How to recognize a liar

• How to recognize a liar

How to recognize a liar

The American magazine U. S. News & World Report published a list of 10 tips that can help you successfully expose cheaters. At the heart of the tips is a deep study of the American professor of psychology Edward Geyselmanom human nature, mental, behavioral standards.

Signal a lie or an attempt to hide something have the following features:

1. When someone or something to inquire, people, holding a stone in his bosom, usually get off with a very short and concise explanations. In order to detect lies, you should try to talk with the person.

2. It should be remembered that although the attackers reticent, they often spontaneously try to justify their practice silence even when they do not encourage this.

3. Take note of the fact that the liars and those who have something to hide, as a rule, repeat the question each time before you give an answer. It may need them to gain time in thinking about cheating.

4. Those who hide their true goals and intentions, often closely watching the reaction of the questioner. It is understandable - I wonder the same kind of reaction causes a false story?

5. Professional liars as developing its version for the study investigator initially slow response speech, but then go off words as "fable" was invented.

After all, they know that "moo" is suspect. In normal, upright people this does not happen - they do not need to worry about, as they say - fast or slow. 6. Liars, as opposed to those that are not lying, often used in speech fragmentary phrases: they begin to respond, then suddenly break off ice, back to the beginning, and, as a rule, do not complete it.

7. When the sounds unpleasant question, the citizens, who have something to hide, most likely compressed lips, begin to stroke her hair and generally tend to produce similar actions on "body care". If a person is lying, it is likely, gesturing with his hands in the direction of ourselves. If not, then gestures go away, outside.

8. People who have nothing to hide, when asked to clarify the details, often deny that they are lying, and placing more of an explanation. Liars usually stand on his own, without offering further explanation.

9. Hearing difficult question, truthful people usually turn away, in order to concentrate on his understanding. Liars tend to turn away just for a moment, or do not try to move, unless, of course, the question does not require maximum concentration.

10. In order to verify the authenticity of narrated, it is necessary to force the narrator to repeat the whole story, starting at the end and not missing the nuances, with the repetition of the smallest details. Such a request undermines the position of a liar: even professionally trained impostor experiencing a heavy load on the brain, because it has to strictly follow the presented earlier version while monitoring listener response.