Simulator for the neck and chin: a review, kinds and characteristics of the

Double chin creates a lot of problems for both women and men. He not only throws a few years, but also reflected in facial expressions. To get rid of it, you need to eat rationally and perform special exercises. Enhance the effect of exercise will help a trainer for the neck. What is this device and its variants - considered later.

Simulator for the neck and chin: a review, kinds and characteristics of the

The principle of operation of the simulator

The product is a mechanical device, which is based on the resistance of muscles. To do this, position the device under the chin and to rest in the upper chest. To start practicing, should strengthen the neck muscles press on the device.

Simulator for a neck with an inner spring, which has the opposite effect. Thus, the resistance can be enhanced by muscle. Depending on the model, the unit can be supplied with a set of springs of different stiffness. Their choice depends on power load.

Simulator for the neck and chin does not require special preparation. Classes can be conducted at any time and place. It is useful to give a few minutes of exercise at work, while watching TV or just waking moment. The duration depends on the capabilities of the person and the extent of the problem. Recommended time of from 2 to 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure can be several times a day.

Simulator for the neck and chin: a review, kinds and characteristics of the

device Efficiency

Do not blindly believe the advertising that promises quick relief from double chin. Simulator for neck braces can actually significantly tighten muscles and get rid of sagging skin, but the effort and spend a specific time should be attached to it. It should be understood that if the chin is made up of fat, in addition to exercise, a low calorie diet.

The simulator is capable of providing long lasting effect. Inflated muscles and elastic ligaments do not lose their elasticity for years. Thus, with exercise a few minutes a day, but on a regular basis, you can look good in old age.

An integrated approach

To training with the simulator to become effective, it should be a complete change of lifestyle and eating habits. Advertising, which states that use of the device guarantees the disposal of fat in the neck, somewhat disingenuous. The fact that only exercise and diet will help get rid of excess fat evenly. The simulator for the neck, used in combination, will help pump up the muscles and tighten sagging skin.

Simulator for the neck and chin: a review, kinds and characteristics of the

Reviews of simulators

On sale you can find several varieties of products. All of them, in general, are similar and have the goal to build muscles of the neck and chin.

Neckline Slimmer

The brand is widely advertised, so it is the most popular among the population. In order to adjust the force of pressing, complete, there are three springs. According to user feedback, the trainer for the neck and chin almost does not break due to simplicity of design.

Use it as easily. The upper part is removed for setting the desired spring. Then the cover is put in place - and the device is ready for operation.

Use of the model Neckline Slimmer

To get rid of the second chin should be attached to the upper part of the jaw, and abut on the lower chest. After that, the efforts of the chin muscle is raised and lowered, thus they worked. For best effect, we recommend to stay in the down position for 2-3 seconds. Reviews indicate that the main thing in this case - the compression force and the time of static electricity below. If you do exercise regularly, while having established power, the results appear in a couple of months.

Better training to carry out the scheme. To improve circulation and muscle strength exercises do 10 times for three sets. At the same time a lot of time it will not take. It is possible to devote for their face care for three minutes in a work break. The manufacturer claims that noticeable results can be seen in three weeks. However, user feedback suggests neck lift only after two or three months.

Simulator for the neck and chin: a review, kinds and characteristics of the

The simulator of Fix Price

The product resembles the previous one, but with a significant difference. Comes with only one spring, so adjust the level of loading will not work. However, the reviews suggest that the device is convenient to use. Simulator for a neck equipped with a soft rubber grip on the ends of which bear against the skin. In this case, it is convenient to store or take on the road. He compactly folded and placed in a lady's handbag. To do this, push the upper part of the body and turn clockwise to lock.

According to reviews, the device is no different from the more expensive counterparts. Its design is the same and the functions performed by the simulator, comparable. The main advantage of the product - the price. The simulator can take the sample and decide the subject is needed or not.

"Nefertiti" from Bradex

"Bradeks" - well-known company for the production of home treadmills and cosmetic products. The design "Nefertiti" is the same as that of the previous two. three interchangeable springs are provided for the convenience of the user. Also, the device comes in a case that makes its storage and transportation more convenient. Simulator for correction of Bradex neck provided with detailed instructions. It is written as it is to disassemble, change the spring and possible exercises:

  1. In order to strengthen the neck muscles, should be pressed on the treadmill inclination of the head.
  2. In order to get rid of the second jaw is necessary to resist the spring, opening the mouth and holding it in this position for 2-3 seconds.

In the opinion of women, the simulator does have an effect on the muscles of the face and neck. If you practice regularly, following the instructions and thus having established a balanced diet, you can remove the double chin for 2-3 months. However, if the saggy skin - the result of improper diet or heredity, it will only plastic surgery.

The product is able to pump up the weakened muscles, but to remove the excess skin is not able to. And "Nefertiti" the downside is it is too inflated price.

Simulator for the neck and chin: a review, kinds and characteristics of the

Original Face Slimmer

Whimsical simulator for facial and neck muscles are produced in Japan. It is made of silicone and is a big mouth. The product is inserted into the mouth and recite or sing the vowels. This ensures that the load on the muscles of the face and neck ligaments are utilized.

It is proved that such exercises performed daily, prevent premature aging of the face. Due to the effects of fine lines disappear on the lips muscles tightened oval. Blood surging during exercise, gives more saturated color of his lips.

Affecting the facial muscles, trainer influences the neck. Use it to remove excess fat deposits in the chin area and tighten the skin. Reviews show that the product really helps in eliminating fine lines. Use all the muscles of the face, except the eye area. The neck is tightened, it becomes even more pronounced.

Among the shortcomings identified users price. Original simulator produced in Japan. But on many Internet sites, you can buy high-quality counterparts, which also are not cheap.

Simulator for the neck and chin: a review, kinds and characteristics of the


Neck Exerciser reviews is twofold. Some people are happy with the result, others argue that it is useless. However, to the device to be effective, you need to practice regularly and eat right. In any case, you can first try a budget option and assess the validity of the more expensive model.