, they can stop if human power is too strong. Also, many hours stop his move, if their owner dies. The Chinese, by the way, is directly linked ticking accessory to the death, so they are not something that it does not give, but they themselves are not.


By Western traditions, sharp objects can not be present. What is the worst that could happen? They say that the knives cut the relationship with the giver. The same goes for the scissors, pocket knife or any bladed weapons. But in Russia, this tradition is not very trust. Because of old nobles and gentry gave each other arms in recognition and respect. In the Caucasus, these traditions are still alive.

If we think logically, then you can find the roots of the signs in the elementary fear of people. After all, if a person is talented, God forbid, cut himself, or cause himself injury gift, it will be to blame the person who made this gift.


What to give it is impossible, based on the people's will

Jewelry, in fact, considered to be one of the best gifts for women. But specifically pearls can not be present. What kind of sign? In ancient Greece, it was believed that pearls - a nymph tears. And giving jewelery made from white pearlescent stones, you can give a man sorrow and grief. In Russia, it is believed that pearls can be present, but only adult ladies, and should wear it, too, only they. According to ancient legend, pearls are created for the strong spirit of the people, and weak individuals it can disorganize.

An empty purse

Personal items should be presented with cautiously. After all, they often attribute mystical significance. It did not escape the signs of a party and a purse. Here's what you can not give, because it is his. At least empty. If you decide to give an expensive and beautiful accessory, you still have to put in it at least 10 rubles. This is done in order to purse always vodilas least some coin. So it is advisable to invest into the present is not less than 1000 rubles.


What can not be present for his birthday? For many, it will be strange to read, but national signs prohibit a person to give the alcohol. Although the true cause here is quite obvious. Alcoholism is an illness - which in our country is subject to more than half of the population. No wonder if he himself came up with the people and the belief forbidding birthday solder at least on the day of his birth. A very popular sign reads "give alcohol - disease", and it seems quite obvious.


What to give it is impossible, based on the people's will

What to give it is impossible, based on the people's will? Well, of course, socks. This thing is personal, and give it not worth it. It is believed that socks will lead to change. The same thing goes for the pants. Perhaps this belief was thought up by men when they got tired of getting on February 23 socks. And the man's logic is that if the girl does not have enough imagination to a normal gift, and she presents the socks, then with the young lady will be incredibly boring, and you can immediately search for a replacement.


What to give it is impossible, based on the people's will

Like any other personal items, all kinds of combs is better not to give. On the comb, as well as on the tie is very easy to bring damage. Since ancient times, hair is considered the most vulnerable part of a person. That is why their girls plaited in braids and hid under the handkerchiefs. Give comb young lady could only her fiance, or parents. But such a gift from her friends rarely accepted. After all slanders and envy could bring the girl a lot of trouble.